  • 那年轻人曾这样告诉我,他初来这办公室时,认为我是一个凌厉可憎,脾气极坏的人,而最近一段时来,他对我的观感,已彻底的改了过来。
    He then confessed that when I first came to share my office with his firm he thought me a terrible grouch - and only recently changed his mind.
  • 王平:大约14世纪初德国民就开始流行地滚球了。
    Wang Ping: Around the early 14th century, grounder began to prevail among the common people in Germany.
  • 第三十五条 地区之发生的水事纠纷,应当本着互谅互让、团结协作的精神协商处理;
    Water resources fee shall be charged to those urban units directly drawing groundwater;
  • 但用户们正在为用对象中件构造分布式应用程序打基矗
    But users are laying the groundwork to build distributed applications with object middleware.
  • 分类学按生物进化关系或结构关系分类的系统方法;分类学
    The systematic grouping of organisms into categories on the basis of evolutionary or structural relationships between them; taxonomy.
  • 她是个好演员,但仍需要时去熟悉她要扮演的角色。
    She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.
  • 你需要时去熟悉这项工作。
    You need time to grow into the job.
  • 在1990年至2000年间成长
    ... be grown during 1990 to 2000
  • 我舍不得浪费时在那件事上。
    I grudge wasting time on that.
  • 以费劲的方式建设着他们的矿谷;紧张的战役;辛苦的劳动;繁重的工作;艰难的进展;在这个计划上花费了许多令人筋疲力尽的时;按照累人的速度。
    worked their arduous way up the mining valley; a grueling campaign; hard labor; heavy work; heavy going; spent many laborious hours on the project; set a punishing pace.
  • 我们常常有点抱怨;但是彼此之仍然相爱。
    We grumble a little now and then. But there's no love lost between us.
  • 位于关岛和夏威夷之的西太平洋中的一个岛屿。
    an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii.
  • 而在这段时内,你可以与你的保证人谈谈。
    In the meantime, you can discuss it with your guarantor.
  • 而在另一些地区,戒备森严的州立商店只在办公时才开放,而且提供的酒类很有限。
    In others places heavily-guarded State Stores are only open during office hours and offer a minimal selection.
  • 在整个发射任务期,凡有美方卫星和设备的厂房,都交由美方安全人员负责警卫,中方人员绝对不得接近,若因工作需要必须入内。
    During the whole launch process, all buildings housing American satellites and equipment were guarded by American security staff, and personnel from the Chinese side were forbidden from approaching secured area.
  • 警察夜巡逻保护这个城镇。
    Police patrol at night guarding the town.
  • 自一九九五年实施《保安及护卫服务条例》以来,有超过700保安公司申领牌照。
    Since the implementation of the Security and Guarding Services Ordinance in 1995, more than 700 security companies have applied for licences.
  • 格恩西奶牛原产于格恩西岛的一种白色和褐色相的奶牛,以生产富于营养的黄色牛奶而闻名
    Any of a breed of brown and white dairy cattle originally developed on the island of Guernsey and noted for producing a rich, golden milk.
  • 第三种是双方争夺的中地带,即所谓游击区。
    and third, intermediate zones contested by both sides, namely, guerrilla zones.
  • 向顾客说明营业时间
    Telling Service Time To A Guest
  • 领班陪客人到房间去
    Waiter accompanies Guest to his Room
  • 操作飞船在行星旅行。
    guide in interplanetary travel.
  • 粉碎“四人帮”以后,由于“两个凡是”的指导思想的影响,还经历了两年徘徊时
    Even after the Gang of Four was crushed, we remained for two years at a standstill under the wrong ideological guideline of the "two whatevers".
  • 1978年改革开放以来,中国信息产业坚持引进、消化吸收和创新相结合,仅用十几年的时,就完成了许多国家几十年才走过的路程,迅速实现了通信的数字化。
    Since the implementation of the reform and opening up policy in 1978, adhering to the guideline of combining the introduction and absorption of foreign technology with the creation of our own technology. Information industry has realized the digitization of telecommunications in as short as more than a dozen years, which had been done by many other countries for several decades.
  • 2002年将举办五次分区域讲习班,2003年期也将在选定国家举办关于如何使用该指导准则的国家讨论会。
    Five subregional workshops are to be held in 2002, and national seminars will be held in selected countries during 2003 for detailed application of the guidelines.
  • 行会师傅被工业的中等级排挤掉了;
    The guild-masters were pushed on one side by the manufacturing middle class;
  • 在罢工期,代表采访、广告及文书员工的报业工会虽然曾设法查核会员人数,可是确切人数要数周后才能知道。
    Although the Newspaper Guild. which represents news, advertising and clerical workers, has tried to keep tabs on its members during the strike, the exact numbers may not be known for several weeks.
  • 无意对所犯罪过的承认
    An unwitting admission of guilt.
  • 你的吉他弹得很好,你每天练多长时
    You play the guitar beautifully. How much do you practice every day?
  • 我认为我和我女儿之没有隔阂。
    I think there is no gulf between my daughter and I.
  • 他与史密斯之有一道永远不可逾越的鸿沟。
    Between him and Mr Smith there was a great gulf fixed.
  • 海湾战争期我们的眼睛简直像是钉在了电视屏幕上。
    our eyes were literally pinned to TV during the Gulf war.