  • 我们不老是逃避现实—我们必须学会面对现实。
    We can't continue to bury our heads in the sand—we must learn to face facts.
  • “玛丽,嫁给我吧,现在还为时不晚。”—“我希望如此,可是我不这么做,因为你明天就会把我送进坟墓。”
    "Mary, marry me while there's still time." –"I would if I could but I can't, because you'll be burying me tomorrow."
  • 这台计算机的汇流排够传送系统内的任何两台计算机的数据。
    the busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system.
  • [谚]空言无补;画饼不充饥。
    Mere words will not fill a bushel.
  • 史密斯先生在许多方面是专家,不过许多人认为他不太干,因为他过分谦虚而锋芒不露。
    Mr Smith is an expert in many fields, but most people think he is not very smart because he hides his light under a bushel.
  • 从它的形状来判断,这很可是一条美洲毒蛇--一种最致命的蛇!
    From it's shape, it could be a bushmaster - the most deadly snake of all!
  • 他事情太忙,不看演出。
    He was too busily occupied to go to the show.
  • 随着ceo工作的重要性和见度的日益提高,在此我们已经不必要再去详细解释这几个精确的、商业性的大写字母所代表的含义了。
    It is testimony to the rising importance and visibility of the CEO that there's no longer any need to explain what these quintessentially businesslike initials stand for.
  • 商人千万不让顾客有不满意的感觉。
    A businessman must avoid leaving his customers unaccommodated.
  • 你认为他是一位干的实业家吗?绝对不是。
    Do you think he is a good businessman? Not by a long shot!
  • 外商在中国建立独资企业吗?
    Can foreign businessmen establish enterprise in china with their own capital?
  • 催孩子们动作快一些吗?
    Can you bustle the children up?
  • 尽管一些人可会觉得吵杂,但相信也有不少人会喜欢更有生气的居住环境。
    While some residents may dislike the hustle and bustle, not a few will love the surroundings full of life.
  • 另外一个考虑就是,布什从旁观看了1989年东欧天翻地覆的变动以后,他在西方对伊拉克的战争中扮领导角色。如果他逃避此一领导角色,仍然袖手旁观,他在国际间的声誉可大大受损。
    Another consideration was that after watching the Eastern European upheaval of 1989 from the wings, Mr.Bush assumed the mantle of Western leadership in the war against Iraq, and he stands to lose heavily internationally if he shrugged off that mantle and came to be seen once again as a mere bystander.
  • 作为标准或可选特性的一些功的可利用性,例如,字节操作、浮点指令、双精度。
    The availability of some function as either standard or optional features, for example, byte manipulate, floating-point instructions, or double precision.
  • 每个elan可有不同的包长度,允许用于向以太网工作站提供数据服务的elan以以太网的1516字节包长度运行,而那些只供服务器之间通信的elan还使用9180字节的包。
    Each ELAN can have a different packet size, allowing ELANs that are used to serve data to Ethernet workstations to operate at Ethernet's 1,516-byte packet size, whereas ELANs that are solely for interserver communications can use a 9,180-byte packet.
  • 利用adsl,一个未经压缩的900k字节的文件(含有一幅彩色图像)以3.6兆位/秒的速率在2秒钟内完成下载。
    With ADSI, a non-compressed 900K-byte file that includes a color image can be downloaded at a rate of 3.6M bit/sec in two seconds.
  • 一种硬件特性,使磁带机以每英寸800字节或1600字节的记录密度来读或写九磁道的磁带。
    A feature that allows the reading or writing of nine track magnetic tape at 800 bytes per inch as well as 1600 bytes per inch.
  • 这个方法告诉我们需要多少字节才容纳一个特定字串里的信息(字串里的每个字符都是16位,或者说2个字节、长整数,以便提供对unicode字符的支持)。自变量的类型为string,而且叫作s。
    This method tells you how many bytes are required to hold the information in a particular String. (Each char in a String is 16 bits, or two bytes, long, to support Unicode characters.) The argument is of type String and is called s.
  • atm每48字节数据就有5字节开销,这意味着对数据而言只使用带宽的90.5%,因此155mbpsatm连接线路实际上只提供140mbps数据,而且这还是未考虑lane环境中常见的进出bus和lecs中的附加信息流量的情况。
    ATM's 5 bytes of overhead per 48 bytes of data means that it can only use about 90.5 percent of its bandwidth for data -- so a 155Mbps ATM connection is really only supplying 140Mbps of data -- and that's before taking into account the additional traffic to and from the BUS and LECS found in a LANE environment.
  • 在c和c++中,sizeof()运算符满足我们的一项特殊需要:获知为数据项目分配的字符数量。
    In C and C++, the sizeof( ) operator satisfies a specific need: it tells you the number of bytes allocated for data items.
  • 噢,我尽力吧,但不一定帮上忙。
    Mm, I'll try my best, but I'm not sure whether I ca manage it.
  • 海军在导弹化、立体化、信息化建设方面取得了很大进步,已具备了近海防御作战力。
    The Navy has made great pro-gress in enhancing missile availability, three-dimensional operation capability and information capability, and it thus has acquired the ca-pability of offshore defensive operations.
  • 考虑到还有别的进口商,估计我们公司今年最多从中国订购大约五千万日元的丝绸。
    Considering the total number of the importers, we estimate that the maximum quantity of silk goods we ca buy from China this year is about 50 million Japanese Yen.
  • 考克斯委员会主席克里斯-考克斯(rca)和民主党党员诺姆-迪克斯(d.wa)在向美国参议院防止核泄漏政府事务小组陈述时指出:报告中有关“美国国家安全以及与中华人民共和国的军事/商务考虑”不解释成对中华人民共和国的控告,而是对美国政府允许中国“获取其信息和技术,包括国家安全机密”的披露。
    In their presentation to the Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Nonproliferation, both Chairman Chris Cox [R-CA] and Ranking Democrat Norm Dicks [D-WA] urged that their Committee Report, "US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with People's Republic of China" (US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, Report of the Select Committee, committed to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and "declassified", in part, pursuant to House Resolution 9, as amended, 106th Congress, 1st Session, http://www.house gov/coxreport/) not be interpreted as an indictment of the People's Republic of China[PRC] -- but rather an Indictment of the United States Government for allowing the PRC to "acquire information and technology, including sensitive national security secrets."
  • 为我叫一部出租车吗?
    Please call a cab for me.
  • 为我叫一部出租车吗?
    Can you call me a cab, please?
  • 为我叫一部出租车吗?
    Could you call me a cab, please?
  • 反对华盛顿的阴谋集团仅仅在北方找到支持者(乔治·班克洛夫特)
    "The cabal against Washington found supporters exclusively in the north"(George Bancroft).
  • 好的,给我订一间二人船舱吗?
    Fine. Can you let me have a cabin for two?
  • 走过这片湿地就看到猎人的小屋了。
    Walk through the swamp and we can see the hunter's cabin.
  • 这个房间住5个人。
    The cabinet can sleep 5 people.