  • 请寄我们春季用的衬料新品种样品,库存货或现生产中的布料均可。
    You may also send me pattern of any new lining in stock or on the loom, for the spring.
  • 二十世纪初的哲学家凡龙(vanloon)以“宽容”为遗产留后世,今天的人类在经历一百年的波折之后,是不是比一个世纪前的祖先具备更多的智慧和意识,有没有锻炼出同样的胸襟,以宽容的心去对待“异己”,去接纳“异见”,并且培养出比上一代更优秀的心灵,以温暖的掌心传下一代?
    Van Loon, a philosopher in the early 20th Century, left the legacy of "tolerance" to future generations. Humanity today possesses more wisdom and awareness than its forebears a century ago. Have we achieved the broad-mindedness to treat people who are different from us, and who hold different views, with tolerance? Can we nurture a human spirit which is superior to the generation before, and with our warm hearts, hand it down to future generations?
  • 二十世纪初的哲学家凡龙(vanloon)以“宽容”为遗产留后世,今天的人类在经历一百年的波折之后,是不是比一个世纪前的祖先具备更多的智慧和意识,有没有锻炼出同样的胸襟,以宽容的心去对待“异己”,去接纳“异见”,并且培养出比上一代更优秀的心灵,以温暖的掌心传下一代?
    Van Loon, a philosopher in the early 20th Century, left the legacy of "tolerance" to future generations. Do humanity today possess more wisdom and awareness than its forebears a century ago? Have we achieved the broad-mindedness to treat people who are different from us, and who hold different views, with tolerance? Can we nurture a human spirit which is superior to the generation before, and with our warm hearts, hand it down to future generations?
  • 那部电影孩子们留下深刻印象。
    That film knocked the boys for a loop.
  • 酒把他的话匣子打开了。
    The wine loosed his tongue.
  • 他本来真的不会告诉我,但我他喝了一些威士忌酒,从他口头套出些东西。
    He shouldn't have told me really but I gave him a few whiskies to loosen his tongue.
  • 他让电锯锯掉了一条胳膊。
    He have his arm lop off by an electric see.
  • 如果阁下愿意我时间,我就能拿出证据来。
    If your Lordship will give me time, I will produce the evidence.
  • 我一张去洛杉矶的单程票。
    A one way to Los Angeles, please?
  • 我找不到手表,我一定把它丢了。
    I cannot find my watch;I must have lost it.
  • 他以600票之差败对方。
    He lost by 600 votes.
  • 全部都给我。
    Give me the lot.
  • 脸上增加湿度的洗液
    Lotion that moisturizes the face.
  • 胸围部分多我留些余地。
    Give me lots of leeway around the chest.
  • 一种抽奖奖方法奖品是商品而不是钱。
    a lottery in which the prizes are goods rather than money.
  • (英国)一种抽奖奖方法其中彩券是从旋转的鼓中拿出的。
    (British) a lottery in which tickets are drawn from a revolving drum.
  • 抽奖售货法一种抽彩奖法,一些人购买彩券以获得奖品
    A lottery in which a number of persons buy chances to win a prize.
  • 一种抽奖奖的方法包括参与者所付的钱。
    a lottery in which the prize consists of the money paid by the participants.
  • 路易斯在植树中他的同学们做出了榜样。
    Louise set the pace in planting trees for his classmates.
  • 但因我们是路易斯安那州的州立大学,我们有义务予当地学生以优先权。
    Yet because we are supported by the state of Louisiana,we are obliged to give priority to local applicants.
  • 他在候机室等待飞机时,匆匆地家里人写了一封短信。
    He tore off a short letter to his family while waiting in the airport lounge.
  • 他想把他那台破收音机卖我。
    He tried to sell me his lousy radio.
  • 把你的几个臭钱他,命比钱更重要。
    Give him the few lousy bucks!Your life is more precious.
  • 那个汽车商卖我的这辆汽车毛病太多了。我去看他的时候毫不客气地对他说,卖这么次的车我还收我那么多的钱,你自己应该感到害臊。虽然他并没有把钱还我,可是,说了这些话我感到痛快多了。
    I pulled no punches when I went to see the auto dealer who sold me such a lousy car. I told him he ought to be ashamed to charge so much for a car that had so many things wrong with it. No, he didn‘t give me my money back, but I sure felt better afterwards
  • 但实际的情况是,一千多万失恋或好奇的人以为它来自某位朋友或同事,故而想弄清楚为什么他要自己发来一封求爱信。
    But in this case, it appeared to come from a friend or co?worker, and more th an 10 million lovelorn or curious people just had to find out why one of their a cquaintances was sending them a love letter.
  • 法国人想把他们的形象作为大情种兜售我们。
    The French try to sell us their image as great lovers.
  • 谢谢您给我的爱。
    Thank you for loving me.
  • 要想理解你姥爷的灵魂,读他写我的情书吧。
    To understand your grandfather's soul,read his loving letters to me.
  • 我把戒指交正在哭泣的米尔德里德,然后,家人们满怀深情地传看着戒指,谈论着曼梯·里。
    And I handed the ring to Mildred, who was weeping. The family then passed the ring around lovingly, talking of ML.
  • 就是这个卑劣的无赖将同一个广告卖了我们6个人!
    So the lowdown scoundrel sold the same ad to all six of us!
  • 如果你老是怕麻烦,不发动机添加润滑油,发动机当然会失灵卡住啦。
    If you never bother to lubricate your engine, of course it will seize up.
  • 润滑便润滑(比如轿车的接合处)
    To lubricate(a car's joints, for example).