  • 公共汽车猛刹车停住了。
    The bus jerked to a stop.
  • 门突然开了。
    The door opened with a jerk.
  • 急拉,用力拉拉;猛一拉或拧
    To tug at; jerk or tweak.
  • 船漂漂荡荡,后微微一颠突停了下来。
    The ship drifted and brought up with a light jerk.
  • 你是否曾在开会时心不在焉,是否曾在电脑前猛清醒,或曾在看电视节目时困倦打盹?
    Even space out during a meeting, jerk awake while at your computer, or snooze through part of a TV show?
  • 她突很不自地从靠窗的座位上站了起来,。
    She rose stiffly, jerkily from the window seat.
  • 急动,蹦蹦跳跳突地且迅速地上下运动或摆动
    To move or bob up and down jerkily and rapidly.
  • 向一侧扭拉的动作。
    a jerky pulling movement.
  • 杰瑞以为他击球得分,但是事实上裁判已在几秒钟前对他用手击球吹了哨子。
    Although Jerry thought he had scored a try, the referee had in fact blown his whistle for a knock?Con some seconds earlier.
  • 杰瑞以为他击球得分,但是事实上裁判已在几秒钟前对他用手击球吹了哨子。
    Although Jerry thought he had scored a try, the referee had in fact blown his whistle for a knock–on some seconds earlier.
  • 若问芝加哥公牛队的老板杰里·莱因斯多夫付给乔丹的报酬是否值得?你仍不大可能引起争议。
    Ask whether he's worth all that money he's paid by Chicago Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf, and you're still not likely to start any bar fights.
  • 尽管如此,科学家们仍找不出任何足够充足的证据,来证明墓志铭中所说的"耶酥"就是拿撒勒人耶稣。
    It's impossible, however, to prove absolutely that the Jesus named on the box was Jesus of Nazareth.
  • 制造业仍以出口为主,而且成绩骄人。香港继续是全球首要的纺织品、成衣、钟表、玩具及珠宝出口地之一。
    The manufacturing sector remains export-oriented and its excellent performance contributed to Hong Kong's ranking as one of the world's leading exporters of textiles, clothing, watches and clocks, toys and jewellery.
  • (犹太)薄煎饼包住馅,后油炸或焙烤。
    (Jewish) thin pancake folded around a filling and fried or baked.
  • 他觉得他需要的信息现在几乎都有了,可以说是万事俱备,只欠东风。有了它,整个形势就一目了了。
    He had the feeling that he now had almost all the information he needed, that he had everything but that one last piece of the jigsaw that would make the whole situation clear.
  • 吉乐说她买不起新衣服,而与此同时她又描绘起她刚买的那套新衣服。
    Jill said she couldn't afford new clothes yet in the same breath described the new out fit she'd just bought.
  • 首先汤姆来了,後是吉姆。
    First came Tom, then Jim.
  • 吉姆安无恙地逃脱了。
    Jim came off without a scratch.
  • 别人正在谈话时,吉姆突闯了进来。
    Jim broke in while others were speaking.
  • 吉姆忽讲出一番奇怪的话来。
    Jim came out with a strange remark.
  • 今天很冷是吗?—当是。
    It is cold today, isn't?—By jingo it is.
  • 哎呀!这地方方圆5英里之内竟没有一口井。
    By jingo, there is not a well within five miles of the place.
  • 我们围在琼的墓旁时,罗伯特突跳了进去。
    We were standing around Joan’s grave when Robert leaped in.
  • 玛丽在街上行走时偶碰上了琼。
    Mary was walking down the street when she suddenly knocked into Joan.
  • ,琼并不漂亮,可她非常聪明。
    Joan's not pretty, to be sure, but she's very intelligent.
  • 比尔·弗里斯的花园比乔的大,比尔也比乔更勤劳,但他的花园并不比乔的强。
    Although Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's and Bill works harder than Joe, his garden has nothing on Joe's.
  • 乔尔回来的时侯,当他上网时我仍能窥探到他的资料。
    When Joel returned, I could look over his shoulder as he surfed the Net.
  • 后,我迅速把vnc装载到我的计算机上,这样,我就可以"翻查"乔尔的硬盘了。
    Soon after loading VNC onto my computer, I was riffling through Joel' s hard drive.
  • 但我努力使乔尔--当,是使我们两个人--不会身陷牢狱。
    But in an effort to keep Joel -- O.K., both of us -- out of jail.
  • 接下来我打算安静地做自己的事。但突,我——真是心血来潮——决定打开收音机,还跟着比利·乔唱了一段,踏着我在舞蹈课上学过的舞步。
    I tend to work in silence, but at that moment I - yes, spontaneously - decided to turn on the stereo. I sang along with Billy Joel and reviewed a step I'd picked up in my swing?dance class.
  • 他们的生活在平静的农场上安地过了一天又一天。
    Their lives just jog along in the quiet farm from day to day.
  • 别碰我,不我就把东西弄了.
    Don't jog me, or you'll make me spill something!