  • 请给我一条温毛巾。
    Please give me a wet towel.
  • 侍者:我给您拿几毛巾来吧?
    Shall I bring you some towels?
  • 我已能用我的手指来摸索出大理石雕刻中的线轮廓从而获得这样的一些感受;
    I have been able to gather something of this by tracing with my fingers the lines in sculptured marble;
  • 线是开往南京的吗。
    Is the right track for Nanjing.
  • 把火车从一轨道移到另一上。
    transfer to another track, of trains.
  • 联系着车轮的提高冰或雪的牵引的链
    chains attached to wheels to increase traction on ice or snow.
  • 曾经在中国,韩国,日本开过的建立在一个贸易约上的港口。
    a port in China or Korea or Japan that once was open to foreign trade on the basis of a trading treaty.
  • 曾经在中国,韩国,日本开过的建立在一个贸易约上的港口。
    a port in China or Korea or Japan that once was open to foreign trade on the basis of a trading treaty.
  • 拖钓钓鱼时拖曳(一有饵钓绳)
    To trail(a baited line) in fishing.
  • 用曳绳钓(鱼)在一缓慢移动的船后面拖曳一根放了诱饵的线来钓(鱼)
    To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.
  • 和其它国家相比,在努力改善囚犯的环境件方面,我们好像落后了。
    Compared with other nations, we seem to be trailing behind in our efforts to improve conditions for prisoners.
  • 他踩到了那狗的爪子上。
    He tramped on the dog 's foot.
  • 对这普遍性的规律来说,流浪者似乎是个仅有的例外。
    Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule.
  • 他们踩出了一狭窄的小路。
    They have trampled out a narrow path.
  • 香港电车有限公司共经营6部分重叠的行车路线,包括全长13公里,由港岛北岸坚尼地城至筲箕湾的双程路轨,以及环绕跑马地长约3公里的单程路轨。
    The Hongkong Tramways Limited has six overlapping services, using 13kilometres of double track along the north shore of Hong Kong Island between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan, and about three kilometres of single track around Happy Valley.
  • 于是,天主上帝使他昏睡,在他昏睡时,取他的一肋骨,然后使伤口愈合。
    And so the Lord God put the man into a trance, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh over the place.
  • 在中方的积极推动下,两国政府先后签署了《关于在中印边境地区保持和平与安宁的协定》和《关于在中印边境军事领域建立信任措施的协定》等文件,为增进相互信任,合理解决边界问题,创造了良好的件。
    Actively propelled by the Chinese side, governments of the two countries signed protocols on maintaining peace and tranquility on the Sino-Indian border and on establishing trust measures in the military area on the Sino-Indian border, in an effort to enhance mutual trust and create good conditions for rationally resolving the boundary issue.
  • 47.直到1866年第一横跨大西洋的电缆才完全成功的架通。
    47. Not until 1866 was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid.
  • 外商向中国境内转让技术,凡属技术先进或件优惠的,可免征营业税和企业所得税;
    When a foreign investor transfers technology to China and when such technology is advanced in nature or the term of such transfer is favorable, its corporate income tax and business tax will be exempted;
  • 第六 除按下列规定可以转让外,探矿权、采矿权不得转让:
    Article 6 Exploration right and mining right shall not be transferred except for the transfers made according to the following provisions:
  • 第六十三 农民集体所有的土地的使用权不得出让、转让或者出租用于非农业建设;但是,符合土地利用总体规划并依法取得建设用地的企业,因破产、兼并等情形致使土地使用权依法发生转移的除外。
    Article 63 The land use right of peasant collectives shall not be leased, transferred or rented for non-agricultural construction, except in the case of legal transfer of the land that conforms to the general plan for the utilization of land and legally obtained by enterprises due to bankruptcy or acquisition.
  • 连动杆用铰链连接在另一部件任意一端的一横或杆,可将运动从机器的一部分传送到另一部分
    A bar or rod, hinged at either end to another part, that transfers movement from one part of a machine to another.
  • 在一定件下,我们能把坏事变成好事。
    Under certain conditions we can transform the bad into the good.
  • 铁心包在线圈内或变压器中的柔软铁,用于提供道路和加强由线圈曲转产生的磁场
    A soft iron rod in a coil or transformer that provides a path for and intensifies the magnetic field produced by the windings.
  • 翻译并执行完计算机程序中的一源语句之后,才去翻译并执行下一语句。参阅compile。
    To translate and to execute each source language statement of a computer program before translating and executing the next statement.
  • 我们现中断正常节目,播送一特别新闻。
    We now interrupt our normal transmissions to bring you a special news flash.
  • 转送被转送的事物,如一信息
    Something, such as a message, that is transmitted.
  • 在政治上,也只是在某一种情况说来(革命前进时)是对的,移到另一种情况(革命退却时:全部退却,例如俄国在一九○六年(22)、中国在一九二七年;局部退却,例如俄国在一九一八年的布列斯特约(23)时)也就不对了。
    Moreover, it is correct politically only in one situation (when the revolution is advancing), but incorrect when transposed to another situation (when the revolution is in retreat, in general retreat as in Russia in 1906[22] and in China in 1927, or in partial retreat as in Russia at the time of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk[23] in 1918).
  • 旧船确实是很不安全的东西。
    That old boat is a real death trap.
  • 高速公路上有超速监测器。
    Police speed traps are operating on this motorway.
  • 施工固体废物和营地生活垃圾分类收集,可回收成分尽量回收,不可降解成分运至环保件允许的地点集中处理。
    Solid waste from construction sites and trash from camp sites must be sorted out and recycled whenever possible. Waste and trash that cannot be degraded should be moved to appropriate places for batch treatment.
  • 杰克迟到是由于他经过的那街道在每一个交叉路口都必须先停车再走。
    Jack was late because he traveled on a stop street.