| - 面包蘸酒将圣饼在酒中蘸过并同时分发给领受圣餐者的处理过程
The administration of the Eucharist by dipping the host into the wine and thus offering both simultaneously to the communicant. - 频分多路通信
frequency division multiplex communication - 时分多路通信
time division multiplex communication - 通信兵担负军事通信任务,由通信、通信工程、通信技术保障、航空兵导航和军邮勤务等专业部(分)队组成。
The communications corps, responsible for military communications, is composed of specialized units engaged in communications, communications engineering, communications technical support, aviation navigation and military postal service. - 在通信技术中,一种按时间分割成多路复用的信道。
In communications, a channel derived by time division multiplexing. - 充分发挥报刊、电台、电视台、网络等的传播优势,以“通向2008”、“迎接2008”、“辉煌2008”等为主题,开设奥运专栏或奥运频道,办好体育广播。
The communicative power of the media such as newspapers, radio, TV and the internet will be fully tapped to promote themes like “Leading to 2008”, “Welcome 2008”, “Brilliant 2008”. Special Olympic programs or channels shall be launched or conducted, and the broadcasting of sports events over TV or radio shall be strengthened. - 一九七八年十二月,中美发表建交公报,美国“承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府”;“承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分”。
In December 1978, China and the U.S. issued the Joint Communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations, in which the U.S. "recognizes the government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China" and "acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China. - 一组元素进行加法和乘法两种运算,满足条件:乘法运算需分配于加法之中,这组元素要将这两种运算结合且换进行,附加的就乘法而言不可交换的恒等元素除。
a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1. - 而现在他们不得不过着被迫分居的婚姻生活,在日程安排上也总存在问题。
Today the couple maintain their commuter marriage with nonstop schedule jugging; - 我们的消化系统中的部分渗透壁;把土压实以免渗水。
the partly porous walls of our digestive system; compacting the soil to make it less porous. - 为说明我的观点, 我做了对比分析.
To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis. - 为说明我的观点,我做了对比分析。
To illustrate my point I have do a comparative analysis. - 生物学中研究动物进化历史的社会结构的分支。
the branch of biology that conducts comparative studies of the social organization of animals (including human beings) with regard to its evolutionary history. - 一部分贫农有比较充足的农具和相当数量的资金。
One category has comparatively adequate farm implements and some funds. - 相对的说,你们上月所报的价格比落兰货高百分之十,比日本货高百分之七。
Comparatively speaking, your price as quoted last month is 10% higher than that from Holland and 7% higher than that form Japan. - 我们可以通过比较来分辨好坏。
We can only tell good from bad by comparison. - 三民主义和共产主义两个主义比较起来,有相同的部分,也有不同的部分。
Comparison of the two reveals both similarities and differences. - 巧妙构思巧妙的诗一般的想象,尤指煞费心机的或过分做作的文章
A fanciful poetic image, especially an elaborate or exaggerated comparison. - 跟大部分的处女作相比,她的作品显得相当精练。
In comparison with most first novels hers shows considerable polish. - 这是一个分格存放鞋、珠宝等的箱子。
This is a case with separate compartments for shoes, jewelry, etc. - 这儿是我们的分隔间。
Here 's our compartment. - 我们坐在这个分隔间里吧。
Let's sit in this compartment. - 包厢小分隔间,尤指剧院里的包厢
A small compartment, especially a box in a theater. - 分离舱宇宙飞船上一个可分离的小舱,用来装载人员或仪器
A detachable compartment on a spacecraft for carrying personnel or instrumentation. - 片面强调经济工作中的地区、部门的行政划分和管辖,以至画地为牢,以邻为壑,有时两个社会主义企业、社会主义地区办起交涉来会发生完全不应有的困难;
In addition, there is excessive emphasis on regional and departmental jurisdictions in the management of economic work, which has led to compartmentalization and the tendency to profit at the expense of others. This has sometimes created unnecessary difficulties between two socialist enterprises or regions. - 现今生活分成工作和闲暇两部分.
Life today is compartmentalized into work and leisure. - 你不能如此划分你的生活。
You cannot compartmentalize your life like this! - 可分辨磁极方向的罗盘
A magnetic compass bearing. - 政府不能阻止一个独来独往的恐怖分子滥杀无辜,一个充满同情心的邻居却可能阻止悲剧的发生。
The government cannot stop a lone terrorist from killing. However, a compassionate neighbour can. - 在任何奉行自由市场经济的社会?,总会有部分人给遗忘,而我相信,香港是一个有爱心和富同情心的社会,有责任向这些人伸出援手。
Now, in any free market economy there will always be a sector of the community which is left behind and I believe we have a duty as a caring and compassionate community to give them a helping hand. - 新加坡是亚洲的新兴国家,多元种族,再加上深受西方文化及科技的冲击,我们更应全面深入了解东西方文化的区别,分歧以及它们之间的融汇性。
As a newly-emerging nation in Asia, Singapore is characterised with multiracialism and influenced by Western culture and technology. Hence the particular need for an in-depth understanding of the cultural divergence and compatibility between East and West. - 这对夫妻由于合不来而分手。
The couple separated because they are not compatible.