  • 不但中央、省委、地委、县委、社党委,就是一个工厂、一个机关、一个学校、一个商店、一个生产队,也都要实事求是,都要解放思想,开动脑筋想问题、办事情。
    Comrades in every factory, government office, school, shop and production team as well as comrades in Party committees at the central, provincial, prefectural, county and commune levels -- all should act on this principle, emancipate their minds and use their heads in thinking questions through and taking action on them.
  • 1959年民主改革以后,西藏更涌现了一批优秀的文艺作品,如歌曲《北京的金山上》和《翻身农奴把歌唱》、表演唱《逛新城》、歌舞《洗衣歌》、音乐舞蹈史诗《翻身农奴向太阳》、话剧《文成主》、电影《农奴》等,在国内外都产生了一定影响。
    Particularly after the Democratic Reform in 1959, a number of excellent literary and art works emerged in Tibet and, to a certain degree, influenced people both at home and abroad. These works include the songs "On the Golden Hill of Beijing" and "Liberated Serfs Sing," the song with actions "Strolling Around the New Town," the song and dance combination "Washing Clothes," the dance epic with music "Emancipated Serfs Turn Toward the Sun," the drama "Princess Wen Cheng" and the movie "The Serfs.
  • 涵洞桥跨越涵洞的路或堤岸的一部分
    The part of a road or embankment that passes over such a sewer or drain.
  • 长江中下游干流3576里堤防加固工程基本达标;黄河下游堤防加固完成断面达标982里。
    A total 3,576 kilometers of main embankment along the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and 982 kilometers of embankment along the lower reaches of the Yellow River were reinforced and came up to anti-flood standards.
  • 全区已建成大小灌溉水渠1.3万多条,水库、塘坝5200余座,总库容2.7亿多立方米;河道堤防工程18处,堤防总长约250里。
    It has seen the building of over 13,000 major and minor irrigation channels, some 5,200 large and small reservoirs able to hold more than 270 million cubic meters of water, and 18 river embankment projects, with a total length of about 250 km.
  • 新增税额将限制该司的发展前途。
    The new taxes will lay an embargo on the store’s future prosperity.
  • 司在远东的销售额受到禁运的严重影响。
    The company's sale in the far east is seriously affected by the embargo.
  • 司在远东的销售额受到禁运的严重影响。
    The company 's sale in the far east is seriously affected by the embargo.
  • 作为计划的一个环节,以全体务员为对象的持续进修研讨会暨展览亦于同月举行。此外,资助务员自学计划亦已推出,资助务员自行报读与就业有关的外间课程。
    Under the programme, a service-wide Learning Symposium and Exhibition was organised that month and a Training Incentive Scheme launched to offer financial incentives to civil servants to embark on self-initiated and employment-related external studies.
  • 今年,我们会发表三十七份施政方针小册子,各局局长和其他首长会在小册子中,就政府各个工作范畴,一一定下明确的成效指标,为未来数年进一步提高务员效率奠定稳固基础。
    This year we will publish 37 Policy Objective booklets in which Bureau Secretaries and other agency Heads will specify the results we aim to deliver for the community in the bulk of the Government's programme areas. This process has laid a solid foundation for us to embark on a drive for higher productivity in the years to come.
  • 全区已建成大小灌溉水渠1.3万多条,水库、塘坝5200余座,总库容2.7亿多立方米;河道堤防工程18处,堤防总长约250里。
    It has seen the building of over 13,000 major and minor irrigation channels, some 5,200 large and small reservoirs able to hold more than 270 million cubic meters of water, and 18 river embarkment projects, with a total length of about 250 km.
  • 我不喜欢在开场合演说,太难为情了。
    I don't like making speeches in public; it's so embarrassing.
  • 试图阻止难堪的事情开化的行为。
    an attempt to prevent something embarrassing from becoming public.
  • 司与美国大使馆有供给合同。
    This company have the contract to supply the american embassy.
  • 特命全权使派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使
    A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.
  • 这对陷入垄断案的微软司来说是一个重大胜利。
    It was a major victory for the embattled software maker.
  • 朗讯司的inferno是为嵌入式系统设计的完整系统。
    Lucent's Inferno is an entire system, designed for embedded systems.
  • 这种重复使用和自包含的本质来自于微软司更早的面向对象应用程序研究,即对象链接和嵌入(ole)标准。
    This recyclable and self-contained nature is a legacy of Microsoft's earlier object oriented applications effort, the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) standard.
  • 路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦款,除掉可能的竞争对手。
    Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
  • 挪用款;盗用或侵吞
    To misuse funds; embezzle.
  • 侵吞公款
    Embezzle public funds embezzlement of public funds
  • 侵吞,盗用盗用(款)或参与盗用
    To embezzle(funds) or engage in embezzlement.
  • 他为了隐瞒挪用款一事而在数字上做了手脚。
    He juggled the figures to hide his embezzlement.
  • 盗用钱款和搞欺诈这类罪行不会像谋杀、抢劫银行那样引起众的广泛关注,但是这些大多数发生在银行里的白领犯罪却造成了几十亿美元的被盗。
    Embezzlement and fraud do not receive as much publicity as murders and bank robberies, but billions of dollars are stolen in these white-collar crimes, which occur mostly in banks.
  • 我们除了一贯地提倡节约、反对浪费和严惩贪污(贪污五百元以上的处死刑)之外,还实行了连续两次的精兵简政,一九四三年度粮比一九四二年度减少了百分之十六到十七,这是实际的效果。
    We have consistently encouraged the practice of thrift, combated waste and severely punished embezzlement (the death penalty is inflicted upon anyone who has embezzled 500 yuan or more). In addition, we have conducted two successive campaigns for "better troops and simpler administration", with the result that agricultural tax paid in grain in 1943 is 16 to 17 per cent less than in 1942.
  • 根据朱总理的指示,审计署还组织开展了全国粮食清查审计,不仅核实了新增财务挂账和其他不合理占用贷款数额,为解决粮食企业财务挂账和深化粮食流通体制改革提供了依据,而且还查出了2200多件挤占挪用收购资金、骗取国家补贴以及贪污款等严重违法违纪案件。
    According to instructions of Premier Zhu Rongji, the National Audit Office also organized and carried out a nation wide audit of the grain sector. Making clear of the exact amount of the newly increased liabilities arising from irregular accounting treatment and other irregular use of loans, this audit has provided a basis for resolving the problem of irregular accounting treatment to fish for more state subsidies in the grain sector and for deepening the reform of grain circulation system.Meanwhile it also disclosed 2200 serious irregularity cases involving misappropriation of grain purchase funds, defrauding state subsidies and embezzlement.
  • 一发现亏损,就立即提出指控而获得了逮捕令逮捕那用款的人。
    Soon after the loss was discovered a warrant was sworn out for the embezzler's arrest.
  • 因为我不愿为不正地投入监狱这个事实而痛苦下去,而且为了把自己弄得很忙,我就自愿多干额外的活儿。
    I decided that I wouldn't let the fact that I was unjustly imprisoned embitter me, and to keep myself occupied, I volunteered for extra work.
  • 作为那些司的拥有者,她被视为财富的象征。
    Being the owner of those corporations, she is regarded as an emblem of mammon.
  • 带有司标志的大货车;空军的徽章
    Trucks marked with the company emblem; the emblem of the air force.
  •  三、《中央人民政府布中华人民共和国国徽的命令》附:国徽图案、说明、使用办法
    3. Order on the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China Proclaimed by the Central People's Government. Attached: Design of the national emblem notes of explanation and instructions for use.
  • 就业是民享有劳动权的直接体现。
    Employment is the direct embodiment of the citizens' right to work.