  • 会议通过了这议案。
    The meeting adopted a resolution.
  • 该项决议得到与会者致的认可。
    The resolution was accepted unanimously.
  • frye案中,哥伦比亚地区巡回法院裁决否定了测谎器证据在谋杀案中的使用,因为该项技术还没有在相关的科学界得到接受。
    Frye, a District of Columbia circuit court ruled against the admissibility of lie detector evidence in a murder case because the technology had not been accepted in the relevant scientific community.
  • 决议被一致通过。
    The resolution was unanimously passed.
  • 中国支持并认真执行联合国及安理会通过的系列关于反对恐怖主义问题的决议,并已向安理会反恐委员会提交了执行安理会第1373号决议情况的报告。
    China supports and has conscientiously implemented a series of resolutions on the anti-terrorism issue passed by the United Nations and its Security Council, and has submitted to the Security Council Anti-Terrorism Commission a report on the implementation of Security Council Resolution No. 1373.
  • 我今天发言的第二个目的是向大家展示更多的证据,我们将把我们已经得知的伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器的消息,以及伊拉克与恐怖分子之间的关系公布于众,这同样是1441号决议的和其它更早的决议的内容之
    My second purpose today is to provide you with additional information, to share with you what the United States knows about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as well as Iraq's involvement in terrorism, which is also the subject of Resolution 1441 and other earlier resolutions.
  • 法定证据规则般认为,程序如何更好的进行不应该是证据可采性听证会的主题,因为特定案件中鉴定质量影响的是证据的重要性而不是它的可采性。
    Legal evidence rules generally hold that how well work is performed should not be the subject of an admissibility hearing because the quality of testing in a particular case goes to the weight of the evidence and not its admissibility.
  • 在这些州内,新的高等法院或者立法机关是改变证据可采性标准的唯途径。
    In these states, new high court decisions or legislation are the only means to change admissibility standards.
  • 该决议案无异议地致通过。
    The resolution passed without a dissenting voice.
  • 域名争议解决政策条例
    Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
  • 来自主席台的建议被致通过。
    The resolution from the platform is passed unanimously.
  • 来自主席台的建议被致通过。
    The resolution from the platform was passed unanimously.
  • 这个包含在hostingredirector元素中的,在同个uddi注册中心中的,可解析的bindingkey可以通过getbindingdetail消息返回。
    This bindingKey is resolvable in the same UDDI registry where the hostingRedirector is found via the get_bindingDetail message.
  • 个多项式分解为因数。
    resolve into factors, as of a polynomial.
  • 在中国的长篇小说《红楼梦》里,那个柔弱多情的男主角很喜欢和女人混在起,深深崇拜他那两个美丽的表姊妹,常以自己生为男孩子为憾。他说“女人是水做的,男人是泥做的”。因为他觉得他的表姊妹是可爱的,纯洁的,聪明的,而他自己和他的男同伴是丑陋的,糊涂的,脾性暴戾的。
    In the Chinese novel Red Chamber Dream, the boy hero, a sentimental mollycoddle very fond of female company and admiring his beautiful female cousins intensely and all but sorry for himself for being a boy, says that, "Woman is made of water and man is made of clay, " the reason being that he thinks his female cousins are sweet and pure and clever, while he himself and his boy companions are ugly and muddle-headed and bad-tempered.
  • 我们必须决定下步骤该怎麽办。
    We must resolve what to do next.
  • 任何误解都可能酿成场争吵。
    Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel.
  • 捣毁堵隔墙;丧失了我们的决心
    Break down a partition; broke down our resolve.
  • 反对反而增强了我们的决心。
    His opposition served only to strengthen our resolve.
  • 架高性能的望远镜能从星云中分辨出星球来。
    A powerful telescope can resolve a nebula into stars.
  • 公正方为解决争端而举行的谈判。
    negotiation to resolve differences conducted by some impartial party.
  • 23.因此,我们决心在我们切有关环境的行动中,采取新的养护与管理的道德标准,作为第步,我们决心:
    23. We resolve therefore to adopt in all our environmental actions a new ethic of conservation and stewardship and, as first steps, we resolve:
  • 解开理清或解开(堆乱糟糟的或纠结成团的东西);解开
    To straighten out or disentangle(a jumble or tangle); resolve.
  • 个享有盛名的空战部队男飞行员们称赞道:“即使我们在你们的脚下铺满鲜花,也远不能表达对你们英勇事迹的片敬意”。
    "Even if we were to place at your feet all the flowers of the earth," eulogized an admiring group of male combat pilots, "they would not be a big enough tribute to your valor."
  • 我们决定至少每年访问欧洲次。
    We resolve to visit Europe at least once a year.
  • 好久好久了,他的世界就是以她为中心,就是她总在身边——给孩子们擦伤的膝盖涂药,起做腿脚弯弯曲曲的姜饼人,观看罐罐的蝌科,欣赏毕加索发了疯似的画。
    For so long his world had centered round her just being here--patching the children's grazed knees, helping to make wobbly-legged gingerbread men, admiring jars of tadpoles and Picasso-gone-mad paintings.
  • 他决心再用功一些。
    He resolved to work harder.
  • 我下决心定要赶上。
    I resolved that I would!
  • 在圣诞节前夜,当保罗走出办公室,他发现街上个顽童正边围着他闪闪发亮的新年转,边赞叹的问:“先生,这是你的车?”
    On Chrismas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it."Is this your car, Mister?" he asked.
  • 但或许是这些美丽和热情原本就在预料之中,我在领略她美好面的同时,却又尽量想去发现她有哪些缺憾。
    Yet, perhaps taking all this as expected, while admiring its many attractive aspects, I tried to find out whether there was a flaw in the jewel.
  • 我们向前开着车欣赏风景;这匹马以稳定的步伐向前小跑;马戏团向前到下个城市巡回演出;前进;向前进军。
    we drove along admiring the view; the horse trotted along at a steady pace; the circus traveled on to the next city; move along; march on.
  • 下议院改组为全院委员会。
    House of Commons resolved itself into a committee.