  • 要想了解这样庞大的官僚体系的运作情况是不可的。
    It is impossible to understand the workings of such a huge bureaucracy.
  • 要想了解这样庞大的官僚体系的运作情况是不可的。
    It was impossible to understand the workings of such a huge bureaucracy.
  • 更多的条例意味着更多的官样文章,而我们却希望拥有更大的应变力和更大的伸缩性。
    More rules mean more bureaucracy, yet we want greater responsiveness and more flexibility.
  • 我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无的官僚给弄丢了.
    I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • 我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无的官僚给弄丢了。
    I suppose my application have been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • 我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无的官僚给弄丢了。
    I suppose my application have is lose by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • 他相信普通人看重出身而不仅仅是地位:他们趋附贵族而不容忍官僚。
    He believes that the common people defer to birth but not to mere position: they dearly love a lord but they can’t stand a bureaucrat.
  • 本来这句话是讥笑那些无的官吏,只会吃肉而已。
    The original intention of this saying is to mock those bureaucrat officials who only knew how to indulge in eating meat (but are otherwise quite useless).
  • 其他如查田工作、经济建设工作、文化教育工作、新区边区的工作,一切工作,如果仅仅提出任务而不注意实行时候的工作方法,不反对官僚主义的工作方法而采取实际的具体的工作方法,不抛弃命令主义的工作方法而采取耐心说服的工作方法,那末,什么任务也是不实现的。
    Nor can we accomplish our tasks in any other field, for instance, in checking up on land distribution, or in economic construction, or culture and education, or our work in the new areas and the outlying districts, if all we do is to set the tasks without attending to the methods of carrying them out, without combating bureaucratic methods of work and adopting practical and concrete ones, and without discarding commandist methods and adopting the method of patient persuasion.
  • 应该缩小领导机关,减少领导机关的层次,尽可地把多余的工作人员腾出来派到下层去,使留在领导机关的工作人员必须亲自处理实际工作,防止领导机关官僚化的危险。
    The number of staff and of organizational levels of leading bodies should be reduced. The leading bodies should send as many of their surplus working personnel as possible to lower bodies and let the remaining personnel handle practical work themselves, so as to guard against the danger of bureaucratism.
  • 也就是说,关键在于党是不是善于学习,学习得好就可以避免犯大错误,就可以少花一点钱办很多的事;关键在于党否依靠群众,不断地克服自己队伍中的主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,特别是教条主义。
    In other words, successful development depends on whether the Party is good at learning (if it is, it will avoid major mistakes and get more done on less money), and whether the Party relies on the masses and constantly works to root out subjectivism, bureaucratism, sectarianism and, in particular, dogmatism from its ranks.
  • 革命当中的主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,会使我们脱离实际和脱离群众,在建设中如果犯主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,也会使我们脱离实际和脱离群众,会使我们不达到勤俭建国的目的,会使我们不调动一切积极因素来搞好建设。
    During the revolutionary years, subjectivism, bureaucratism and sectarianism estranged us from reality and the masses, and in the course of economic development they can do the same, making it impossible for us to build up the country through thrift and hard work, and to bring into play all positive factors in our effort to make development a success.
  • 她这个人可是很正直的,但是以小心谨慎为妙。你要知道,这个城里到处是以色相诱骗男人钱财的女子啊。
    She may very well prove to be on the up and up, but it pays to be careful. This burg is full of gold diggers, you know.
  • 他们听到一里以外的夜盗警报。
    they could hear the burglar alarm a mile away.
  • 知道您对最近一次撬窃案的看法?
    Can I know your standpoint on the recent burglary?
  • 知道您对最近一次撬窃案的看法?
    Could I know your standpoint on the recent burglary?
  • 携带被用来作入屋偷盗的工具,这是一种严重的犯罪行为
    Notifiable offence of carrying tools which can be used for burglary
  • 和沉闷的人一起度过的一个乏味的晚上;对于一些乏味任务的缓冲作用;一出乏味的戏;他对角色胜任但乏味的表演;不吸引与会者注意的差劲的演讲者;写一封长信是一件多么让人厌烦的工作-埃德蒙·伯克;火车上的单调时光;蟋蟀无聊的鸣叫-马克·吐温;别人的梦想是非常令人乏味的。
    a boring evening with uninteresting people; the deadening effect of some routine tasks; a dull play; his competent but dull performance; a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture their attention; what an irksome task the writing of long letters is- Edmund Burke; tedious days on the train; the tiresome chirping of a cricket- Mark Twain; other people's dreams are dreadfully wearisome.
  • 去年十二月中,他忽然来了一封信,是从坤甸寄来的,大意说他从父亲死后,油木皇生意失败,家中不存活,不得已带着妻子来这里当一个教员,已有两年多了。
    Last December, a letter from him suddenly appeared, posted from Burma . The gist of the letter said that his father had passed away, and the oil milling business had collapsed. His family could no longer maintain a livelihood and he had no choice but to take his family to Burma where he had been a teacher for more than two years.
  • 产生热火焰的火炉。
    a burner that produces a hot flame.
  • 够从管道中传送照明气到煤气灶的装置。
    a device to convey illuminating gas from the pipe to the gas burner.
  • 如果你们的城市使用天然气,每当你打开开关,你打开的那条管道的另一端可埋在一千英里开外的地下。
    If your city uses natural gas, whenever you turn on a gas burner, you open a pipe whose other end may go down into the ground a thousand miles or more away.
  • 可燃的够点火及燃烧
    Capable of igniting and burning.
  • 对于明星们来说,如果够在壁炉上摆放上一座小小的金质奖杯,该是多么的荣耀啊!
    There's nothing like a little golden statuette on the mantelpiece to burnish a fragile ego.
  • 热咖啡造成一度烫伤。
    Hot coffee can give first-degree burns.
  • 无人否认火燃烧的事实.
    No one can deny the fact that fire burns.
  • 热咖啡造成一度烫伤.
    Hot coffee can give first degree burns.
  • 任何烧伤或破坏活组织的化学物质。
    any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue.
  • 我盼望汽车快点到站,我很想去方便一下。
    I wish the bus would burry up and get to the station, I'm dying to spend a penny.
  • 不过,这一统计数字可会误导,因为许多人,像伊莉莎白·泰勒、希尔顿·汪尔丁、托德·费舍、伯顿·伯顿、华纳·福顿斯基没完没了地结婚。四分之三的美国人结了一次婚就一直保持下去,另一些人换几次伴侣才最终安定下来。
    However, this statistic is misleading: many people, such as Elizabeth Taylor Hilton Wilding Todd Fisher Burton Burton Warner Fortensky, marry repeatedly, but three-quarters of Americans who marry for the first time stay that way.The others go through several spouses before settling down.
  • 如果有困难,你不逃避它。
    If there is a difficulty, you cannot just bury your head in the sand.
  • 海盗常把金子埋藏在山洞里,而后来又没取走。
    The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then failed to collect it.