  • 堅持用馬剋思列寧主義、毛澤思想和鄧小平理論武裝全體黨員,在全黨興起一個學習貫徹"三個代表"重要思想的新高潮。
    We must continue to arm all Party members with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thoughtand Deng Xiaoping Theory and usher in a new upsurge in the study and implementation of the important thought of Three Represents.
  • 阿根廷的首都和最大城市;位於阿根廷部接近烏拉圭的地方;是阿根廷主要港口和工業,文化中心。
    capital and largest city of Argentina; located in eastern Argentina near Uruguay; Argentina's chief port and industrial and cultural center.
  • 他拒絶使用生意人所專用的西。
    He excluded to use something used exclusisvely by business people.
  • 並不是這兩件西都有用。
    Both of them are not useful.
  • 想想那郵票吧:其用處在於它能粘住一樣西直至達到目的為止。
    Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consist in the ability to stick to one thing till it get there.
  • 任何有實際價值或使用價值的西。
    anything of material value or usefulness.
  • 許多西並非在他們處於被發現的形式時就是有用的。
    Many things are not being in the form usefulness that the time been found.
  • 廢物毫無價值或用處的西
    Something worthless or useless.
  • 是以前的蘇聯中最大的蘇维埃共和國,占有歐洲部和亞洲北部。
    formerly the largest Soviet Socialist Republic in the USSR occupying eastern Europe and northern Asia.
  • 鐵幕(從西方觀點看前蘇聯及歐共産黨國傢與西方之間在信息、貿易等方面的屏障)
    The frontier separating the former USSR and other communist countries of Eastern Europe from the West, seen by the West as a barrier to information and trade
  • 我還是點平常吃的西吧。
    I'll stick to my usual.
  • 1944年,爆發了反對國民黨統治的、作為中國人民民主革命運動一部分的“三區革命”(“三區”是指當時新疆的伊犁、塔城和阿勒泰三個地區),分裂分子艾力汗·吐烈(原蘇聯烏茲別剋人)竊取了“三區革命”初期的領導權,在伊寧成立了所謂“突厥斯坦共和國”,自任“主席”。
    In 1944, the “Revolution of the Three Regions,” which was part of Chinese people’s democratic revolutionary movement, broke out against the Kuomintang rule (the three regions referred to Ili, Tacheng and Altay), but separatist Elihan Torae (an Uzbek from the former Soviet Union) usurped the leadership of the revolution in its early days, and founded the so-called “Republic of East Turkistan” in Yining, with himself as its “chairman.”
  • 現在國民黨新軍閥的統治,依然是城市買辦階級和鄉村豪紳階級的統治,對外投降帝國主義,對內以新軍閥代替舊軍閥,對工農階級的經濟的剝削和政治的壓迫比從前更加厲害。從廣出發的資産階級民主革命,到半路被買辦豪紳階級篡奪了領導權,立即轉嚮反革命路上,全國工農平民以至資産階級⑴,依然在反革命統治底下,沒有得到絲毫政治上經濟上的解放。
    The present regime of the new warlords of the Kuomintang remains a regime of the comprador class in the cities and the landlord class in the countryside; it is a regime which has capitulated to imperialism in its foreign relations and which at home has replaced the old warlords with new ones, subjecting the working class and the peasantry to an even more ruthless economic exploitation and political oppression The bourgeois-democratic revolution which started in Kwangtung Province had gone only halfway when the comprador and landlord classes usurped the leadership and immediately shifted it on to the road of counter-revolution; throughout the country the workers, the peasants, the other sections of the common people, and even the bourgeoisie,[1] have remained under counter-revolutionary rule and obtained not the slightest particle of political or economic emancipation.
  • 收藏品一組或一類被行傢收藏的西,如仿古玻璃製品或傢用器具
    One of a group or class of objects, such as period glass or domestic utensils, prized by fanciers.
  • 在這裏,勞動是用於直接産生一種效用,而不是(象前兩種情況那樣)提供某種別的西來給予效用。
    the labour being employed in producing an utility directly, not (as in the two former cases) in fitting some other thing to afford an utility.
  • 無價值的西空虛、無用或無價值的西
    Something that is vain, futile, or worthless.
  • 虛榮、虛誇的西一個人自負或自大的西
    Something about which one is vain or conceited.
  • 有一樣西掉到地板上又滾到床沿挂布的下面。
    Something dropped on the floor and rolled beneath the valance of the bed.
  • 阿利坎特西班牙南部一城市,位於瓦倫西亞以南的地中海沿岸。為港口及旅遊中心。人口253,722
    A city of southeast Spain on the Mediterranean Sea south of Valencia. It is a port and tourist center. Population,253, 722.
  • ……這西,衹這一點點兒,就可以使黑的變成白的,醜的變成美的,錯的變成對的,卑賤變成尊貴,老人變成少年,懦夫變成勇土。……這黃色的奴隸可以使異教聯盟,同宗分裂;
    ...Thus much of this will make black white, foul fair, Wrong right, base noble, old young, coward valiant,… This yellow slave Will knit and break religions;
  • 沒有比時間更貴重的西,但也沒有比它更受輕視的西。
    Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued.
  • 仿造,假冒製造一些有價值西的贋品
    To make fraudulent copies of something valuable.
  • 在通貨膨脹時期,除了錢任何西都變得更有價值。
    in inflation everything gets more valuable except money.
  • 秘密存儲起來的有價值的西或錢款。
    a secret store of valuables or money.
  • 瑪麗把她的貴重西藏在保險箱裏。
    Mary kept her valuables in a safe.
  • 儘管如此,很多人都相信那個`探寶器'很快就能探測到一些有價值的西。
    In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon.
  • 關於當作貨幣使用的西,其要點自然是:主要不再根據其本身的價值來確定其價值,甚至即使其本身是有價值的;
    The point about the money was of course that it was no longer valued primarily for itself, even if it was itself of value;
  • 任何物主認為價值連城的珍愛的西。
    any possession that is highly valued by its owner.
  • 北美部的一種中等大小的樺樹,具有灰色或白色樹皮,木材無價值;次生林中常見。
    medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale gray bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-browth forest tree.
  • 邪惡衹不過是一種空虛的西,我們要為行善而感到驕傲,最重要的是,我們千萬不要喪失信心。
    Evil is but vanity: let us take pride in Goodness and, above all, let us not despair.
  • 散發物以氣體或蒸汽形式發散出的西
    Something, such as air or vapor, that is exhaled.
  • 在學校我們學習各種西。
    At school we learn a variety of things.