  • 位于垂直振荡器输入端的种阻容电路。
    A resistor-condenser circuit at the input to the vertical oscillator.
  • 学生中的些人在焊接电容,另些人在焊接电阻。
    Some of the students are welding capacitor ; the others resistor.
  • 学生中的些人在焊接电容,另些人在焊接电阻。
    Some of the student is welding capacitor ; the others resistor.
  • 带有个可调节的中心接线端的三终端电阻;用来调节收音机或电视机中的电压。
    a 3-terminal resistor with an adjustable center terminal; used to adjust voltages in radios and TV sets.
  • 出伊丽莎白时期的允许喜剧场面的悲剧。
    an Elizabethan tragedy admissive of comic scenes.
  • 要敢字当头,横下条心。
    We must be daring and resolute.
  • 音乐会的入场券是五镑张。
    Admission to the concert costs £5.
  • 他入伍後星期就病了.
    A week after his admission into the army, he fell ill.
  • 她是那样坚决,我们不得不让她去试下。
    She was so resolute that we couldn't but let her try.
  • 新中国成立便迅速采取有力措施禁娼。
    Immediately after its founding, New China adopted resolute measures to outlaw prostitution.
  • 套为着实现坚决抗战的办法,可以名为八大纲领。
    The set of measures for resolute armed resistance described above may be called the Eight-Point Programme.
  • 在坚决抗战的方针之下,必须有整套的办法,才能达到目的。
    To achieve its purpose the policy of resolute armed resistance calls for a whole set of measures.
  • 如果坚决抗战出于真心,就不能忽略这条。
    No one who is sincere about waging a resolute war of resistance can afford to ignore this point.
  • 所以,依黄山谷氏的说话,那种以修养个人外表的优雅和谈吐的风味为目的的读书,才是唯值得嘉许的读书法。
    Reading for the cultivation of personal charm of appearance and flavor in speech is then, according to Huang, the only admissible kind of reading.
  • 对坚决抗战方针有诚意的人,定要实行这套办法。
    Whoever is sincere about the policy of resolute armed resistance must put this set of measures into practice.
  • (3)我们对顽固派作坚决的斗争,并能步地取得胜利。
    and (3) that we are resolute in our struggle against the die-hards and steadily win victories.
  • 在这种情况下,我们坚持人民币不贬值,果断采取系列鼓励出口的政策措施。
    Still, we refused to devalue the RMB and took a series of resolute policies and measures to encourage exports.
  • 蒋氏声明中有段是值得赞扬的,即他所说“言必信,行必果”的那段。
    However, it does contain one praiseworthy passage, in which Chiang asserts that "promises must be kept and action must be resolute".
  • 方针如果是坚决抗战,那就非实行合乎这个方针的套办法不可,非实行这八大纲领不可。
    If the policy is one of resolute armed resistance, then it is imperative to apply the appropriate measures -- the Eight-Point Programme.
  • 规定只有证人的陈述可以用作证据,其它陈述概不可的规则。
    a rule that declares not admissible as evidence any statement other than that by a witness.
  • 这件事情,任何时候都不要受干扰,必须坚定不移地、意地干下去。
    This should be done resolutely and wholeheartedly despite all interference.
  • 这工作旦上手,就必须坚决完成。
    Once the work is started, it must be resolutely carried out.
  • 中国人民坚决站在全世界被压迫民族边。
    The Chinese people resolutely side with the oppressed nations the world over.
  • 这是种自由主义的倾向,这也是必须坚决反对的。
    This is a tendency towards liberalism, which must also be resolutely opposed.
  • 切无纪律、无政府、违反法制的现象,都必须坚决反对和纠正。
    Anarchism and violations of law and discipline must be resolutely opposed and checked.
  •  坚决反对和防止腐败,是全党项重大的政治任务。
    To combat and prevent corruption resolutely is a major political task of the whole Party.
  • 传闻证据证人根据别人讲述的内容而不是本人所了解的情况作出的证词,因此向不作为可接受的证据
    Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony.
  • 实证主义认为感官的感知是人类知识及精确思维唯可允许的基础的主义
    A doctrine contending that sense perceptions are the only admissible basis of human knowledge and precise thought.
  • 旦国家遭受侵略,中国将依照宪法和法律,坚决进行抵抗。
    In the event of aggressions, China will resolutely resist in accordance with the Constitution and laws.
  • 个决心自重,因此而尊重邻国的国家。
    The neighbor who resolutely respects himself, and because he does so, respects the rights of others.
  • 在去年11月8日,安理会致通过了1441号决议,该决议的主要内容是解除伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器,在过去12年中,曾经总共出台了16项决议,但伊拉克却实质性地违反了每次决议的规定。
    Last November 8, this council passed Resolution 1441 by a unanimous vote. The purpose of that resolution was to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction. Iraq had already been found guilty of material breach of its obligations, stretching back over 16 previous resolutions and 12 years.
  • 同时,法院承认,“不能仅因为有学问的专家可以利用他们的技能谋生,就禁止采纳他们的意见。”这正如法院在最近的新泽西发生的个案件中说的。
    At the same time, courts acknowledge that, "simply because learned experts earn a living with their expertise should not prohibit the admissibility of their opinions," as the court ruled in a recent New Jersey case.