  • 老人由孙子扶著进了房
    The old man enters the room support by his grandson.
  • “或许我可以在您的仆人中找一位带路人吧,他可以在田庄住到明天早上——您能给我一位吗?”
    `Perhaps I can get a guide among your lads, and he might stay at the Grange till morning--could you spare me one?'
  • 政府给了我们一笔补助,用来盖另外一教室。
    The government gave us a grant to build another classroom.
  • 膨胀性由于粒子成分之的距离较大,颗粒物质当形状发生变化时所具有的体积增加的性能
    The increase in volume of a granular substance when its shape is changed, because of greater distance between its component particles.
  • 从图表可以看出,在图中所示的幼年期,女性一般比男性结婚较早。
    It can be seen from the graph that women generally got married at an earlier age than men in the 87 years shown in the graph.
  • 以时为顺序做成图表记录温度变化的温度计。
    a thermometer that records temperature variations on a graph as a function of time.
  • 波形波的数学表示,尤指通过描绘波随时变化特征而得到的图形
    The mathematical representation of a wave, especially a graph obtained by plotting a characteristic of the wave against time.
  • 示波图这样的振动随时变化的图示
    A graphic representation of the variation of such a disturbance with time.
  • 能够根据它自己的知识产生绘画纪录的转速计;能够纪录机动车辆旅程的时和速度。
    a tachometer that produces a graphical record of its readings; used to record the speed and duration of trips in a motor vehicle.
  • 在计算机图形学中,提供显示空均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。
    In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space.
  • 在计算机制图学中,虚空的预先定义部分。
    In computer graphics, a predefined part of a virtual space.
  • 采用阴影区来表示某种分布的一种计算机图表。
    A computer graphics plot containing shaded areas as a representation of some type of distribution.
  • 在计算机制图技术中,在显示空上指定一个位置,用于显示一组图或正文(的方法或过程)。
    In computer graphics, indicating in a display space the location at which a specified display group is to be place.
  • 大型舞池夜活动的蝗虫,在美国太平洋海滨松软的泥土中钻洞。
    large wingless nocturnal grasshopper that burrows in loose soil along the United States Pacific coast.
  • 沼泽,湿地多为青草覆盖的湿软的低地,常形成水区和陆区之的过渡地带
    An area of soft, wet, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land.
  • 那天晚上,我累了,埃德来替换我,他在枕头上铺好毛巾,在汉娜的头旁放一个塑料碗,一切都做完后才躺下来,断断续续地睡了一夜。我满怀感激地溜到另一房补了补觉。
    That night I had been tired, so Ed moved me out of our bed, spread towels over the pillows and put a plastic bowl by Hannah's head. As he settled down to a broken night's sleep, I gratefully slipped off to another room to catch up on my sleep.
  • 然而,像许多事情说起来容易做起来难一样,在我看来,我们所生活的社会重视即时满足高于一切,而没有什么地方能像网络空那样让人们更快地获得即时满足,因为在网络世界你可以随心所欲。
    However, like most things that is easier said than done, it seems to me that we are a society that values immediate gratification above all else, and what better place is there to achieve it than in cyberspace, where the cyberworld is your cyberoyster?
  • 他们把大量的时花在他们认为高兴和有趣的事情上。
    They spend lots of time doing what they find gratifying and fun.
  • 它们不仅严格地局限于某些地点,而且是可耗尽的,不过在某一地点和时,即令可无偿得到它们,它们的储量也会远远超过所需的数量。
    They are not only strictly local but exhaustible; though, at a given place and time, they may exist in much greater abundance than would be applied to present use even if they could be obtained gratis.
  • 但虽然空气不是财富,可人类却由于能无偿地获得它而富了许多,因为无需花时和劳动来满足这一最迫切的需要,所节省的时的劳动可用于别处。
    But though air is not wealth, mankind are much richer by obtaining it gratis, since the time and labour which would otherwise be required for supplying the most pressing of all wants, can be devoted to other purposes.
  • 美国一部分反华政客对中美实验室合作计划的无端指责,不仅玷污了中国科学家的尊严,也伤害了美国科学家的尊严。
    Some American anti-China politicians' gratuitous accusation of the Sino-US lab-to-lab exchange program not only sully the dignity of Chinese scientists, but also damage the dignity of American scientists.
  • 假使今天英国人对于德国所需的工业产品,甘愿在若干年无偿供应,我们也要力劝德国人不可接受这样的好意。
    If England bound herself to-day to supply the Germans gratuitously for years with all they required in manufactured articles, we could not recommend them to accept such an offer.
  • 随着时的流逝,碑文已磨损了。
    The letters on this gravestone have worn away with time.
  • 墓碑上的字母随着时已经磨掉了。
    The letters on the gravestone have worn away with time.
  • 屹立在教堂墓地上已经三百年的老橡树,突然哗啦啦地倒在地上。
    Stands erect on the graveyard of church3 hundred years the old oak, rustlingly ground suddenly.
  • 逃离引力场所需最短时
    the minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field.
  • 由恒星坍塌所形成的空中的一个区域;一个具有极强引力场的区域。
    a region of space resulting from the collapse of a star; extremely high gravitational field.
  • 巧克力色一种从灰色到深红棕色到深灰褐色之的颜色
    A grayish to deep reddish brown to deep grayish brown.
  • 灰色到深红棕色到深灰褐色之
    Of a grayish to deep reddish brown to deep grayish brown.
  • 黄褐色的;介于灰褐色到黄褐色之
    snuff colored; grayish to yellowish brown.
  • 指一种介于暗灰绿色到中等灰绿色之的颜色。
    of a dark to moderate grayish green color.
  • 指介于暗灰褐色到带褐色的灰色之的一种颜色。
    of a dull grayish brown to brownish gray color.