  • 一只步枪发射子弹。
    A rifle throws bullets.
  • 不透水的物质;子弹不穿透钢铁;有人不接受批评。
    a material impervious to water; steel impervious to bullets; someone impervious to argument.
  • 愿意继续投机的投资者只把目标转到其他尚未到期的期货去。
    Of course, investors still bullish or bearish on the broad market can always place their bets on other SiMSCI Futures contracts still outstanding.
  • 如果没有股价指数期货可供买卖,投资者对一个股市的全盘平均走势看涨时,他就得进一步决定应该买哪些股票。这会产生至少两个问题:第一、股市平均涨10%的话,他买入的股票大概不会凑巧也涨10%。如果涨得更多,他自然开心;但也很可涨幅较小,甚或不涨反跌。此时,除了顿足捶胸,就只叹:“如果有股价指数期货就好了!”第二个问题是,如果想十足跟进股市涨潮,他得买进足够家数公司的股票,所需的资本不是三、五万元就摆平的。
    Without an SIF futures contract, an investor who is bullish about the overall market movement and wishes to take a position accordingly will have to pick the counters to invest in. To form a portfolio broad enough to represent the overall market would definitely require millions of dollars, quite possibly beyond his budget. If he selects just a few counters, his choices may not move in tandem with the broad market.
  • 那么过来,你这个棒小子,让我拉看看你有多大的耐。
    Come on then, you bully; show us what you're made of.
  • 她对数学失去了兴趣,因为老师仗势欺人又没教学力。
    She is put off maths by a bully and incompetent teacher.
  • 乞丐的眼睛里带着询问和恳求、“你让我抱抱你的宝宝吗?”
    The bum's eyes both asked and implored, "Would you let me hold your baby?"
  • 在它初次碰撞时,产生的量非常巨大,以至于发生了核反应,恒星中的气体开始持续燃烧。
    This energy produced is so great when it first collides, that a nuclear reaction occurs and the gases within the star start to bum continuously.
  • 二十世纪七十年代,ceo只是一个装模作样的官僚主义者的形象,他们甚至不懂得如何制造汽车,只固步自封。
    In the 1970s, the CEO was a bumbling bureaucrat who couldn't even build a car that would stay in one piece.
  • 你要拿更多的高分才提高你的平均分。
    You need more high marks bump up your average.
  • 是的,可我们会在伦敦大街上碰见。
    Yea, maybe we'll bump into each other in a London street.
  • 他因机位被挤掉而未乘上飞往纽约的班机。
    He was bumped from a flight to New York.
  • 卡车司机:将会有可供电脑驾驶的机动车一辆接一辆高速行驶的“智”车道出现。
    Truckers: There will be “smart” lanes that enable computer-driven vehicles to travel bumper to bumper at high speeds.
  • 很多传统的司机在汽车保险杆上贴出一些反映其教育背景、政治观点、或者婚姻状况的标语以自娱,内容从“耶鲁法律学院”到“如果你富有,我是单身”等等,不一而足。
    More conventional drivers satisfy themselves with bumper stickers that reveal their educational back-ground, political opinions, or marital status, from 'Yale School of Law' to 'If you're rich, I'm single'.
  • 因悬挂装置性差, 行驶时很颠簸.
    The poor suspension gives a rather bumpy ride.
  • 替我将这些单子捆起来吗?
    Can you bundle up the sheets for me?
  • at&t公司称,这些无线电话服务够为电视机、电脑和电话提供信号,而价格要比同类产品的竞争者低25%。而且,所有的服务将只使用一个付账单。
    By bundling those services with wireless phones, the company says, it will provide signals and services for TV, computer, and phone about 25 percent cheaper than competitors, and all the services will come on a single bill.
  • 市区平房保留区采暖设施改用清洁源。
    In the preserved old urban bungalow area, clean energy will be used for heating.
  • 在地板上打铺过夜吗?
    Can you bunk down on the floor for the night?
  • 安顿我母亲在一家旅店过夜吗?
    Would you bunk my mother down in a hotel for the night?
  • 这个设施的内部部署有特种卫兵及特种装备,以监视任何弹药流出掩体以外的可
    Inside that facility are special guards and special equipment to monitor any leakage that might come out of the bunker.
  • 你可以用空油桶把木板托起来,这样你就过河了。
    You can use empty oil barrels to buoy up the boards so that you can get across the river.
  • 系浮标投物系上浮标投入海里的货物或装置,为的是够被人发现
    Cargo or equipment thrown into the sea but attached to a float or buoy so that it can be recovered.
  • 液体向上的力称为浮力,它使某些物体不沉下去。
    The upward force of a liquid is called buoyancy, which can keep some objects up.
  • 由一截连在一起的充气袋子组成,放在人的胳膊底下提供浮力;用于学水的儿童。
    a life preserver consisting of a connected pair of inflatable bags that fit under a person's arms and provide buoyancy; used by children learning to swim.
  • 一块窄而轻的用来冲浪的板儿。
    a narrow buoyant board for riding surf.
  • 她最近埋葬了她的全部女友——我希望她够跟我老婆也交个朋友就好了。
    She have bur all her female friends; I wish she will make friend with my wife.
  • 驴子能负重载。
    A donkey can carry a heavy burden.
  • 驴子负重,过重也难负。
    An ass endures his burden, but not more than his burden.
  • 减轻你的负担吗?
    Can I ease you of your burden?
  • 他的双肩能负重。
    His shoulders can bear a heavy burden.
  • 事业有可变成一种负担
    Undertaking may be change into a burden.