Chinese English Sentence:
  • 为了使他们能收回贷款,通常要把政府的很大一部分权力交他们行使,直到这些地区被赎回,或债务已被税收抵消时为止。
    to enable them to do which, a great portion of the powers of government are usually made over simultaneously, to be exercised by them until either the districts are redeemed, or their receipts have liquidated the debt.
  • 即使公司没有清盘,股东也只有在公司已付债券持有人利息后才可领到股息。
    For a firm not in liquidation, shareholders have claim to part of the operating income left over after taxes and interest to bond hold-ers have been paid.
  • 某君在这一刻对全盘股市看跌(涨),他可以立刻卖出(买进)指数期货。如果他在五分钟后改变了想法,他可以立刻买进(卖出)、把盘口盖了;除了价差,只是损失了一点交易费用。
    If there is good liquidity of SiMSCI Futures to start with, a virtuous circle can set in to draw in more hedgers and speculators, leading to even lower transaction costs and higher liquidity.
  • 这样会予银行更多保证,让银行能够取得流动资金,更有信心作出借贷。
    This would give banks more assurance about their access to liquidity and make them more confident to lend.
  • 给您酒单。
    Here is the wine list.
  • 这单子给加长了。
    The list has been lengthened.
  • 请把价目表我看一下。
    May I see the price list?
  • 请给我看看酒水单。
    Please show me a wine list.
  • 把第一个用公式表示出来地层学的基本原理的荣誉归功于李斯特是错人了。
    to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely.
  • 一个月之后,信用卡公司我寄来帐单,列出我购买的所有东西和金额。
    The credit card company would send me a bill a month later,listing all my purchased items and amounts.
  • 烟斗装上烟,然后点着。
    He filled and lit his pipe.
  • 但我尽可能每个月存25或50美分以备小女儿买圣诞礼物。
    But I put aside twenty-five or fifty cents when I could afford it for my lithe girl's Christmas presents.
  • 公民起诉提供方便,最高人民法院规定,如果当事人确有经济困难,诉讼费可以缓交、减交或免交。
    For the convenience of citizens, the Supreme People's Court has stipulated that if litigants have financial difficulties, their litigation costs may be paid later or partially, or be exempted.
  • 啤酒4角钱1升,你打多少?
    A litre of beer costs 40 fen How much shall I get you?
  • 用草等(动物)铺窝或垫床
    To supply(animals) with litter for bedding or floor covering.
  • 我把节省下来的一点钱都他了。
    I gave him the little moneythat I had saved.
  • 五月很少下雨;予很少的考虑;残存很少的希望;只有很短的时间了;我们仍然只有一点儿钱;残存的一点希望;还有一点时间。
    little rain fell in May; gave it little thought; little hope remained; little time is left; we still have little money; a little hope remained; a little time isleft.
  • 散步已对他的肝脏产生好处(已他的肝脏带来了好处)。
    The walk had done his liver good.
  • "那艘船只得在利物浦停靠,装载补品。"
    The boat had to put into Liverpool for supplies.
  • 孩子的死父母的生活留下了痛苦的空白。
    The child's death left a painful void in his parents' lives.
  • 家畜喂食时要它们饮水。
    Water the livestock when you feed them.
  • 童年的时代,她那一双蓝紫色的双眼每个人留下深刻的印象,她母亲以前也是演员,婚后退出银幕,自从有了独生女,她鼓励丽丝也当演员。
    When she was only a little child her blue-violet eyes impressed everyone, her mother was an actress before, she got married and she dropped her career, when she had her only daughter she encouraged Liz to be an actress too.
  • 我会打电话给你。
    I’ll call you.
  • 他们了他大批礼物。
    They loaded him down with gifts.
  • 他们观看了工人平炉加料。
    They watched workers loading open-hearth furnace.
  • 我一个切好片的面包。
    A loaf of sliced bread, please.
  • 他们要我们一大块面包,我们婉言谢绝了。
    They offered us a loaf of bread, which we refused politely.
  • 她提出把汽车借我用。
    She offered me the loan of her car.
  • 银行借了我一些钱。
    The bank loaned me some money.
  • 他借给我100美元。
    He loaned me $100.
  • 他把他的收藏借了美术馆。
    He loaned his collection to the gallery.
  • 这位艺术家把她的绘画长期出借博物馆。
    The artist loaned her pictures to the museum.