  • 如果我们相信我们已经成功,从此一帆风顺,那就大错特错了。
    The biggest mistake we can make now is to believe that we have got it made and that success is an irreversible process.
  • 如果我方接受你方发盘,开立以你方为受益人的不可赊销信用证在...付款交单。
    In irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable in... against shipping documents.
  • 付款采用见装运单付款的不可撤销信用证。
    Payment is to is demand by an irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping document.
  • 请我们的银行开出保兑、不可撤销的信用证来支付定单和从青岛到温哥华的运输费用.
    I'll make arrang ements with our band to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C to cover our orders and ship ment from Qingdao to Vancouver.
  • 过去的已经过去,且一去不返,而聪明人总是努力着眼于现在和来的事情,所以对过去耿耿于怀着无非是在捉弄自己罢了。
    That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do, with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters.
  • 这些使附近所有农田都得到灌溉。
    These will bring all the nearby farmland udder irrigation.
  • 有一天晚上,妻子帕梅拉洗过碗后在洗涤槽中留下了一片莴苣,于是戴维站在厨房的水池子边大声吼叫,“帕梅拉,你打算厨房的垃圾清理干净,完成这里的活儿吗?”
    One night wife Pamela leaves a piece of lettuce in the sink after doing the dishes. Irritated, David stands at the kitchen sink and yells, “Pamela, are you going to get over here and finish cleaning up your mess in the kitchen?
  • 但是撒拉明年此时生下以撒,我是要同以撒履行立约的。
    But my covenant I will fulfil with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year.
  • 亚伯拉罕平原与加拿大魁北克城北部相近的一片土地。1759年在法国和印度之战中,英国人在詹姆斯·沃尔夫军的带领下,在这场决定性战役中击败了路易斯·蒙特卡姆军率领的法国军队,这场胜利使英国在加拿大占据了优势地位
    In the Old Testament, the first patriarch and progenitor of the Hebrew people. He was the father of Isaac.
  • 美国永远和世界上遵循这些价值观的勇敢的人们站在一起,包括伊斯兰世界,因为我们有着一个伟大的目标,这个目标胜过消除威胁和互相憎恨。
    America will take the side of brave men and women who advocate these values around the world - including the Islamic world - because we have a greater objective than eliminating threats and containing resentment.
  • 2002年9月11日,联合国安理会根据中国、美国、阿富汗、吉尔吉斯斯坦的共同要求,正式“东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动”列入其颁布的恐怖组织名单。
    On September 11, 2002, the UN Security Council, in response to a common demand from China, the United States, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan, formally included the "East Turkistan Islamic Movement" on its list of terrorist organizations.
  • 如果我们采取了这种看法,一切地主资产阶级都看成和国民党顽固派一样,其结果使我们自陷于孤立。
    Were we to adopt this view and identify all the landlords and the bourgeoisie with the Kuomintang die-hards, we would isolate ourselves.
  • 用于检测和隔离某一系统、部件或程序中的故障或错误的程序和技术。通常为了有助于故障的发现和纠正,诊断程序打印输出对运行情况所做的检测的分析。
    Programs and techniques used to detect and isolate faults in a system, component or program. A diagnostic program will usually produce a printout containing an analysis of the operation being checked in order to assist with fault finding and correction.
  • 我还是没能穿过她在自己周围树起的高墙,这堵墙她与大家隔离了开来。
    I had not penetrated the wall of isolation she had built around herself.
  • 为了化解危机,环绕死海的三个国家:约旦、以色列和巴勒斯坦的官员们会在本周末的世界经济论坛上提交一份计划,启动从红海通过运河往死海注水的工程。
    To contain the damage, Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian officials will submit a project to channel water through a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, at the weekend meeting here of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
  • 当舒尔兹在伦敦初次告诉[约旦]国王以一个国际会议做达成巴勒斯坦和平的出发点,并邀请约旦扮演主要角色时,他承诺一定要赢得以色列总理沙米尔的支持。他告诉候赛因说,如果必须,他会扭着沙米尔的臂膀,即使扭下来也要他参加。
    When Shultz first informed the king in London about an international conference as the launch pad for Palestinian peace, with Jordan a major player, her promised to win Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir's support. If necessary, he told Hussein, he would "twist Shamir's arm fight out of its socket" to get him on board.
  • 「港元债务工具发行计划」和「港元债券发行计划」会互相配合,以能全面地涵盖港元债券市场的投资者范围。
    The Debt Issuance Programme and the Note Issuance Programme complement each other to provide a comprehensive coverage of the investor base of the Hong Kong dollar debt market.
  • 签署仪式完毕后,按揭证券公司行政总裁彭醒棠先生会详细介绍「港元债务工具发行计划」的各项特点。
    Mr Peter Pang, Chief Executive Officer, will explain the details of the various features of the Debt Issuance Programme after the signing ceremony.
  • 但我们同时也要注意坚持市场原则、有效益的原则,防止出现重复建设,其资金来源主要是建设单位自有资金、自筹资金或者发行债券,同时增加银行贷款。atthesametime,wemustadheretothemarketprincipleandtheefficiencyprinciple,andpreventduplicatedconstruction.
    The construction fund will mainly come from the capital owned or raised by units responsible for construction or through the issuance of bonds, in addition to increased bank loans.
  • 这个计划,连同我们於今年一月成功推出的「港元债券发行计划」,会成为按揭证券公司在港元债券市场筹集资金的两个主要渠道。
    This Programme, together with the Note Issuance Programme we successfully launched in January this year, will serve as the two main vehicles of the HKMC in raising funds in the Hong Kong dollar debt market.
  • 议会在下周辩论国有化议题。
    Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week.
  • 要在来定期收到利息,债券投资者首先得付出一笔钱给债券发行人。
    In order to receive these streams of future cash flows, the pros-pective bond holder pays a price to the issuer of the bond.
  • 举例说,新加坡政府的4.5%03/00债券,发行机构是新加坡政府,年利率是4.5%,持有人每半年所拥有的1000元债券获得22.40元的利息,发行机构承诺在2000年3月偿还本金。
    One example of a fixed rate bond is the Singapore Government Bond 4.5% 03/00, the issuer is the Government of Singapore, the interest payable is 4.5%. The SGB's coupon is payable on a semi-annual basis, i.e. the Singapore Government will pay the investor 2.25% of S$1,000 or $22.40 every six months. The government promises to repay the principal in March 2000 to the investor.
  • 那间仓房被用来给新战士分发枪支。
    The storeroom is to be used for issuing guns to the new soldiers.
  • 今天,100名曾经的运动健和体育明星齐聚莫斯科,目睹了国际奥委会选择了北京--而不是巴黎、多伦多、土耳其的伊斯坦布尔和日本的大阪--作为2008年奥运会主办者的一幕。
    Today, when some 100 former athletes and associated luminaries gathered in Moscow, the IOC picked Beijing over Paris,Toronto, Istanbul, Turkey, and Osaka, Japan.
  • while,do-while和for控制着循环,有时其划分为“反复语句”。
    while, do-while and for control looping and are sometimes classified as iteration statements.
  • 国家禁毒委员会还展览内容制作成《全国禁毒展览挂图》,下发全国各地,并组织了长达半年的巡回展览,直接接受教育的观众达1.66亿多人次。
    The NNCC also turned the contents of the exhibition into a Wall Map of the National Exhibition on Drug Control for distribution throughout the country. It also organized half-year itinerant exhibitions throughout China, at which a total of over 166 million people received education directly.
  • 它的头从甲壳中伸出来。
    A turtle obtrudes its head from its shell.
  • 该公司利润分给工人。
    The firm distributed its profits among its workers.
  • 将来会怎么样?
    What about its future?
  • 正义必将伸张。
    Justice will assert itself.
  • 人们普遍认为,日后成为百万富翁的是那些成绩优异并考入名牌大学的学生,抑或是出生于富裕家庭或名门望族的孩子。
    Conventional wisdom says it's the students who get straight A's, blow the roof off the SAT and go to Ivy League colleges. Or maybe it's the children born into wealthy families with brilliant connections.