  • 他用他父亲的誉牟利。
    He trades on his father's reputation.
  • 二零零零年,香港的整体服务贸易额达651亿美元,以价值计算在世界排第11位。
    In 2000, Hong Kong's total services trade amounted to US$65.1 billion, making it the world's 11th largest trading entity in terms of value of services trade.
  • 二零零零年,香港的整体服务贸易额达651亿美元,以价值计算在世界排第11位。
    In 2000, Hong Kong's total services trade amounted to US$65.1 billion, making it the world's 11th largest trading entity in terms of value of services trade.
  • 在建筑业里,这样的商人可以生动地描述为‘黄铜牌’商人。
    in the building trade such a trader is picturesquely described as a `brass plate' merchant.
  • 推广活动包括:在全球主要商贸中心举办高层商务会议;巡回展览;安排代表在国际活动上发言;在世界着的商业及贸易刊物刊登宣传广告;以及派发该局出版的《香港工商》月刊给全球商界领袖和高级行政人员,该份月刊现已推出网上版。
    It did this through high-level business seminars in the world's business capitals, roadshows, speaking engagements at international events, global advertising campaigns in the world's top business and trade publications, and its business publication Hong Kong Trader, distributed to senior corporate executives and decision-makers around the world and now available on-line.
  • 一九九九年,贸易发展局继续推广香港作为国际商业中心的形象。推广工作包括:举办高层商务会议和巡回展览;在全球主要商贸中心举行香港晚宴;安排代表在国际论坛上发言;在世界着的商业刊物刊登宣传广告;以及派发该局出版的《香港工商》月刊给全球60000商界领袖和高级行政人员。
    During 1999, the TDC continued to promote Hong Kong's image as an international hub for business through high-level business seminars, roadshows, 'Hong Kong Dinners' in the world's business capitals, speaking engagements at international fora, global advertising campaigns in the world's top business publications, and its business newspaper 'Hong Kong Trader' which is sent to 60 000 senior corporate executives and decision-makers internationally.
  • 杰克逊美国密西西比州的首府和最大城市,位于该州的中西部。原来是一个小商业港口,在1821年被指定为首府,其市是为了纪念安德鲁・杰克逊。人口196,637
    The capital and largest city of Mississippi, in the west-central part of the state. Originally a small trading post, it was chosen as capital in1821 and named in honor of Andrew Jackson. Population, 196,637.
  • 伯比奇,理查德1567?-1619英国演员和剧院经理,是同时代最负盛的悲剧演员。他是第一个扮演莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》,《李尔王》,《奥赛罗》和《理查三世》的主角
    English actor and theater manager. The foremost tragedian of his day, he was the first to play the title roles in Shakespeare's Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Richard III.
  • 这是一部著名的悲剧
    This is a famous tragedy.
  • 这是一部著名的悲剧
    This is a famous tragedy.
  • 那位著的政治家死于一场悲惨的意外事故。
    The famous politician died in a tragic accident.
  • 这次营救行动惨败,枪战中9人质全被打死,被打死的还有4阿拉伯人和l警察。
    The rescue attempt failed tragically. In the gun battle all nine hostages were killed, as well as four Arabs and one policeman.
  • 警察驾驶学校为警队提供主要的驾驶训练设施,每年培训约1800人员,当中约有四分一学员学习驾驶大型电单车(油缸容量750毫升),另有半数则参加各项不同的汽车训练课程。
    The Police Driving School is the Force's primary driver training facility and trains some 1 800 officers each year. Of these, approximately a quarter are trained to ride large motorcycles (750 c.c.) and half attend various four-wheel vehicle courses.
  • 其网上培训平台,将在未来三年为亚太经合组织成员免费培训1500网络技术高级人才。
    In the next three years, 1,500 high-level Internet specialists will be trained for APEC members free of charge on its on-line training platform.
  • 自1985年以来,军队先后派出20余万官兵协助学校组织学生的军事训练,训练在校学生3000多万人。
    Since 1985, more than 200,000 officers and men have helped these institutions and schools organize military training for students, and more than 30 million students have been trained.
  • 在一学员能处理大流量的飞行前,他必须发展自身的特点。
    Before a trainee can progress to working heavy traffic a new personal trait must be developed.
  • 截至十二月为止,共有97警务人员参加了由外国专家主办的特别训练,学习替易受伤害证人进行录影面见。课程包括保护儿童的种种事宜。受训人员中,有38人任职虐儿案件调查组。
    Up to December, a total of 97 police officers participated in special training programmes conducted by overseas experts on video recorded interviews with vulnerable witnesses, and 38 of these trained officers are serving in the CAIUs. The training programmes covered various issues of child protection.
  • 他们给他加上叛逆者的污
    They branded him a traitor.
  • 另一男子神情恍惚地站着,不能言语。
    Another man stood as if in a trance,unable to speak.
  • 被用作镇静剂的药(商品atarax)。
    a drug (trade name Atarax) used as a tranquilizer.
  • 一种镇静剂治疗肌肉紧张和焦虑(商品miltownandequanilandmeprin)。
    a sedative and tranquilizer (trade name Miltown and Equanil and Meprin) used to treat muscle tension and anxiety.
  • 我们不知道那翻译员为何会犯下这个错误。
    We do not know why the translator made that mistake.
  • 翻译员竟把它译成:“我们相信上帝。”
    What the translator did was to render the word 'God' as 'Shangdi' (上帝) in Chinese.
  • 报道引述其中一回教徒说:“wg.”这翻译员竟把它译成:“我们相信上帝。”
    One of the Muslims in the story was quoted as saying: "We believe in God." What the translator did was to render the word 'God' as 'Shangdi' (上帝) in Chinese.
  • 很多公司的华文都是简单的音译,字词的选择马虎轻率,白白失去以文传的机会。
    Many companies rely on simple transliteration with poor and careless choice of words. As a result, they sometimes lose great opportunities to promote the business with a carefully-chosen name.
  • 另一位了解该项目详情的消息人士--伊拉克一民用工程师证实说,伊拉克的确拥有安装在拖车上的可移动生物制剂生产设施。
    A second source, an Iraqi civil engineer in a position to know the details of the program, confirmed the existence of transportable facilities moving on trailers.
  • segway公司的营销主管托布·科恩说,这个机械装置曾被叫做"生姜"和"it",但正式称叫"segway载人车",在拥挤的城市中心可用它来代替小汽车,而在工厂内的地面上也被证明用处很大。
    The machine, previously known as "Ginger" and " IT" but officially called the Segway Human Transporter, could replace private cars in crowded city centers and could also prove useful on factory floors, said Tobe Cohen, marketing director of Segway.
  • 我将向你们展示一个为“默萨伊德”的化工集团的一小部分。在这个地方伊拉克已经使用了至少三年,把化学武器从工厂运输到田间。
    I'm going to show you a small part of a chemical complex called al-Moussaid (ph), a site that Iraq has used for at least three years to transship chemical weapons from production facilities out to the field.
  • 由于昨天矿井发生爆炸,有30矿工还困在井下。
    30 miners are still trapped in the mine following yesterday's explosion.
  • 自昨天爆炸之后,30煤矿工人被困在矿井内。
    Thirty miners are still trapped in the mine following yesterday's explosion.
  • 他不需要声的虚饰。
    He needs no trappings of fame.
  • 用假名旅游
    Traveled under a false name.