  • 而日版中改为“我会选择一个合我胃的目标”,意思模糊了很多。
    In Japanese subtitles, that line is vague:“I myself would choose a tasty target.” In the closing voice?over of the original version.
  • 弗罗林美国加利福尼亚州中部一社区,是萨克拉门托的郊区。人24,330
    A community of central California, a suburb of Sacramento. Population,24, 330.
  • 莱克赛德美国弗吉尼亚州中东部的一个社区,是里士满的一个郊区。人29,400
    A community of east-central Virginia, a suburb of Richmond. Population,29, 400.
  • 阿凯德加利福尼亚中北部社区,萨克拉门托的郊区。人37,600
    A community of north-central California, a suburb of Sacramento. Population,37, 600.
  • 安阳位于韩国西北部的一座城市,汉城的一个郊区。人274,093
    A city of northwest South Korea, a suburb of Seoul. Population,274, 093.
  • 普莱诺美国得克萨斯州东北部的城市,是达拉斯的一个制造业郊区,人128,713
    A city of northeast Texas, a manufacturing suburb of Dallas. Population,128, 713.
  • 加兰德克萨斯州东北部的一城市,达拉斯的一个郊区工业区。人180,650
    A city of northeast Texas, an industrial suburb of Dallas. Population,180, 650.
  • 阿美里卡纳巴西东南部城市,圣保罗的郊区,人121,743
    A city of southeast Brazil, a suburb of S鉶 Paulo. Population,121, 743.
  • 塞浦路斯加利福尼亚南部一城市,长滩的一个郊区。人42,655
    A city of southern California, a suburb of Long Beach. Population,42, 655.
  • 克尔顿美国加利福尼亚州南部城市,是圣伯纳蒂诺城郊。人40,213
    A city of southern California, a suburb of San Bernardino. Population,40, 213.
  • 八尾日本本州南部一城市,是大阪一郊区。人276,397
    A city of southern Honshu, Japan, a suburb of Osaka. Population,276, 397.
  • 韦恩美国密歇根州东南部城市,底特律的制造业效区。人19,899
    A city of southeast Michigan, a manufacturing suburb of Detroit. Population,19, 899.
  • 伯明翰美国密歇根州东南部一城市,底特律的一个住宅郊区。人19,997
    A city of southeast Michigan, a residential suburb of Detroit. Population,19, 997.
  • 这是去西门的地铁吗?
    Is this the right subway to Ximenkou?
  • 买卖成交了,他松了一气。
    He closed the deal successfully and was home free.
  • 但是这点争斗,这个缺,这种矛盾,对于革命的人民却是有用的。
    But such fights, such rifts, such contradictions are of use to the revolutionary people.
  • 我们先要进大量的原材料,然后才能将它们制成出商品再运送出去。
    We have to suck in vast quantities of raw materials before we can convert them into exports and ship them out again.
  • 把帽盖形的橡皮吸头放在堵塞的洞上,往下压,带橡皮的那头就会压扁,然后松开,弹回到它平常的帽盖形,空气随之抽回。
    A cup--shaped rubber sucker is placed over the plug- hole and pressed down so that the rubber end is squashed flat; then it is released and springs back into its usual cup shape, drawing the air back with it.
  • 同翅目的属于同翅目的,其中包括以吸器为特点的蝉,蜂虫和介壳虫
    Of or belonging to the order Homoptera, which includes the cicadas, aphids, and scale insects, characterized by sucking mouthparts.
  • “那样一个孩子怎么能说出卡尔在车库都没曾想到的事?”“谁知道,不过别忘了,黄孺子往往能说出至理名言。”
    "What could a boy like that suggest that Karl at the garage hasn't thought of?" "You never know out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, remember."
  • 他说苏丹是非洲最大、资源最丰富的国家,因此苏丹的国家发展和建设需要更多的人来完成。
    He said Sudan needed more people for development, since it is Africa's biggest country and rich in resources.
  • 苏丹总统奥马尔-哈桑-艾哈迈德-巴希尔鼓励苏丹的男人们多多娶妻,目的是为了能够让苏丹现有的3000万人翻一番。
    Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has urged Sudanese men to take more than one wife in order to double the country's population of 30 million.
  • 牛肉糜压缩饼一种主要由牛肉、水果干和硬脂肪压制成的干肉饼,用作食物紧缺时的定量配给
    A food made chiefly from beef, dried fruit, and suet, used as emergency rations.
  • 伊斯梅利亚埃及东北部城市,在苏伊士运河岸边。它由费迪南德·德·雷塞布于1863年修建,作为开挖运河的工作基地。人191,700
    A city of northeast Egypt on the Suez Canal. It was founded in1863 by Ferdinand de Lesseps as a base of operations during the building of the canal. Population,191, 700.
  • 塞得港埃及东北部城市,临地中海,位于苏伊士运河的北部入处。该市于1859年由苏伊士运河开凿者们建起来,它曾是一个重要的装卸煤炭的港。人374,000
    A city of northeast Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the northern entrance to the Suez Canal. It was founded in1859 by the builders of the canal and was once an important coaling station. Population,374, 000.
  • 当某些传染病暴发时,原西藏地方政府不但不采取措施救治病人,反而把病人赶进深山峡谷,派兵把守山,将病人困死。
    When some infectious diseases spun out of control, the former Tibetan local government did not take measures to save the afflicted but, on the contrary, drove them into high mountains or deep valleys, whose exits were guarded by troops. This resulted in the death of the expelled sufferers.
  • 这些粮足够吃到下星期。
    The rations will suffice until next week.
  • 自给自足一种国家不依赖进或经济援助的自给自足的政策
    A policy of national self-sufficiency and nonreliance on imports or economic aid.
  • 中国将努力促进国内粮食增产,在正常情况下,粮食自给率不低于95%,净进量不超过国内消费量的5%。
    China endeavors to increase its grain production so that its self-sufficiency rate of grain under normal conditions will be above 95 percent and the net import rate five percent, or even less, of the total consumption quantity.
  • 对一个拥有12亿多人的大国来说,必须保持较高的粮食自给率,这是保持安定的必要条件,否则,就难以保证国民经济持续、快速、健康发展。
    China is a country with a population of more than 1.2 billion, which makes it imperative for the government to ensure a high rate of grain self-sufficiency as a necessary condition for stability. Otherwise, it will not be able to maintain its national economy's sustained, rapid and healthy development.
  • 合乎味道的;可口的
    Acceptable to the taste; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten.
  • 这些人并不知道功能组别的原意是间接选举而不是普选,目的是选出占香港人极大比例,并对香港社会非常重要的经济、专业界别和基层代表。
    This misses the point that these functional constituencies, in their very original design, were indirect elections and were intended to represent economic, professional and grass-root sectors which are substantial and of importance to the community of Hong Kong. They were not intended to be elections through universal suffrage.