  • 锆合金种稳定而防腐蚀的锆合金
    A stable, corrosion-resistant zirconium alloy.
  • 种强大的柔软的抗褶皱的纤维。
    a strong soft crease-resistant fabric.
  • (商标名称)种轻而透明、防风雨的热塑性塑料。
    (trademark) a light transparent weather resistant thermoplastic.
  • 代纳尔种用于氯乙烯和丙烯腈共聚纤维商标名,该产品用于制造防火、防虫和容易染色的纺织纤维
    A trademark used for a copolymer of vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile employed in making fire-resistant, insect-resistant, easily dyed textile fiber.
  • 对(铁或钢)镀层锌
    To coat(iron or steel) with rust-resistant zinc.
  • 种有效的抵抗抵制青霉素的葡萄球菌的青霉素药物。
    a form of penicillin effective against penicillin-resistant staphylococci.
  • 蜀黍与黍相似的种种植期早,通常抗旱的黍蜀属谷物
    An early-growing, usually drought-resistant grain sorghum resembling millet.
  • 就这次,哈里不得不认输。
    For once, Harry had to admit defeat.
  • 种含磷的防腐蚀青铜,用于轴承和齿轮。
    a corrosion-resistant bronze containing phosphorus; used in bearings and gears.
  • 新青霉素二种半合成青霉素,有效地控制由抗青霉素的葡萄球菌所致感染
    A semisynthetic penicillin effective against penicillin-resistant infections, especially those of staphylococci.
  • 聚脂纤维,涤纶用这些合成树脂中的任种制成的种防皱的纤维
    A wrinkle-resistant fabric of fibers made from any of these resins.
  • 种多价金属元素,坚硬、易碎、蓝白色,防腐防锈。
    a hard brittle blue-white multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing.
  • ○七)不怕人家骂“不抵抗”吗?
    107. Are we not afraid of being denounced as "non-resisters"?
  • 我太疏忽大意,这点我承认。
    I was negligent, I admit it.
  • 这一点的确是真的。
    This, I admit, is true.
  • (四)迅速完成对日抗战之切准备工作;
    speedily complete all preparations for resisting Japan;
  • 可以抵制子弹冲击的种内衣。
    a vest capable of resisting the impact of a bullet.
  • 顽固地固执地坚持改变或抱定看起来无希望或旧的理由
    Stubbornly resisting change or clinging to a seemingly hopeless or outdated cause.
  • 接纳某人进入个组织或团体。
    admit into a group or community.
  • 种从柔术来的运动并类似于摔跤(运用的是不抵抗规则)。
    a sport adapted from jujitsu (using principles of not resisting) and similar to wrestling; developed in Japan.
  • 巩固国防,抵抗侵略,制止武装颠覆,保卫国家的主权、统、领土完整和安全。
    Consolidating national defense, resisting aggression, curbing armed subversion, and defending state sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and security.
  • 种管理方式为了抵抗雇员的要求;雇员被禁止进入工作场所。
    a management action resisting employee's demands; employees are barred from entering the workplace until they agree to terms.
  • --巩固国防,抵抗侵略,制止武装颠覆,保卫国家的主权、统、领土完整和安全。
    -- Consolidating national defense, resisting aggression, curbing armed subversion, and defending the state's sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and security.
  • 不过,各个抗日党派和抗日人民,至今尚少注意这方面。
    So far, however, the political parties and the masses who are resisting Japan have given this possibility little attention.
  • 有了民主,则抗他十年八年,我们也定会胜利。
    With democracy, we shall certainly win even if we have to go on resisting for eight or ten years.
  • 保卫祖国,抵抗侵略,维护统,反对分裂,是中国国防政策的出发点和立足点。
    Defending the motherland, resisting aggression, safeguarding unity and opposing split are the starting point and underpinning of China's defense policy.
  • 负载量结构在支撑定重量,质量或抵抗外界压力时所承受的全部压力
    The overall force to which a structure is subjected in supporting a weight or mass or in resisting externally applied forces.
  • 现在全国抗日,全国人民在抗日的目标之下结成个大团结。
    The whole nation is now resisting Japan and has forged a great union of the people for the purpose of resistance.
  • 这是拖延和抗拒统的借口,是欺骗台湾同胞和国际舆论的伎俩。
    This is an excuse for postponing and resisting reunification, as well as a scheme to deceive compatriots in Taiwan and world opinion.
  • 在多个光电接收器串联或并联连接时使用的种电阻性体效应型光敏元件。
    A resistive, bulk effect type of photosensor;used when it is desirable to wire several photoreceivers in series or in parallel.
  • 铁酸盐任何组象陶瓷的非金属元素且通常为三氧化二铁和其它氧化物的铁磁化合物,尤指用于计算机存储元件、永久性磁铁及各种固态元件中以极高的电阻力为特点的此种化合物
    Any of a group of nonmetallic, ceramiclike, usually ferromagnetic compounds of ferric oxide with other oxides, especially such a compound characterized by extremely high electrical resistivity and used in computer memory elements, permanent magnets, and various solid-state devices.
  • 没有抵抗能力的人质;没有哪个殖民地表现出如此不抵抗的、自私的无能,听任她自己的国民遭受残忍的掠夺——瑟尔多·罗斯福。
    resistless hostages; No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried- Theodore Roosevelt.