  • 保守派,少数派在政治或政府组织中宣扬中或保守的路线、行动或政策的人
    One who advocates a moderate or conservative approach, action, or policy, as in a political or governmental organization.
  • 联合国是由主权国家组成的政府国际组织。
    The United Nations is an inter-governmental international organization composed of sovereign states.
  • 体育团体可依法继续存在和发展。
    Non-governmental sports organizations may continue to exist and develop in accordance with law.
  • 政府与民的投资必要以此为优先。
    Investments from governmental and non-governmental sources must focus on innovation, science and technology, knowledge and Internet, because these form the mainstream of knowledge economy.
  • 中国国家航天局是中华人民共和国负责民用卫星管理及相关的政府国际空合作的政府机构。
    The China National Space Administration CNSA is China's governmental organization responsible for the management of satellites for civilian use and inter-governmental space cooperation with other countries.
  • 并为政府和非政府组织伙伴关系以及可在国家和国际层面上进行的其他活动提供实例。
    It also provides examples of partnership initiatives among governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as other activities that could be undertaken at the national and international levels.
  • 二、新的优先次序:知识经济中以创新、科技、知识、网络为主流。政府与民的投资必须以此为优先。
    The second factor is a reasonable order of priority. Investments from governmental and non-governmental sources must focus on innovation, science and technology, knowledge and Internet, because these form the mainstream of knowledge economy.
  • 一方成员的政府或政府代理机构与任何他方政府或政府代理机构之生效的与本协议内容有关的各种协议,也应予颁布。
    Agreements concerning the subject matter of this Agreement which are in force between the government or a governmental agency of a Member and the government or a governmental agency of another Member shall also be published.
  • 其他政府国际组织,原则上台湾也无权参加。
    In principle, Taiwan is also ineligible for membership in other categories of inter-governmental organizations.
  •  尚未为中华人民共和国承认的国家,只能在香港特别行政区设立民机构。
    States not recognized by the People's Republic of China may only establish non-governmental institutions in the Region.
  • 唐玄宗年(公元712年—公元756年在位),唐朝又在两大都护府之上设“碛西节度使”,是当时全国八大节度使之一。
    Emperor Xuanzong (r.712-756) of the Tang Dynasty established a Qixi Military Governorship to supervise both frontier commands. Qixi was one of the eight major military governorships at that time in the country.
  • 她抓起无绳电话飞快地跑到了自己的房,按大人教的那样远离所有的门。
    Grabbing the portable phone,she dashed to her bedroom,away from all the doors,as she'd been taught.
  • 当一位雇员度假或外出一段时返回公司时,要与其握手,亲切地表示欢迎。
    Shake hands and give a gracious welcome to an employee who's just returned from a vacation or from some other absence.
  • 在贫富之有许多等级。
    There are many gradations between poverty and wealth.
  • 等级的极其细微的差别。
    a gradation involving small or imperceptible differences between grades.
  • 由于浓度差异,蛋白质或药物等物质透过细胞膜在不同细胞之传送的过程;需要消耗能量。
    transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy.
  • 根据宪法,国务院和国家劳动行政主管部门颁布了关于劳动工资、劳动福利、劳动安全卫生、劳动者的职业培训和考核、劳动和休息时、工会和企业民主管理等法规和规章。
    In accordance with the Constitution, the State Council and state labor administration departments have promulgated laws and regulations regarding wages, welfare, worker safety and health, as well as vocational training and grading, working and resting hours, trade unions and democratic management of enterprises.
  • 分度,刻度刻度标尺上的一个
    A division or an interval on a graduated scale.
  • 佐尔顿医生从弗兰基的肩膀取骨移接在断骨之,然后用一块钢板固定,用了两个小时。
    During the two-hour procedure, Dr.Zolton took bone from Frankie's shoulder to make a graft between the broken bones and then screwed a steel plate across it.
  • 盗版电影一般是在影片首映前的放映会上用手提摄像机偷拍的。画面往往有明显雪花,图象也很闪烁。一般早于影片公映的时而出现在网上。
    Pirated copies of films, often grainy, jumpy versions taped using a handheld camera at a pre-premiere screening, regularly show up on the Internet before a movie hits theaters.
  • 他花了很多时来改我的语法错。
    He spent much time correcting my grammar.
  • 她花不少的时改我的语法作业。
    She spent much time correcting my grammar.
  • 用来表达时差别的动词的语法范畴。
    a grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time.
  • 以词与词之的关系为基础的合乎语法的词形变化。
    the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations.
  • 进入时定在下午3点。
    she made a grand entrance.
  • 周六将抵达上海,预订大饭店,最好是带浴室的单人房
    Arrive Shanghai Saturday reserve grand hotel preferably single bath
  • 里都是男孩,他们当中有十人是他自己的孙子。
    The house was full of boys; ten of whom were his own grandchildren.
  • 偶尔我也骑上车独自到某地旅行几天,或几周,除了带一张地图和有一个目的地以外几乎没有什么计划。说目的地其实也是夸大其词了。
    But every now and then I get on my bicycle and go someplace alone, traveling for days, occasionally weeks at a time, with little planning except for a map and a destination, although destination is generally a grandiose term for what it is.
  • 秦灭六国,统一中原。其后汉朝更扩大领土,延长中国的统一。自此以后,中国人对中国在政治上、社会上及文化上统一的事实和理想的渴望从未断。
    Ever since the Qin (221 - 206 BC) defeated the six hegemonic states and brought all of China under one rule, and the Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD220) grandly expanded it both in scope and duration, the fact and ideal of unification of politics, society and culture had never lost its grip on the Chinese imagination.
  • 汤姆的无礼令人难以忍受,他的祖母不得不令他离开房
    Tom's impoliteness was beyond endurance and he was asked to leave the room by his grandma.
  • 你心地真好,在我出差期照顾我年迈的外婆。
    It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.
  • 我的祖父母已经九十多岁了。热浪来袭期,温度保持在九十度
    My grandparents are in their nineties. During the heat wave, the temperature stayed in the nineties.