  • 虽然创意思维可早已在西方国家推行,但对新加坡来说,创意思维还是在起步阶段。
    Although creative thinking may have been promoted since some time ago in the West, it is only budding in Singapore.
  • 他或许不是一个好搭挡,但应该是一个愿意并且够帮助你在事业上不断取得进步的人。
    Not a best buddy, but someone who is willing and able to help you grow professionally.
  • “干活可不打盹呀,小宝贝,”她对吃奶时睡着了的孩子说。
    “ No sleeping on the job,buddy,” she says to little Danny James as he nods off while nursing.
  • 如果晚上你和伴侣约好了,那以在未获批准前,你不和哥们儿去吃饭。
    You can't agree to dinner with your buddy on a night you had plans with your partner until you get clearance.
  • 金钱不使我改变立场。
    Money can't budge me.
  • 一动不能动
    Won't budge an inch.
  • 经济拮据的家庭不每天享用肉食。
    A family on a budget can't afford meat every day.
  • 他们很可会要求增加预算。
    They'll very likely ask for an increase in the budget.
  • 一些会员国由于预算技术问题或贫穷而不及时交付会费。
    Some countries fail to pay their dues on time due to budgetary technicalities or simple poverty.
  • 用来抛光表面的量工具。
    a power tool used to buff surfaces.
  • 电脑玩家熟练地使用电脑或进行电脑编程的人;电脑爱好者
    One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.
  • 我希望如果我找到一个出身正经家庭的人来租房子的话(以现在的行情,看来不容易),我希望像我一样,把这大红色看成是充满生命力的颜色,再说,即使墙壁老旧了,这红色可以把它遮盖得天衣无缝。
    If and when I find a respectable tenant, which may be difficult in these difficult times, I hope (s)he, like me, will think of red as a wonderful vibrant colour that wears well extremely even as a buff-coloured wall ages.
  • 它通过强调简单性和避免计算密集型的政策、排队、缓冲和控制机制,设计成充分利用光纤的几乎无限制的力。
    It is designed to fully utilize the almost unlimited capacity of optical fiber by emphasizing simplicity and avoiding computation-intensive policing, queuing, buffering and control mechanisms.
  • 舞会要持续到00,之后是自助餐,希望您来。
    There'll be dancing till 11 o'clock, and a buffet supper after that. I hope you can make it.
  • 我们不用过时的作法来处理太空时代的问题。
    We cannot apply horse-and-buggy approaches to space-age problems.
  • 市政会只雇人来打扫、清除公园中被人抛下的废物。
    The council has to employ somebody to go round the park clearing up after the litter bugs.
  • 这样做可保证主类型的成员变量肯定得到了初始化(c++不具备这一功),可有效遏止多种相关的编程错误。
    This ensures that member variables of primitive types will always be initialized (something C++ doesn’t do), reducing a source of bugs.
  • 但若微内核真正像支持者所说的那样灵活和可维护,那末微内核的体系结构对及时推出没有什么错误的新操作系统可大有帮助。
    But if the microkernel really is as flexible and maintainable as its proponents say, microkernel architectures could be a big help in hetting new operating system releases out the door on time and with fewer bugs.
  • 营造商未履行合同的条款。
    The builder fail to fulfill the term of his obligation.
  • 施工员说,粗略估计一下,这一任务要两周才完成。
    The builder said that at a rough estimate the job would take about a fortnight to complete.
  • 如果你与建筑商协定的计划书他未执行,你可到法院对他起诉。
    If you have agreed specifications with the builder which he fails to carry out, you can take him to court.
  • 管理风格:多数人意见的统一者,眼光独到--最好的例子就是引入彼特曼先生,他同时也是一个精明强干的首席执行官,够轻而易举地取代凯斯的位置。
    Management Style: Consensus builder, shares power--best exemplified by decision to bring in Pittman, a high-profile executive who could easily take Case's job.
  • 建筑节能
    energy conservation in building
  • 同许多人一样,我有注意到巨额的经常帐目赤字以及短期贷款的累积。我觉得这个现象同墨西哥和阿根廷从1993至1994年的情况实在相似了。根据我较早的研究,我已经断定亚洲国家的成就虽然骄人,但并非什么奇迹,所以会面对跟其他国家一样的限制,因此我当时表示:糟了!亚洲可发生货币危机!
    Like a lot of people, I saw the very large current account deficits and the buildup of short-term debt and I thought: this looks awfully like Mexico and Argentina in 1993-94. Andsince I had already decided on the basis of my earlier work that Asia was impressive but still human and subject to the normal limitations that affect other countries, I began saying: Gosh, there could be a currency crisis here.
  • 你做仰卧起坐或少吃富含脂肪的食物,但仍不使鼓起小腹有所改变。
    You've done your sit?ups and cut down on fatty foods, but still you can't beat the battle of the belly bulge.
  • 有些飞机设计得运载体积大的货物或车辆。
    Some aircrafts are designed to carry bulky freight or vehicle.
  • 有些飞机设计得运载体积大的货物或车辆。
    Some aircraft is designed to carry bulky freight or vehicle.
  • 现行的智卡需要另外一个体积较大的读卡器来显示储存在该卡芯片上的信息。
    Current smart cards require a separate bulky card reader to display the information stored on the cards' chips.
  • 我随身带了一部照相机——一个大而笨重的快速成像的家伙,它通常是一个新闻记者身份的标志。
    I had brought a camera in with me the big, bulky Speed Graphic which used to be the newspaper reporter's trademark.
  • 第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少发现一个深长的伤口。
    The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog,hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide.
  • 电脑布告栏使得用者够传送,阅读大家都感兴趣的讯息。
    Bulletin board enable user to send or read message of general interest.
  • 装甲层虽不完全做到刀枪不入,但足以抵挡小口径子弹的攻击。
    While not totally bulletproof, the body armor can stop a small- caliber round.