  • 我还没到能够创造的年龄,那就只好满足于平铺直叙了。
    Since I am not yet of an age to invent, I must make do with telling a tale.
  • 曾经为生存所必需的那种发明创造能力,可以说依是美国理想的组成部分。
    The inventiveness once necessary for survival may also be a part of the national dream.
  • *自我评估(初中及高中):编制一张性格品质的表格,后让希瑟和她的同学对自己进行评价。
    * Self evaluation (middle and high school): Construct an inventory of character traits and then have Heather and her classmates evaluate themselves.
  • 这和他早些时候提的建议截相反.
    This is the inverse of his earlier proposition.
  • 相反的关系;当,波长和频率是相反的关系-f.a.盖达德。
    inversely related; wavelength and frequency are, of course, related reciprocally- F.A.Geldard.
  • 万有引力任何两个巨大物体间的自吸引力,与他们的质量成正比,并与其两者间距离的平方成反比
    The natural force of attraction between any two massive bodies, which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
  • 意大利煎蛋卷,用切碎的蔬菜和肉做馅;烹制到底部刚刚变硬,后反过来放进另一只平底锅里烤顶部。
    Italian omelet with diced vegetables and meats; cooked until bottom is set then inverted into another pan to cook the top.
  • 科学家研究自现象。
    Scientists investigate natural phenomena.
  • ,日益发展的投资行业也是ceo成为较出名的公众人物的原因之一。
    The rising popularity of investing, of course, has made CEOs more prominent as public figures.
  • 剧院老板认为,当今为任何一部喜剧投资都是必会赚钱的事。
    The owner of the theatre thinks that investing in any musical comedy is a sure thing these days.
  • 英国仍是我们最大的海外投资者,英国和香港的关系也不止於贸易和商业之上。
    Britain remains our largest outside investor, and there remains far more to our relationship than trade and commerce.
  • 这是些积习很深的贮藏家。他们的箴言显就是“不浪费,无缺愁”。
    They were inveterate hoarders. Their motto was obviously "Waste not, want not".
  • 开放、搞活,必带来一些不好的东西,不对付它,就会走到邪路上去。
    Our efforts to open to the outside world and invigorate the domestic economy are bound to have some undesirable side effects. If we fail to cope with them, our work will take the wrong direction.
  • 不应该在我主力军中实行“三三制”,但是只要军队的领导权掌握在我党手里(这是完全必需的,不能动摇的),便不怕吸收大量同情分子来参加军事部门和技术部门的建设。
    Of course, the "three thirds system" should not be introduced into our main forces, but so long as the leadership of the army is kept in the hands of the Party (this is an absolute and inviolable necessity), we need not be afraid of drawing large numbers of sympathizers into the work of building up the military and technical departments of our army.
  • 磁力线虽看不见,但确实存在。
    Magnetic lines of force do exist though invisible.
  • 空气虽看不见,但它占据了空间。
    Even though air is invisible, air takes up space.
  • ,她听到一个声音说:"波西卡夫人,我是这座宫殿中一个隐形仆人。
    "My lady,Psyche,"Suddenly a voice said. "I'm one of the invisible servants of this place.
  • 界中绝大部分的情形是看不见的,而我们并不否认它们的存在。”
    " Most of what goes on in nature is invisible, yet we don't deny that it exists."
  • 而,达赖喇嘛拒绝了这次邀请。
    But the Dalai Lama rejected the invitation.
  • 后他们请我们坐下。
    We were then invited to sit down.
  • 梦在睡眠的一定阶段在头脑中不自地出现的一系列形象、想法、情感和感觉
    A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
  • 一种突的、无意识的运动。
    a sudden involuntary movement.
  • 由鼻子不自喷发气体的症状。
    a symptom consisting of the involuntary expulsion of air from the nose.
  • 因突的惊奇或惊慌而兴奋并做出快速的非随意运动。
    excited by sudden surprise or alarm and making a quick involuntary movement.
  • 面部或肢体肌肉自抽动。
    involuntary rolling of the tongue and twitching of the face or trunk or limbs.
  • 那必会导致我和家人的分居。
    It would involve living apart from my family.
  • 他不想把他的叔叔不必要地卷进去。
    Certainly he was not going to involve his uncle unnecessarily.
  • 他做了党主席,只是历史的偶,在他内心,也许不觉得对国民党负有多少责任。
    It was a sheer chance of history that made him chairman of the KMT. Inwardly, he may not feel he should be responsible to his party.
  • 那天夜里出现了一种壮观的极光式景象,有些科学家认为,这种现象与高层大气中电离的突爆裂有关。
    There was a brilliant aurora-type display that night, which some scientists took to be associated with the sudden burst of ionization high in the atmosphere.
  • 铱锇矿一种矿石,是少量铂、铑及其他金属矿石的铱锇的自合金,用于制造针头和耐磨尖端
    A mineral that is a natural alloy of osmium and iridium with small inclusions of platinum, rhodium, and other metals, used in needles and wearing points.
  • 虹膜的图案转译为数码,后与个人资料一起储存在个人计算机数据库里。
    The patterns of the iris are translated into digital code, and stored in a PC database, along with personal information.
  • 具有讽刺意义的是,虽排球是美国人发明的,美国人却眼睁睁看着别的国家,如日本、中国、巴西、前苏联和古巴,在排球发展方面占居了领导地位。
    Ironically, although the game was invented in the United States, Americans have watched other countries such as Japan, China, Brazil, the former Soviet Union and Cuba play leadership role for its development.