  • 流经伦敦的河叫泰晤士河。
    The river, which flows through London, is called the Thames.
  • 我一直在计划哪一天要沿着泰晤士河畔那大路开车观光。
    I've been planning to drive along the road by the Thames some day.
  • 两年前撒切尔夫人来谈,当时她坚持历史上的约按国际法仍然有效,一九九七年后英国要继续管理香港。
    When Mrs Thatcher came to hold talks with us two years ago, she insisted that according to international law a treaty once signed remains valid and that Britain would continue its administration of Hong Kong after 1997.
  • 其他类似固定词组见有关名词词,如
    For other similar expressions, see entries for thens
  • 同样,西藏40多年来文化的发展是在消灭比欧洲中世纪还要黑暗的政教合一的封建农奴制这样一个巨大的社会变革的件下出现的。
    The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved in the course of the same great social change marked by the elimination of feudal serfdom under theocracy that was even darker than the European system in the Middle Ages.
  • 同样,西藏40多年来文化的发展是在消灭比欧洲中世纪还要黑暗的政教合一的封建农奴制这样一个巨大的社会变革的件下出现的。
    The development of Tibetan culture in the last four decades and more has been achieved in the course of the same great social change marked by the elimination of feudal serfdom under theocracy that was even darker than the European system in the Middle Ages.
  • 神学教认为通过信仰和上帝的恩宠不受任何法律限制(包括文化的道德标准)。
    the theological doctrine that by faith and God's grace a Christian is freed from all laws (including the moral standards of the culture).
  • 计算机产生了一关于一个熟知的定理的全新验证。
    the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem.
  • 在理论方面,他们胜过其余的无产阶级群众的地方在于他们了解无产阶级运动的件、进程和一般结果。
    on the other hand, theoretically, they have over the great mass of the proletariat the advantage of clearly understanding the line of march, the conditions, and the ultimate general results of the proletarian movement.
  • 但是,尽管很少有人认为,在象什么是财富这样简单的问题上,概念会发生严重的混乱,可历史上确曾出现过这样的概念混乱。理论家和政治家在某一时期都曾普遍地受到这方面的影响。许多世代以来,概念的混乱引导欧洲的政策走上一彻头彻尾错误的道路。
    But, little as it might be expected that any mischievous confusion of ideas could take place on a subject so simple as the question, what is to be considered as wealth, it is matter of history, that such confusion of ideas has existed-that theorists and practical politicians have been equally and at one period universally, infected by it, and that for many generations it gave a thoroughly false direction to the policy of Europe.
  • 马克思说,阶级斗争不是他的发现,他的理论最实质的一就是无产阶级专政。
    Marx once said that the theory of class struggle was not his discovery. The heart of his theories was the dictatorship of the proletariat.
  • 人智学由神智学发展出来的现代宗教派别的教和信仰,宣称要发展关于精神实在的知识和理解
    The doctrines and beliefs of a modern religious sect derived from theosophy and claiming to develop knowledge and realization of spiritual reality.
  • 纳税人:您的意思是说我不具备享受税收协定的件?
    Taxpayer: Do you mean that my salary is sustained by permanent establishment, thereby I am not applicable for the tax treaty?
  • 第二十一实验动物的运输工作应当有专人负责。
    Article 21 The transport of experimental animals shall be put in the charge of persons specially appointed therefor.
  •  第三十九录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品,享有许可他人复制发行并获得报酬的权利。
    Article 39 A producer of sound recordings or video recordings shall have the right to authorize others to reproduce and distribute his sound recordings or video recordings and the right to receive remuneration therefor.
  •  第四十八自发明专利申请公布之日起至公告授予专利权之日前,任何人均可以对不符合专利法规定的专利申请向国务院专利行政部门提出意见,并说明理由。
    Rule 48 Any person may, from the date of publication of an application for a patent for invention till the date of announcing the grant of the patent right, submit to the Patent Administration Department under the State Council his observations, with reasons therefor, on the application which is not in conformity with the provisions of the Patent Law.
  • 国务院发布的《城市规划例》同时废止。
    The Regulations on City Planning promulgated by the State Council shall be abrogated therefrom.
  • 但对于伯尔尼公约第六之2规定之权利或对于从该引申的权利,成员应依本协议而免除权利或义务。
    However, Members shall not have rights or obligations under this Agreement in respect of the rights conferred under Article 6bis of that Convention or of the rights derived therefrom.
  • 除非在特别情况下,如果诉讼一方不遵守本例的规定和要求或者陪审团的任何要求,陪审团可以由此作出它认为适当的决断。
    If a Party, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, does not comply with any provision of, or requirement under, these Rules or any request from the Panel, the Panel shall draw such inferences therefrom as it considers appropriate.
  •  第七香港特别行政区境内的土地和自然资源属于国家所有,由香港特别行政区政府负责管理、使用、开发、出租或批给个人、法人或团体使用或开发,其收入全归香港特别行政区政府支配。
    Article 7 The land and natural resources within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be State property. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be responsible for their management, use and development and for their lease or grant to individuals, legal persons or organizations for use or development. The revenues derived therefrom shall be exclusively at the disposal of the government of the Region.
  • 第三十五 在林区采伐林木,不采取水土保持措施,造成严重水土流失的,由水行政主管部门报请县级以上人民政府决定责令限期改正、采取补救措施,处以罚款。
    Article 35 In the case of tree-felling in forest areas without adopting water and soil conservation measures, thus causing serious soil erosion, the department of water administration shall report thereon to the people's government at or above the county level for a decision to order a rectification within a fixed period of time and the adoption of remedial measures, and shall also impose a fine.
  •  第七十七本章关于奖金和报酬的规定,中国其他单位可以参照执行。
    Rule 77 The provisions of this Chapter may be implemented by any other Chinese entity by making reference thereto.
  • 随着资产阶级的发展,随着贸易自由的实现和世界市场的建立,随着工业生产以及与之相适应的生活件的趋于一致,各国人民之间的民族隔绝和对立日益消失。
    National differences and antagonisms between peoples are daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world-market, to uniformity in the mode of production and in the conditions of life corresponding thereto.
  • 第十一 通过贸易、科技合作、交换、赠送、援助等方式输入动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物的,应当在合同或者协议中订明中国法定的检疫要求,并订明必须附有输出国家或者地区政府动植物检疫机关出具的检疫证书。
    Article 11 Whoever imports animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects through trade, scientific and technological cooperation, exchanges, donations or aid shall specify in the contracts or agreements the requirements for quarantine inspection prescribed by China's law and the necessity of quarantine certificates issued by the animal and plant quarantine department under the government of the exporting country or region being appended therewith.
  • 于是那管家就把手放在他主人亚伯拉罕的大腿下面,按照这些件发了誓。
    So the servant put his hand under his master Abraham's thigh and swore an oath in those terms.
  • 首先,我们必须考虑生物体是由什么组成的,不论是动物还是植物。其次,要考虑生物体的生存需要什么样的件。
    First we must consider what goes to make a living thing, whether plant or animal, and then what conditions living things need in order to go on living.
  • 这一消息使我思索起来。
    This news started me thinking.
  • 第三,通过生产劳动使罪犯尽可能地掌握一种或几种生产技能及知识,可以为刑满释放后的就业谋生创造件。
    Thirdly, productive labour enables prisoners to acquire productive skills and knowledge which make it possible for them to earn a living when they have served their sentence.
  • 第三,由于合同是双方进行交易和处理争议的惟一法律依据,我们应把合同中的每个款都拟定清楚。
    Thirdly, we should draft every clause of the contract properly since the contract is the only legal document for the execution of transaction and the settlement of the dispute.
  •     (d)除适用第十七第(2)款规定的情况外,大会决议需有所投票数的三分之二票。
    Subject to the provisions of Article 17 (2), the decisions of the Assembly shall require two thirds of the votes cast.
  • 船是今天早上靠的码头。
    This ship docked this morning.
  • 蛇不再需要这张皮了。
    This snake no longer needs this skin.