  • 谢谢你的邀请,我等你。
    Thank you very much for inviting me,I'll is expecting you.
  • 尽管,这样的开发模式并不会因uddi注册信息的出现而完全改变,但起码,如果使用了uddi注册所支持的特别的调用模式,可以解决一个非常显著而重要的问题。
    This will not necessarily change completely as a result of UDDI registry entries, but one significant problem can be managed if a particular invocation pattern is employed.
  • 通过把新的提供服务的地址更新到uddi信息中,那些使用调用模式的合作者可以自动地获取新的服务调用信息并在无需管理员介入的情况下恢复系统连接。
    By updating the UDDI information with the new address for the service, partners who use the invocation pattern will automatically locate the new service information and recover without further administrative action.
  • 发票的日期倒填成1月1日
    The invoice is antedated to January 1st
  • 当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。
    As soon as the purchase is made, and the price ascertained, I will inform you at what they will be invoiced.
  • 细心地护理会使一个即死去的人起死回生。
    Careful nursing may gradually invoke life from a dying person.
  • 意味着庞大的支出和不能收回的投资。
    This will involve high expenses and nonrecoverable outlays.
  • 被告知那份工作需要出差
    Was told that the job would involve travel.
  • 我恐怕我一点儿也不会敬重接任总经理职位的那个人。
    I'm afraid I don't have one iota of respect for the man who is taking over from the general manager.
  • 为数极众的记者们于二月八日驾临衣阿华州,来记录13位总统候选人的成功或失败。
    One of the largest concentrations of reporters ever will descend on Iowa Feb.8 to record the success or failure of a baker's dozen Presidential candidates.
  • 衣阿华州参议员哈金今天大吼大叫地加入了民主党总统候选人的竞选,讥笑布什总统有一双政治“泥足”,是一个不关心人民的政客,并这次选举塑成为特权政府与民有政府之间的明显抉择。
    Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa roared into the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination today scoffing at President Bush as a uncaring plutocrat with political "feel of clay" and casting the election as a stark choice between a government for the privileged and a government for the people at large.
  • 但直至今日,伊拉克否认它已vx武器化。
    Yet, to this day, Iraq denies it had ever weaponized VX.
  • 这份报纸称:"这部音乐剧是伊拉克剧院上映的最大剧目。
    ``It will be the largest production in the long history of Iraqi theater.
  • 最近几天来,美国当局已经与伊拉克情报部门有牵连的一些人驱逐出境。
    In recent days, American authorities have expelled from the country certain individuals with ties to Iraqi intelligence services.
  • 我们的军队给伊拉克军事部门清晰明了的指令,告诉他们如何行动才能避免被攻击和摧毁的命运。
    Our forces will give Iraqi military units clear instructions on actions they can take to avoid being attack and destroyed.
  • 伊拉克官员应萨达姆之命伪造了一位科学家的死亡证明,实际上被隐匿了起来。
    On orders from Saddam Hussein, Iraqi officials issued a false death certificate for one scientist, and he was sent into hiding.
  • 同时,伊拉克所有的军事人员和平民都应该认真听听这一警告:在任何冲突中,你的行动决定你的命运。
    And all Iraqi military and civilian personnel should listen carefully to this warning: In any conflict, your fate will depend on your actions.
  • 该裁定特别令爱尔兰人喜上眉梢。
    It will bring a smile to Irish eyes in particular".
  • 热将使铁熔化。
    Heat will melt iron.
  • 奇怪的是,古代世界分成亚洲与欧洲的分法很可能是希腊人从腓尼基人也就是今天黎巴嫩人的祖先那里借用过来的。
    Ironically, the division of the ancient worldsintosAsia and Europe was probably borrowed by the Greeks from the Phoenicians, the ancestors of today's Lebanese;
  • 这种登录是一种记录“黑客”入侵时做了什么的好方法,但可笑的是,很多不认识其重要性的网络管理员它关掉。
    This logon--which, ironically, is turned off by many network administrators who don't appreciate its importance--is an excellent way of recording what occurred during an attack by hackers.
  • 在烫衣服前应衣服打湿。
    You should damp clothes before ironing them.
  • 但是在目前世界形势下,实行普通自由贸易的结果是不会产生一个世界范围的共和国的,情形适得其反,比较落后的国家普通屈服于工商业与海军强国的优势之下,作出这种结论的理由是极其充分的,在我们看来,这样的形势简直是万难避免的。
    That, however, under the existing conditions of the world, the result of general free trade would not be a universal republic,but, on the contrary, a universal subjection of the less advanced nations to the supremacy of the predominant manufacturing,commercial, and naval power, is a conclusion for which the reasons are very strong and, according to our views, irrefragable.
  • 这种有梭镖的农民,成为“挨户团非常备队”。
    These peasants thus armed form an "irregular household militia".
  • 委员会已几乎作出决定时,哈里提出一个与排水系统毫无关系的问题,而整个议程打断了。
    The committee had nearly come to a decision when Harry stuck his oar in with some irrelevant point about the drains.
  • 公布许多核机密被视为这一战略基本的一个部分,因为这表明了一个全新的全球格局,在这样一个格局中,核技术突然间无可挽回地跌价了,真正的安全在于这样一个集体认识:没有人可以武器的研制推到人类知识界限之外。
    Releasing many of America's nuclear secrets was seen as an essential part of this strategy.,since it would signal a new global order in which nuclear know-how was suddenly and irreparably devalued and real security would lie in the collective knowledge that nobody was able to push weaponry beyond the known boundaries.
  • 中国来一定要发展到社会主义去,这样一个定律谁都不能推翻。
    China will certainly go over to socialism in the future;that is an irresistible law.
  • 更糟糕的,是“反恐”战争演变为一场“文明冲突”,美国再是船坚炮利,无往不摧,仍然无法取得对十几亿穆斯林的“攻心”胜利。
    Worse still, with the War on Terror soon becoming a Conflict of Civilisations, American military power, no matter how strong or irresistible, will still fail to win the hearts and minds of the more than one billion Muslims.
  • 总统对军的不负责任的形为提出责备。
    The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior.
  • 他目前看来有点缺乏责任感,但我相信他来会变好的。
    He seems a little bit irresponsible now, but I think he will make out all right.
  • 伊丽莎白已经发生的事情告诉达西,然后返回家去,对不负责任的妹妹满怀焦虑。
    Elizabeth tells Darcy what has happened and returns home, full of anxiety for her irresponsible younger sister.
  • 他还补充说,很多父母自己未成年的孩子交给留学中介,这样做很不负责任,尤其事实证明很多留学中介并不合格。
    He thought that many parents were irresponsible putting their young children in the hands of overseas education agencies, especially since many have turned out to be fake.