  • 虽然威廉斯是影片的头号主角,但擅长抢镜的克洛斯却获得了第一次奥斯卡最佳女配角提
    Though Williams was the movie's titular hero,the show?stealing Close was rewarded with her first Oscar nomination,for Best Supporting Actress.
  • 此物三硝基甲苯,即通称的tnt。
    It is trinitrotoluene, TNT to you.
  • 船员从东京打电报通知了他的家人。
    The sailor cabled his family from Tokyo.
  • 汤姆已名誉扫地。
    Tom's name is dirt.
  • 墓碑上刻有她的字和去世的日期。
    The tombstone is inscribed with her name and the date of her death.
  • 法国波尔多警方日前接报一件奇案:一7岁的女孩被其兄墓碑上掉落的石十字架压死。
    A 7-year-old French girl died after being crushed by a cross that fell from a tombstone as she and her family visited her brother's grave, police say.
  • 他把他的一本签过的书赠送给我。
    He presented a signed copy of his book tome.
  • 这位银行职员开着部贵汽车出现时,大家便议论纷纷起来。
    When the bank clerk showed up in an expensive new car, tongues wagged.
  • 托尼有吸引人的风度,因此会成为一好的推销员。
    Tony has a way with him and should make a good salesman.
  • 保罗在考试中列前茅。
    Paul came top in the examination.
  • cim给出公用的拓扑信息和公用的命信息,因而网络中的任何一样东西都可以唯一识别,而不管它们是哪家公司的或哪种物理技术。
    CIM delivers common topology information and common naming information so that everything is uniquely identified within the network, regardless of vendor and physical technology.
  • 托波赛尔号是一艘很的小船.曾多次横渡大西洋。
    Topsail is a famous little boat . It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
  • 真实故事:1981年,当龙卷风似的灾难突袭美国音像店的时候,斯查尔兹在停车场张贴了一个巨大的单为‘龙卷风销售’的宣传单,将大批商品大肆打折出售。
    True story: When a tornado destroyed a Sound of Music store in 1981, Schulze held a huge "tornado sale" of heavily discounted merchandise in the parking lot.
  • 作关于某人企业或财产的错误陈述以便损害他的声,这是一种侵权行为
    Tort of making a wrong statement about someone so as to harm his reputation
  • 作关于某人企业或财产的错误陈述以便损害他的声,这是一种侵权行为。
    Tort of make a wrong statement about someone so as to harm his reputation( usually in relation to his business or property).
  • 人类,艺术家,个人,在这一座座没有作者姓的庞然大物上都消失了,唯有人类的智慧却概括在其中,总结在其中。
    The man, the artist, the individual, is effaced in these great masses, which lack the name of their author; human intelligence is there summed up and totalized.
  • 那个在科举考试里获第一的人,是和一个球员冲破敌人防线,帮球队获得胜利一样。
    And he who comes out on top in the civil examinations is like a player who makes a touchdown.
  • 充实和完善历史文化城保护的总体方案。
    The overall plan for the protection of this famous historical and cultural city is to be toughened and improved.
  • 旅游协会本身定期举办特色观光团──"遨游新界东北游"、"赛马观光团"、"体育及康乐观光团"、"香港古迹游"及"生活写照观光团",年内共有23000游客参加。
    The HKTA's own regular tours - The Land Between Tour, the Come Horseracing Tour, the Sports and Recreation Tour, the Heritage Tour and the Family Insight Tour - were enjoyed by about 23 000 visitors in 1997.
  • 这位有的歌星总是在各个国家作巡回演出。
    The famous singer was always touring in different countries.
  • 那个国家以旅游业闻
    That nation is famous for its tourism.
  • 48.为实践上述各项新构思,我决定委任一旅游事务专员,专员责任是推动本港旅游业的发展。
    48. To take our new vision for tourism forward with a clear focus, I have decided to appoint a Commissioner for Tourism whose duty will be to promote the development of this industry.
  • 加强有关文化遗产和自然遗产的环境保护工作,加强旅游业统一规划管理,开展生态旅游,强化森林公园和风景胜区建设。
    Environmental protection in the places embodying cultural, historical and natural relics will be promoted. Integrated planning and management of tourism will give priority to the development of ecological tourism and improvement of forest parks and scenic resorts.
  • 在篮球锦标赛中,我们的球队排最后。
    In the basketball tournament, out team brought up the rear.
  • 此外,该会又透过这两个中心,协助18000访港旅客预订本地观光旅游团团位。
    The association also assisted in the booking of local sightseeing tours for 18 000 visitors through the two centres.
  • 你要是听我的劝告,就到别处去推销你的钱,要是你呆在这儿,警察会以做黑市交易的罪抓住你的。
    If you'll take my advice, you'll try touting that money around somewhere else. If you stay here, the police will pick you up for black market dealing.
  • 服务员:这座城市以岳阳楼闻,岳阳楼是中国具有历史意义的楼之一。
    The city is famous for its Yueyang Tower, one of the most outstanding towers of historic significance in China.
  • 他梦想着成为一城里人。
    He dreamed of becoming a townsman.
  • 这个单位信托基金后来定为盈富基金。
    This unit trust has become known as the Tracker Fund of Hong Kong, or TraHK.
  • 我想做一拖拉机手。
    I like to be a tractor driver.
  • 我想做一拖拉机手。
    I like to be a tractor driver.
  • 他用他父亲的誉牟利。
    He trades on his father's reputation.