  • 奥里诺科河委内瑞拉流域的一条长度超过2,414公里(1,500英里)的河流,其一部沿哥伦比亚-委内瑞拉边界入大西洋。其入海口可能由哥伦布在1498年发现。
    A river of Venezuela flowing more than2, 414 km(1, 500 mi), partly along the Colombia-Venezuela border, to the Atlantic Ocean. The mouth of the river was probably discovered by Columbus in1498.
  • 中国在近代历史上,备受帝国主义和殖民主义的侵略、瓜,人民饱受凌辱。
    In Modern history, China had suffered greatly imperialist and colonialist invasion
  • 中国在近代历史上,备受帝国主义和殖民主义的侵略、瓜,人民饱受凌辱。
    Modern history has served as grim witness to China's great sufferings and the humiliation of the Chinese people as the result of imperialist and colonialist invasion and partition.
  • 哥伦比亚队员正在场上做几钟热身动作。
    The Columbia players are warming up for a few minutes on the field.
  • 哥伦比亚队员正在场上做几钟热身动作。
    The columbia player is warm up for a few minute on the field.
  • 佩纽蒂语系北美印第安人语言的支,主要在太平洋沿岸区从加利福尼亚到英属哥伦比亚的范围内使用
    A proposed stock of North American Indian languages spoken in Pacific coastal areas from California into British Columbia.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见美籍华裔学者李政道教授时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with the Chinese-American physicist and Nobel Prize winner Professor Tsung-Dao Lee of Columbia University.)
  • 柱头一根柱子或圆柱的顶端部
    The top part of a pillar or column.
  • 凤尾松科的模式属;广泛布在旧大陆的一种热带树,具有羽状的叶子和被老叶子持久覆盖的筒形的树干。
    type genus of Cycadaceae: genus of widely distributed Old World evergreen tropical trees having pinnate leaves and columnar stems covered with persistent bases of old leaves.
  • activex体系结构均使用微软公司的组件对象模型(com)和布式组件对象模型(dcom)标准:com允许不同的应用程序实现本地相互交谈,而dcom提供在网络上的(应用程序间)通信。
    The ActiveX architecture uses Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) and Distributed COM (DCOM) standards: COM allows different applications to talk to each other locally, and DCOM provides communications over a network.
  • 在早期的发展过程中,com没有布组件。
    In its early iterations, COM had no notion of distributed components.
  • 在另一个阵营,微软公司开发并支持com及其布式组件的模型dcom。
    In the other camp, Microsoft has developed and championed COM and DCOM, its model for distributed components.
  • 所以一天晚上,我们上网花了75美圆注册了"gamers.com"这个域名(laomao:真有眼光!那时候我听说过internet,可是只能上上业余的bbs,知道那种bbs吗?就是私人自己用一台电脑一根电话线办的,用户每天只能上10-30钟不等,虽然和现在的网络不能比,可是那种乐趣是我这辈子也忘记不了的了,我现在的硬盘上还保留着几十m的灌水记录)。
    So one night,we logged onto the Internet,registered "gamers.com"for 75bucks,and off we went.
  • 电子生意成两大类:建在网上的公司和正在经历生意变革的现有公司。
    Electronic businesses fall into two main groups:dot.com companies and existing companies that are undergoing business transformation.
  • 处在部昏迷的状态之中。
    in a state of partial coma.
  • 复杂的具有错综复杂的结合或混杂部
    Containing intricately combined or involved parts.
  • 微积学和积学的结合
    The combined mathematics of differential calculus and integral calculus.
  • 解,离析将(一物质)从一种化合物中离出来
    To separate(a substance) out of a combined mixture.
  • 'fold'在类似'afiftyfoldincrease(50倍的增长)'这样的表达中是个构词成
    `fold' is a combing form in expressions like `a fiftyfold increase'.
  • 构词成;自己或自身。
    combining form; oneself or itself.
  • (构词成)具有特定数量的楼层。
    (combining form) having stories as indicated.
  • 任何由不同成组成的食品。
    any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients.
  • 悲喜剧一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成的剧作
    A drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy.
  • 建造,构筑通过组合材料或部而形成;建造
    To form by combining materials or parts; construct.
  • 建筑,构成通过组合材料或部来制造某物
    To make something by combining materials or parts.
  • 三聚体一个由三个相同的较小子结合在一起形成的
    A molecule formed by combining three identical smaller molecules.
  • 将孤立的成化合成一个单一的实体。
    being a single entity made by combining separate components.
  • (构词成)指全体职员的首领。
    (combining form) indicating the head of a staff.
  • (构词成)有特定的一张床或者多张床。
    (combining form) having a bed or beds as specified.
  • (构词成)表示最初、最早或者原始的。
    (combining form) indicating the first or earliest or original.
  • 例如在组织机构的内部;用作构词成
    inside e.g. an organization; used as a combining form.
  • 燃素,热素原来假设的在所有燃烧物质中挥发性的一种物质成,在燃烧中作为火焰而被释放出来
    A hypothetical substance formerly thought to be a volatile constituent of all combustible substances released as flame in combustion.