  • 国家成立了全国少数民族古籍整理出版规划小组和办室,组织和领导全国少数民族古籍整理工作。
    A national planning section and office have been established by the state to organize the editing and publishing of ancient books of ethnic minorities.
  • 出版司中一个编辑职位;禁止使用未署名的资料的编辑政策
    An editorial position with a publishing company; an editorial policy prohibiting the use of unnamed sources.
  • 这篇社论是要试探出众对于变更校历的反应。
    The editorial was a trail balloon to test the public's reaction to a change in the school day.
  • 这是当时《大报》在一九三八年四月二十五日和二十六日社评中提出的意见。
    This view was put forward in an editorial in the Ta Kung Pao, then the organ of the Political Science Group in the Kuomintang.
  • 编辑须合用一间办室。
    The editors have to share an office.
  • 报纸编辑们发现,读者们热衷于所有关于戴安娜的报道,无论是有关她的服装、她的风格、她的社交活动,以及她如何抚养她的两个孩子,众对于这些都饶有兴趣。
    Newspaper editors found the public was eager to lap up articles about Diana, her clothes, her style, her public engagements, how she was raising her two young sons.
  • 希望选民了解增加立学校开支的必要性
    Hoped to educate the voters to the need for increased spending on public schools.
  • 众应受到合理地利用能源的教育.
    The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively.
  • 这家司出版了大量的教育书籍。
    This firm prints a lot of educational books.
  • 我们的钱化得值吗?一位著名的教育学家开地问出了这个问题。
    Are we getting our money's worth? An eminent educationist is now asking it loud and clear.
  • 新来的经理在司里促成了好几次改革。
    The new manager effected several changes in the company.
  • 三、民、政治权利得到有效保障
    III. Civil Rights and Political Rights of Citizens Effectively Safeguarded
  • 众应受到合理地利用能源的教育。
    The public shall be educated in how to use energy more effectively.
  • 中国支持全面加强《禁止生物武器约》有效性的工作。
    China supports the enhancement of the effectiveness of the BWC in a comprehensive manner.
  • 从总司借调的一个效率专家
    An efficiency expert on loan from the main office.
  • 这部分地说明了司效率高的原因。
    This partly accounts for the efficiency of the company.
  • 只靠营机构的力量去完成这项工作,无论在成本效率或是管理效率方面,均不可取。
    To accomplish this solely within public means is neither cost efficient nor management efficient.
  • 除此之外,本司拥有自己的广告代理,能极为有效地运用最新的市场销售方式。
    In addition, we operate our own advertising agency, and we can use the latest marketing procedures quite efficiently.
  • 务员以经验丰富、备受尊崇的领导班子为首,秉承一贯的作风,履行职务时效率极高,工作成绩超卓。
    The civil service is carrying on exactly as it always has, efficiently and productively under an experienced and greatly respected leadership.
  • 这些化学司排出废水污染著我们的河流。
    The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent.
  • 董事们为改进司的全面管理作出的努力是卓有成效的。
    The directors' efforts to improve the comprehensive management in the company have been very effective.
  • 盥洗室,洗手间,共厕所(如剧院、商店内的)
    Public lavatory in eg a theatre, store
  • 奇耻大辱;臭名昭著的谎言;对人权的然践踏;重大的错误;非常的不称职;极端的不平;罪恶昭彰的背信弃义。
    a crying shame; an egregious lie; flagrant violation of human rights; a glaring error; gross ineptitude; gross injustice; rank treachery.
  • 分析家们身处最激烈的利益冲突中,会在压力和利益驱使下推荐某种股票,从而增加股票发行司的吸引力。
    Among the most egregious conflicts of interest,analysts have been pressured and paid to recommend stocks simply to curry favor with the issuing companies.
  • 继续对华尔街施加压力分析家们身处最激烈的利益冲突中,会在压力和利益驱使下推荐某种股票,从而增加股票发行司的吸引力。
    Keep up pressure on Wall Street. Among the most egregious conflicts of interest,analysts have been pressured and paid to recommend stocks simply to curry favor with the issuing companies.
  • 埃及和德国的古物学者将一具古埃及法老王阿赫拿吞(元前1372年-元前1354年在位,编者加)的金棺棺木抬起。
    Egyptian and German Egyptologists carry the ancient sarcophagus of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2002.
  • 一个在元前八百年死去的埃及女木乃伊刚刚被动过手术。
    The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B. C. has just had an operation.
  • 元前1500年,埃及人开始把猫视为神圣的动物,杀死一只猫被视为犯罪,会被处以死刑。
    By 1500 B.C., Egyptians began regarding cats as sacred and it became a crime, punishable by death, to kill one.
  • 比如说,您可以在第三个平台参观埃菲尔的办室。
    For example, on the third level, you can visit Eiffel's office.
  • 他本人把司在巴黎的总部搬入了豪华的新写字楼,俯瞰凯旋门、香榭丽舍大街和艾菲尔铁塔。
    Messier moved Vivendi's Paris HQ to plush new offices overlooking the Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees and Eiffel Tower.
  • 18世纪的轻罪犯们受到了不正的待遇,那时他们因我们现在认为的小过错而被流放到澳大利亚。
    Petty criminals in the eighteenth century got the rough end of the stick when they were transported to Australia for what we would now regard as minor offences.
  • 何西阿元前8世纪时的希伯来先知
    A Hebrew prophet of the eighth century b.c.