  • 埃尔蒙特区美国纽约州南部一个未合并社区,位于米尼奥拉西南部长岛西部沿岸。它主要是住宅区。人口28,612
    An unincorporated community of southeast New York on western Long Island southwest of Mineola. It is mainly residential. Population,28, 612.
  • 鲍德温纽约南部的一个未合并社区,位于长岛西部的南部海滨。主要为住宅区。人口35,100
    An unincorporated community of southeast New York on the southern shore of western Long Island. It is mainly residential. Population,35, 100.
  • 兰开斯特美国加利福尼亚州的南部一独立社区,位于洛杉矶市北部。它是一个灌溉农场区的商贸中心。人口97,291
    An unincorporated community of southern California northeast of Los Angeles. It is a trade center for an irrigated farming area. Population,97, 291.
  • 欧申赛德美国纽约南部一个还未合并的位于长岛南岸的社区。欧寻赛德是一个以住宅及休养为主的城镇。人口32,423
    An unincorporated community of southeast New York on the southern shore of Long Island. Oceanside is a residential and resort town. Population,32, 423.
  • 在视频系统中,图象重显时观察到的反常的或非有意安排的某些西。
    In video systems, something unnatural or unintended observed in the reproduction of an image by the system.
  • 年复一年,这位教授讲的都是既陈旧又毫无兴趣可言的老一套西,结果很快就没有学生听他的课了。
    Year after year, the professor served up the same old uninteresting facts, and soon he had no students left.
  • 方文化来说,尤其汉民族,是很特别的。
    Eastern culture, especially Chinese culture, is quite unique.
  • 用片状的西来连接或结合。
    to join or unite the pieces of.
  • "如果北京得到举办奥运会的机会,将使西方的联系更加密切,给奥林匹克运动带来新鲜血液,并且在真正意义上实现奥林匹克运动所体现的广泛性,"。
    " A chance for Beijing to host the Games would provide a closer link between the eastern and western worlds, bring fresh blood to the Olympic Movement and a true meaning of universality which the Olympics represents," Liu said.
  • 进一步采取积极措施,加快普及九年义务教育,推动高等教育、中等教育和各种形式职业教育的发展,积极开展西部地区与部地区的联合办学和对口支援。
    Further measures should be taken to universalize the 9-year compulsory education, promote higher education, secondary education and professional education in various forms. Joint development between east and west on schools should also be conducted.
  • 直到不久前,可用来帮助使网络安全的工具都要求(使用者)深入了解从tcp/ip到unix内核的用户权限处理方面的所有西。
    Until recently, the tools available to help secure a network required an in-depth understanding of everything from TCP/IP to a Unix kernel's treatment of user rights.
  • 擅自拿取,抢取…西非法取得(金钱或财物);偷取
    To take(money or property) unlawfully; steal.
  • 使忘记使…忘掉或遗忘(所学的)某种西
    To cause to forget or unlearn something.
  • 这样你就学会了在亚和南亚不去直视对方,而你在地中海地区、西亚和拉丁美洲做业务时,你就得忘掉这些。
    While you may learn to use an indirect gaze in East and Southeast Asia, you have to unlearn that lesson when doing business in the Mediterranean region, West Asia, and Latin America.
  • 我帮你先把西卸下来吧。
    Let me help you unload first.
  • 我们愿意把卸货港由京改为大阪。
    We'd like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.
  • 约翰做事仓促,我们还没有把放西的地方打扫干净,他就开始卸货车上的西了。
    John went off at half cock and started unloading the van before we had cleared space to put the things in.
  • 以政治条件和物质条件相结合,我们的军力将无敌于亚。
    However, if the political and material factors are combined, our armed forces will become unmatched in East Asia.
  • 没有混入其他西的状态
    the state of being unmixed with other material.
  • 有时,没有一样西像大自然这么不自然。
    At times there is nothing so unnatural as nature.
  • 这门课的教授应该试图给他的学生显示怎样能以看见那些在他们面前一现而过的西来增添他们生活的乐趣。
    The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them.
  • 如果超越本部的范围,而把蒙古、新疆、青海、西藏算了进来,则在面积上中国未失地区仍然是大半,而敌占地区包括三省在内,也只是小半。
    If we go beyond the provinces south of the Great Wall and include Mongolia, Sinkiang, Chinghai and Tibet, then the unoccupied area will constitute the greater part of China's territory, and the enemy-occupied area will become the smaller part, even with the three northeastern provinces.
  • 中国外交部和国防部代表参加了历届盟地区论坛外长会议与高官会议,以及在盟地区论坛框架内的建立信任措施、维和、海上搜救、抢险救灾、预防性外交、不扩散、指导原则等各类官方、非官方会议。
    Representatives of the Chinese ministries of foreign affairs and national defense have attended all the ARF foreign ministers and senior officials' meetings. They have also attended official or unofficial meetings on confidence-building measures, peace-keeping, maritime search and rescue, emergency rescue and disaster relief, preventive diplomacy, non-proliferation, and guiding principles within the framework of the ARF.
  • 我正要打开箱子取出里面的西。
    I'm just going to unpack my case.
  • 把袋子搬上楼就做了一大半工作,后面的事只需把袋子打开,取出里面的西就行了。
    Carrying the bags upstairs is half the battle. Then we only have to unpack them.
  • 我把车上的西卸下以后,吉姆把车子开进车库。
    After I unpacked the car, Jim put it up.
  • 七大把毛泽思想规定为党的指导思想,使我党在政治上、思想上、组织上达到空前的团结,并在这个基础上领导全国人民打败了日本侵略者,以后又打败了美帝国主义支持的蒋介石,才有了全国的胜利。
    At the congress it was decided that Mao Zedong Thought be the Party's guiding ideology, as a result of which our Party became unprecedentedly united politically, ideologically and organizationally. On this basis the Party led the entire nation in defeating the Japanese aggressors and then Chiang Kai-shek, who was supported by U.S. imperialists, before achieving nationwide victory.
  • 毛泽同志从参加共产主义运动、缔造我们党的最初年代开始,就一直提倡和实行对于社会客观情况的调查研究,就一直同理论脱离实际、一切只从主观愿望出发、一切只从本本和上级指示出发而不联系具体实际的错误倾向作坚决的斗争。
    Ever since the time Comrade Mao Zedong joined the communist movement and helped to found our Party, he always conducted investigations and studies of the objective social conditions and urged others to do likewise.He always fought resolutely against the erroneous tendency to divorce theory from practice and to act unrealistically, according to wishful thinking, or mechanically, according to books and instructions from above regardless of the actual conditions.
  • 理性的西所以靠得住,正是由于它来源于感性,否则理性的西就成了无源之水,无本之木,而只是主观自生的靠不住的西了。
    The rational is reliable precisely because it has its source in sense perceptions, other- wise it would be like water without a source, a tree without roots, subjective, self-engendered and unreliable.
  • 让我们高举毛泽思想的伟大旗帜,在党中央领导下,同心同德,一往无前,为实现中国工人阶级新的伟大历史使命——在本世纪内把我国建设成现代化的伟大的社会主义强国,努力奋斗!
    Let us hold high the great banner of Mao Zedong Thought and, under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party, work unremittingly and in concert to fulfil the new historic mission of the Chinese working class -- to turn China into a great modern and powerful socialist country within this century.
  • 加斯纵情玩乐,他是一个心地善良的青年,但是他的头脑有点糊涂。
    Gaston was enjoying himself unreservedly: he was a young man whose heart was in the right place, but his mind had been a little warped by the kind of people he had mixed with in his early days.
  • 更为可笑的是,《考克斯报告》称,“如果给他们两个小时的时间,中国人甚至能够探索卫星内部的情况而不留任何痕迹”,“(如果)中国人不受限制地接触美国卫星24小时,那么几乎没有什么学不到的西”。
    Even more ridiculous is the claim that "the PRC could accomplish even exploitation that penetrated the interior of the satellite, given two hours of time, without leaving any traces,'' and "there is almost nothing about a US satellite that the PRC could not learn from unrestricted access for 24 hours.''