  • 故障的不正常工作的;出毛病的
    Not functioning properly; broken.
  • 协议方式的贸易(通常由经纪人同意才做改变)。
    trading in bonds (usually by a broker on the floor of an exchange).
  • 长有粉红色或白色花朵的一种欧洲植物,当叶子被划破时分泌出有清洁功的液体。
    plant of European origin having pink or white flowers and leaves yielding a detergent when bruised.
  • 57岁的米卢承受了中国人否进入世界杯的种种不安。
    Milutinovic, 57, has borne the brunt of China's World cup anxieties.
  • 我非常怀疑他们的观点经受住仔细审查的冲击。
    I seriously doubt their contentions will bear the brunt of close scrutiny.
  • 把自己搞得整洁一些。
    Can you brush yourself up a little?
  • 刷牙需要32便士-可不会有人愿意出再低的价来帮你刷牙。
    Brushing your teeth comes at 32 pence -- perhaps hard to find someone to do it for you for less.
  • 虽然经常刷牙对于牙齿健康很重要,但研究人员指出,某些人可具有发生牙科疾病的遗传倾向。
    While regular brushing and flossing remain essential to good dental health, the research indicates that some people may have a genetic tendency to dental problems.
  • 我所提议的这么一种试验有一种奇怪的效力,它把文明和文化上一切不重要的东西搁在一边,使人类在一个简单而清晰的方程式下完全平等。
    The suggestion of such a test as I propose has the strange effect of leveling all mankind by brushing aside all the non-essentials of civilization and culture and bringing all under a simple and clear equation.
  • 毛泽东思想有丰富的内容,是完整的一套,怎么够只把“老三篇”、“老五篇”叫做毛泽东思想,而把毛泽东同志的其他著作都抛开呢?
    Mao Zedong Thought is rich in content and constitutes an integral whole. How can one designate only the "three constantly read articles" or the "five constantly read articles" as Mao Zedong Thought, while brushing aside Comrade Mao's other works?
  • 今天学会走路,那么1990年的源危机就不会对你有太大的打击;少吃点肉,这样就连布鲁塞尔也没那么多权力来惹你生气了。但也许,一点你不喜欢的东西毕竟会对你有益,不管怎么说对你们当中的某些人是这样。
    Lean to walk today, and the energy crisis of 1990 won’t hurt you so much. Eat less meat, and even Brussels has less power to annoy you. But perhaps after all, a little of what you don’t fancy does you good. Some of you, at any rate.
  • 这些改革未扭转阿根廷的经济紧缩。
    They did nothing to reverse the country's brutal economic contraction.
  • 让他欣慰的是牙医的手脚虽然不说轻如飞絮,但起码也是小心翼翼的;当然远远不是他起初害怕的那种残忍的动作。
    To his delight and relief the dentist's touch was, if not quite as light as thistledown, at least sensitive, and certainly far from the brutal assault he had feared.
  • 美国的经济实在是太复杂、太难以捉摸其规律,因此无法明确回答这个问题-因为总是存在着这么一种可性,就是即使最终我们将面对极其严重的经济衰退,但正是由于联储的行动才使我们免于跌入更糟糕的境地。
    The U.S. econom is simply too complex and unknowable for that question to be answered in a defintive way;even if we end up in a brutal recession, there's always the possibility that the Fed's actions saved us from much worse.
  • 因为一方面,敌人兵力不够分配,又执行着前无古人的野蛮政策,另一方面,中国有广大的土地,又有众多的抗日人民,这些都提供了平原够发展游击战争并建立临时根据地的客观条件;
    On the one hand, the enemy does not have enough troops at his disposal and is pursuing a policy of unparalleled brutality, and on the other hand, China has a vast territory and vast numbers of people who are resisting Japan; the objective conditions for spreading guerrilla warfare and setting up temporary base areas in the plains are therefore fulfilled.
  • 然而,从整体来看,强烈的感情会使我们为原始式的战争作好准备,蛮力、忍耐以及逃走的速度将决定我们否生存。
    On the whole, then, strong emotions may prepare us for the primitive type of battle in which brute strength and endurance and speed of flight determine survival.
  • 毕竟,如果有人执意要偷你的数据,他们可用“暴力法”来对付口令,他们是不是衣着像看门人并在夜间偷窃你存档的柜子?
    After all, if someone is so intent on stealing your data that they're likely to "brute force" a password, aren't they just as likely to dress like a janitor and rifle through your filing cabinets at night?
  • 你什么时候才舍弃热门摇滚乐而学着欣赏莫扎特?
    When will you learn to appreciate Mozart instead of that bubble gum music?
  • 另一方面,多年来的高楼价、高通胀和负利率,产生了泡獄经济效应。这种情况必须加以调整,香港的经济才保持活力。
    On the other hand, years of high property prices, high inflation and negative interest rates had created a bubble economy which needed to be corrected if we are to remain economically vibrant.
  • 安德烈娅·德克鲁兹是一位生性活泼的姑娘,在电视台主持一个生活方面的节目。但是她在27岁的花季年龄突然患上了急性肝脏衰竭,必须立即进行肝脏移植手术才活过这个星期,继续维持生命。
    Andrea De Cruz, the bubbly host of a lifestyle show, was stricken with acute liver failure at the age of 27 and needed an urgent transplant to survive the week.
  • 他总从傻瓜身上弄到一两块钱。
    He could always hustle a buck or two from some sucker.
  • 雄鹿的伤口愈合得非常好,但是它的腿支撑它的身体吗?”
    The buck's wound was beautifully healed – but would the leg hole?
  • 挑流消能
    trajectory bucket type energy dissipation
  • 我怎么堵住这个水桶的洞呢?
    How can I plug the hole in this bucket?
  • 哪个东西盛水多,是杯子还是水桶?
    Which can hold more water, a cup or a bucket?
  • 我要等到博物馆一事决定了,才定心工作。
    I cannot buckle to, until this business of the museum is determined.
  • 托尼虽然只有5岁,却已经够自己扣紧鞋子了。
    Tony can already buckle up his shoes although he is only five.
  • 安猜到他的用意之后,决定防患于未然,使之不实现。
    Guessing his intentions, Ann had resolved to check them in the bud.
  • 她猜到他的用意之后,就决定防患于未然,使之不实现。
    Guessing his intentions, she had resolved to nip them in the bud.
  • 释迦牟尼曾这样说过:「恨永远无法止恨,只有爱可以止恨。」所以误会不用争论来解决,而需要用外交手腕,和赋予对方同情来解决。
    Buddha said: “Hatred is never ended by hatred but by love," and a misunderstanding is never ended by an argument but by tact, diplomacy, conciliation and a sympathetic desire to see the other person’s viewpoint.
  • 任何一种属于b的似酵母的萌芽的真菌;引起人和其他动物身上的疾病。
    any of various yeastlike budding fungi of the genus Blastomyces; cause disease in humans and other animals.
  • 芽生菌一种芽生菌属的酵母状芽真菌,引发人畜疾病
    Any of various yeastlike, budding fungi of the genus Blastomyces that cause diseases in humans and animals.