  • 1个月前,我借你两英磅50便士。
    I lent you that £ 2 . 5 0 a month ago.
  • 他以百分之六的利息借我这笔钱。
    He lent me the money at6n [ U ] interest.
  • 恐怕我不能借你相机。
    I'm afraid I can't lent you the camera.
  • 我100镑,扣去她花了的20镑。 (实际上我80镑)
    She gave me £100, less £20 for her own costs.
  • “可是,她们倘使想嫁有地位的男人,机会可就大大减少了,”达西回答道。
    "But it must very materially lessen their chance of marrying men of any consideration in the world," replied Darcy.
  • 他的车祸了他一个教训,使他不再开快车。
    His car accident has been a lesson to him to stop driving too fast.
  • 了我们一个教训。
    This taught us a lesson.
  • 他在他们上法文课。
    He's giving them a French lesson.
  • 我们他们面包,以免他们饿死。
    We gave them bread, lest they should starve.
  • 他悄声耳语,以免儿子听见。
    He whispered for fear lest his son should hear.
  • 我们坚持至少得百分之二的折扣。
    We hold that at lest 2% discount should be allowed.
  • 我会打电话你,以免你忘了来。
    I shall ring you up lest you forget to come.
  • 了些钱以免我缺钱。
    He gave me some money lest I was short of it.
  • 这方面有些极端的例子,在古代和现代众所周知,甚至会整个社会带来致命的威胁。
    In the most extreme cases, cases well known from ancient and modem history, it even poses a lethal threat to society.
  • 你给她回信了吗?
    Have you answered her letter?
  • 当他把信她时,她马上认出了信笺的信头。
    When he give her the letter, she immediately recognize the letterhead.
  • 他决不会想到让女儿嫁像你这样的家伙。
    He would never think of letting his daughter marry a fellow like you.
  • 我把多余的房间出租(房客).
    I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers).
  • 他的老子把车子借他去参加学生舞会。
    His old man's letting him have the car for the prom.
  • 请你告诉路易斯先生,说我他打过电话,好吗?
    Would you please tell Mr. Lewis called?
  • 但他打出太多的摆拳,刘易斯创造了不少机会。
    But he has used too many swings, which has given chances to Lewis.
  • 我已经请求图书管理员我查找一本有关蝴蝶的书。
    I have asked the librarian to look me out book on butterflies.
  • 我把我的书交图书管理员保管。
    I turned my books over to the librarian.
  • 王子不知道如何才能释放囚犯,妖怪遂告诉他一条妙计:让小王子去找他母亲,让妈妈他抓头发里的虱子。
    Now the prince did not know how to release the prisoner. But the sprite told him a secret plan. The boy should go to his mother and ask her to search his hair for lice.
  • 可以,驾驶执照也没有问题。
    Yes, driver's licence is fine.
  • 可以我看你的驾驶执照吗?
    Can I see your driver's license?
  • 我看一下护照和驾驶执照好吗?
    Can I have your passport and license?
  • ”他还了我驾驶执照。
    He also gave me my driver's license.
  • 我们当然可以将这项技术许可证转让你方。
    Of course we can grant you this technical license.
  • 他们已那个私人旅馆发了许可证。
    They have licensed the private hotel.
  • 他被发驾驶卡车的执照。
    He is licensed to drive a lorry.
  • 银行因收不回贷款而元气大伤,对借钱人投资房地产(比较买楼自住)的事,现在是心有余悸。
    Bankers are licking their wounds from loans gone sour and have turned wary about lending for real estate investment (as opposed to home ownership).