  • 间歇泉间歇向空中喷水花和蒸汽柱的天温泉
    A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air.
  • 这个摔倒了的人虽看上去没问题,但他受了内伤。
    Although the man who had fallen looked all right, he was hurt internally.
  • 这一点十分明显,但这并非是以国际合作为基础的研究工作取得杰出成就的惟一原因。
    Although most apparent, this is not the only reason for the remarkable success of internationally based research.
  • 我奉劝你别去排解那两个醉汉的争吵。不你会受伤的。
    I would advise you not to intervene between those two drunks. You might get hurt.
  • 其目的在于使战争的双方互相消耗,后自己出台干涉。
    Their aim was to step forward and intervene when the belligerents had worn each other out.
  • ,这一幸运是由于天际变化才实现的。
    This triumph only occurred thanks to this celestial intervention, however.
  • 这种公要求外国人干涉中国内政的行为,是我们能够允许的吗?
    Can we permit such an open call for intervention in China's internal affairs?
  • ,在面试时,记住要看着考官的眼睛。
    When you are interviewee, surely, you should pay attention to the interviewers eyes.
  • ,你过去的丁作经历和成功,也能使面试官了解你的工作热情。
    And, of course, your previous experience and success will tell the interviewer about your enthusiasm for work.
  • 这些年虽我与格兰特先生常在社交场所碰头,但是和他并没有很深的交情。
    I don't know Mr.Grant very intimately, though we have been rubbing elbows at various social occasions over the years.
  • 燃烧突迸发或象突迸发似地发出火焰
    To burst forth into or as if into flame.
  • 在这样的情况下,竟要求削弱甚至取消党的领导,更是广大群众所不能容许的。
    Under these circumstances, it would be all the more intolerable to the masses of our people to demand the liquidation or even the weakening of leadership by the Party.
  • 发酵和蒸馏液体中的麻醉剂,纯状或改变其自属性后可作溶剂或用于药物、古龙水和清洁剂中。
    the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors; used pure or denatured as a solvent or in medicines and colognes and cleaning solutions and rocket fuel.
  • 今后,国家将按照市场经济规律和经济内在联系,以及地理自特点,突破行政区域的界限,逐步形成七个跨省区市的经济区域。
    In future, in accordance with the law of market economy and intra-economic links, as well as taking advantage of her geographical and physical features, China will break through the boundaries of administrative regions and progressively establish seven inter-provincial economic regions.
  • 我们会督促孩子在校取得优异的成绩,但这不表明强迫三岁的孩子们去上提琴补习课,学微积分,掌握纷繁芜杂的日本茶道.。
    Sure, we would nudge the kids to excel at school. But that didn't mean we had to force them to take cello lessons, calculus for tots, and master the intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony by age three.
  • 身体一种复杂的自系统或组织,如人体
    An intricate natural system or organism, such as the human body.
  • 这些技术引起了大家的兴趣,但分布系统不能一夜之间把internet改造成一台巨大无比的计算机。
    Although intriguing technologies, distributed systems aren't going to transform the Internet into one vast computer overnight.
  • 而,氧气疗法的更诱人之处是,看来它还能把氧气送到那些红细胞不能到达的地方。
    What's really intriguing about oxygen therapeutics, though, is that they appear to deliver oxygen to areas in accessible to red blood cells.
  • 闯进来的人突(从他的衣袋里)掏出一把刀来。
    The intruder whipped out a knife (from his pocket).
  • 我们藏在灌木丛後面,准备向来犯者发起突袭击。
    We hide behind the bush, ready to pounce on the intruder.
  • 外壳型和入侵型病毒通常攻击可执行文件,即带有或扩展名的文件。当数据文件也有受攻击的危险。
    Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program flies-those with a.com or.exe extension, although data flies are also at some risk.
  • 外壳型和入侵型病毒通常攻击可执行文件,即带有.com或.exe扩展名的文件。当数据文件也有受攻击的危险。
    Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program flies-those with a. corn or. exe extension, although data flies are also at some risk.
  • 谁知这封信像捉弄人似地被塞到了地毯下面去了,直到举行婚礼的清晨,苔丝突产生一种直觉,发现了信的所在,因已经晚了,她就将它撕了。
    Ironically concealed under the carpet it lies until Tess, with a sudden late intuition on her wedding morn, discovers its hiding-place and tears it up.
  • 入侵部队突向北猛攻。
    The invade army make a sudden thrust to the north.
  • 如此,但是确实已经发动了百年以来未曾有过的全国范围的对外抗战,没有国内和平和两党合作这是做不到的。
    Nevertheless, for the first time in a hundred years, China is definitely putting up nation-wide resistance to a foreign invader, and this could never have come about without internal peace and without co-operation between the two parties.
  • 性由不变的自规律决定的东西
    Something dictated by invariable physical laws.
  • 当他被说得无言以对时,他当会生气。
    When he's driven into a corner he invariably loses his temper.
  • 随着时间的推移,社会主义的新生事物必会不断壮大。
    The socialist new things go invariably from strength to strength as time goes by.
  • 一遇自灾害,更是饿殍遍野。
    A major natural disaster invariably left the land strewn with corpses of hunger victims.
  • 能够深深影响我们一生的教师,必是那些能够超越自己的职务范围,负起日常工作以外的职责的教师。
    Teachers who touch our hearts are invariably those who go the extra mile, who act beyond the mere routine performance of their duties.
  • 能够深深影响我们一生的教师,必是那些能够超越自己的职务范围,负起日常工作以外的职责的教师。
    Teachers who touch our souls are invariably those who go the extra mile, who act beyond the mere routine performance of their duties.
  • 这一想法仍为迷误的批评家所坚持,甚至今天还有人想要否定公认属他的作品是他的真作。格林的訾骂声里包含潦倒作家对发迹演员的嫉妒。
    It is none the less an idea to which mistaken critics cling, and even today there are those who would deny him the authorship of the plays recognised as his Mingled with Greene's invective there is the starveling author's jealousy of the prosperous actor.