  • 自然主义者信仰和追随自然主义信的人
    One who believes in and follows the tenets of naturalism.
  • 布里斯托尔田纳西州和弗吉尼亚州边境上,田纳西州的金斯波特东北偏东的两座城市。尽管政治上独立,两个社区在经济上是统一体,沿州界共用一主街。人口23,421(田纳西)和18,426(弗吉尼亚)
    Two cities on the Tennessee-Virginia line east-northeast of Kingsport, Tennessee. The communities, though politically independent, are an economic unit and share a main thoroughfare along the state boundary. Population,23, 421(Tennessee) and18, 426(Virginia).
  • 我们的留学生有几万人,如何创造他们回来工作的件,很重要。
    We have tens of thousands of students studying abroad, and it is important to create suitable conditions for their work after they come back.
  • 件(从句)表示件的语气、时态、从句或词
    A mood, tense, clause, or word expressing a condition.
  • 我忘了在帐篷四周挖一沟。
    I forgot to dig a trench around the tent.
  • 但是在这个过渡阶段,必须认真使干部队伍年轻化,为退休制度的建立和领导职务终身制的废除创造件。
    But even during this transitional stage we must endeavour to reduce the average age of cadres and to create conditions for abolishing life tenure and setting up a retirement system.
  • 如果你同意我的件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。
    If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you.
  • 贵方的销售件是什么?我想了解一下贵方销售件。
    What's your sale terms? I'd like to know your sale term.
  •  第四十六香港特别行政区行政长官任期五年,可连任一次。
    Article 46 The term of office of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be five years. He or she may serve for not more than two consecutive terms.
  • 通常,只有在不知道中断件何时满足时,才需象这样使用break。
    Normally, you’d use a break like this only if you didn’t know when the terminating condition was going to occur.
  • 这儿在美国,我们不规定期限,而是在有关协议书中写进一个协议终止或更新款。
    Here in the States, we do not specify the length. Instead, we have a clause of termination or renewal of the arrangement in the related agreement.
  • 顺便想到我们新加坡,即便是一些华文精英,对中文里科学技术词汇的掌握仍然受到客观件的限制,因为专业课程还不可能用中文开课,我的家庭医生华语极好,然而说到病,我们只能讲英语,这的确是个难题。
    This discussion of scientific terminology reminds me of something in Singapore: even some of the Chinese elite still find it difficult to master scientific terminology because of practical constraints, as it is not easy to run technical courses here in the Chinese language. My family doctor speaks perfect Mandarin, but when it comes to terms related to my sickness, we had to communicate in English. This is indeed a difficult problem.
  • 合同的款有待复查决定.
    The terms of the contract are subject to review.
  • 他们就具体款进行了谈判。
    They negotiated the terms.
  • 你的条件是什么?
    What are your terms?
  • 他们一致同意这些款。
    They agree on these terms.
  • 第二十四 各级地方人民政府应当组织农业集体经济组织和农民,有计划地对禁止开垦坡度以下,五度以上的耕地进行治理,根据不同情况,采取整治排水系统、修建梯田、蓄水保土耕作等水土保持措施。
    Article 24 The local people's governments at various levels sha1l organize agricultura1 collective economic organizations and farmers to manage in a planned way the cultivated land with a slope of above 5 degrees but under the reclamation-forbidden degrees, by taking in line with different conditions such water and soil conservation measures as regulating drainage systems, building terraced fields, and practicing a method of cultivation conducive to water and soi1 conservation.
  • 白区未尝无优良的阵地,但无优良的人民件。
    In the White areas there is no lack of good terrain, but we do not have the favourable condition of active popular support.
  • 根据一八九八年六月九日在北京签订有关拓展香港界址的约,中国同意把九龙界限街以北直至深圳河的新界地域,以及235个岛屿租借予英国,为期99年。
    By a convention signed in Peking on June 9, 1898, respecting an extension of Hong Kong territory, the New Territories - comprising the area north of Kowloon up to the Shum Chun (Shenzhen) River, and 235 islands - was leased for 99 years.
  • 《专上学院例》规管高等教育范畴以外的专上院校。
    The Post-Secondary Colleges Ordinance covers institutions offering post-secondary courses outside the tertiary sector.
  • 然后,石块被分别在每小溪上以水压的方法来测试它被设计出的最大限度的测试压力。
    the block is then tested hydraulically to its full design test pressure on each stream separately.
  • 然而,在使用这些试验结果时,工程师须记住这些结果仅仅在试验件下才适用。
    However, in using the results of such tests, the engineer must remember that they apply only to the test conditions.
  •  第十六公民可以依照本法规定立遗嘱处分个人财产,并可以指定遗嘱执行人。
    Article 16 A citizen may, by means of a will made in accordance with the provisions of this Law, dispose of the property he owns and may appoint a testamentary executor for the purpose.
  •  第二十遗嘱人可以撤销、变更自己所立的遗嘱。
    Article 20 A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.
  • 拒绝通过调用第五改正来证明,第五证明规定任何人不能被强迫作为见证人来反对他自己或她自己。
    refuse to testify by invoking the Fifth Amendment, which states that nobody may be forced to testify as a witness against himself or herself.
  • 史密斯医生在对病人试用这个方法以前已在300狗身上做了两年的试验。
    Before testing this method on patients, Dr.Smith carried out tests for two years on300 dogs.
  • 顿人的属于或有关顿人的
    Of or relating to the Teutons.
  • 开头的词连同其后的解释
    A headword along with its related text.
  • 计至二零零一年十月,对514例文本作出必要修订的51例已获得通过。
    As at October 2001, 51 ordinances have been enacted to deal with the necessary textual amendments to 514 ordinances.
  • 在第二阶段的修改工作中,政府提出一系列例草案,对例文本作出必需的修订。
    In the second stage, the Government has introduced a series of bills that makes the necessary textual amendments to ordinances.
  • 第二阶段的修改工作正在进行,政府提出一系列法案,对例文本做出必需的修订。
    The second stage is now in progress, as the Government introduces a series of bills that make the necessary textual amendments to ordinances.
  • 流经伦敦的那河被成为泰晤士河。
    The river that flows through London is called the Thames.