  • 将这项发明归功于他
    Credit the invention to him.
  • 在你本哲学之中的任一部分运用成功之前,你的心智必须先准备好接受用这一套哲学。
    Take Inventory of Yourself, As You Read This Closing Chapter, and Find Out How Many of the "Ghosts" Are Standing in Your Way BEFORE you can put any portion of this philosophy into successful use, your mind must be prepared to receive it.
  • 两个并列词组的第二个倒装。
    inversion in the second of two parallel phrases.
  • 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,它逮住了。
    She catch the insect by invert her cup over it.
  • 他羞于提到“爱”这个词,并怀疑它的真实性,因此用引号它括起来。
    He was so ashamed and suspicious of the word "love" that he had to put it in inverted commas.
  • 对那块土地投资。
    He will invest the land.
  • 对这个工厂投资。
    I will invest the factory.
  • 所有的钱投资于商店。
    He invest all his money in a shop.
  • 他已其闲置资金投资于一个计算机商店。
    He have invest his spare capital in a computer shop.
  • 麦加:我来有钱,就为你们投资。
    Maiga: If I become rich, I will invest for you.
  • 他们将调查此事。
    They will investigate this thing.
  • 你的意见已被记载并对此作调查。
    Your complaint have is record and will is investigate.
  • 警察的调查进行几个星期。
    The police investigation will take weeks.
  • 有两位地质学家做一次初步调查。
    Two geologists will make a preliminary investigation.
  • 所有的调查员被分为三个小组。
    The investigator will be divided into three groups.
  • 所有的调查员被分为三个小组。
    The investigator will is divided into three group.
  • 给予投资者的建议是以利率继续下降这一点为前提的。
    Advice to investor is based on the premise that interest rate will continue to fall.
  • 每位投资者可现金、厂房、设备和技术作为投资。
    Each investor can contribute cash or buildings, equipment and technical know- how as investment.
  • 此举提高外汇基金债券在第二市场的流通量,并投资者基础扩阔至散户投资者。
    This has enhanced secondary market liquidity and channelled the investor base of EFN to the retail level.
  • 影响投资者把资金分配于不同市场和股票的决定。
    This will have an impact on how the investor divides his money among different countries and stocks.
  • 影响投资者把资金分配于不同市场和股票的决定。
    This will have an impact on how the investor divides his money among different markets and stocks.
  • 加入世贸组织后,中国会为世界经济发展注入新的活力。
    China will invigorate new vitality to world economy with its entry to the WTO.
  • 第三届“中国北京高新技术产业国际周”于今年5月举办,作为主办单位外经贸部的代表,我很高兴能在这里向大家介绍外经贸部实施“科技兴贸”战略的情况。
    The third China Beijing High-tech Industries Week is to be held in May this year. It is a great pleasure for me, on behalf of one of the hosts--the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, to brief you on the implementation of the strategy of "invigorating trade through science and technology" by MOFTEC.
  • 这样保持五十年,六十年,社会主义中国是不可战胜的。
    If we can go on in this way for 50 or 60 years, socialist China will be invincible.
  • 面对全球范围的日益激烈的新闻竞争,espn有能力在相当长的一段时间内立于不败之地。”
    Confronting increasingly intensive news competition, ESPN is capable to keep its invincible po-sition for quite a long time."
  • 它已成为体育的同义语。面对全球范围的日益激烈的新闻竞争,espn有能力在相当长的一段时间内立于不败之地。”
    Confronting increasingly intensive news competition worldwide, ESPN is capable to keep its invincible position for quite a long time.
  • 好像有一只无形的手瓶子拽走。
    They fly off the belt as if snatched by an invisible hand.
  • 我们是在裸体(只裸上身)海滩上啊,我的上帝,他自己的行为提交给一位看不见的法官裁决。
    We're on a topless beach, for God's sake, he put it to an invisible judge.
  • 通过放映肉眼看不到的重要细节,图像很好地引导外科医生治病。
    The image will do a better job of guiding the surgeon's hand by showing important details invisible to the naked eye.
  • 多少国家和地区参加这次邀请赛?
    How many countries and regions are going to take part (participate) in the invitational tournament?
  • 你邀请的任何人都受欢迎。
    Whomever you invite is welcome.
  • 意味着他们自取灭亡。
    That would mean they were inviting their own destruction.