  • 胶水一种强液体粘剂,通过煮胶原质的动物部如骨胳,皮革和蹄,把它们煮成硬动物胶然后加水而制的
    A strong liquid adhesive obtained by boiling collagenous animal parts such as bones, hides, and hooves into hard gelatin and then adding water.
  • 肺病肺部全部或部的病变
    Total or partial collapse of the lung.
  • 没有人能明确知道,如果下令轰炸旅馆,这些飞机会炸死什么人,但情报析家确信,“基地”组织的高层官员正在旅馆里开会,塔利班在全国山崩瓦解的时候,他们下一步将采取什么行动。
    Nobody knew precisely who they would kill if the order to attack the hotel was given, but intelligence analysts felt certain that senior Al - Qaeda officials were meeting in the hotel to consider their next moves as the Taliban regime was collapsing all over the country.
  • 为此故宫博物院下设古物馆、图书馆、文献馆,别组织人力继续对文物进行整理,并就宫内开辟展室,举办各种陈列,还编辑出版多种刊物,公开资料,进行宣传。各项工作开展得有声有色,人文荟萃,极一时之盛。
    All these were divided into separate collections of antiquities, library materials and historical documents and placed under teams of staff to sort and collate. Exhibition halls were opened to display some of the treasures, while writers and editors worked away at publishing in book or journal form all the new areas of research and academic inquiry that the establishment of the museum had ushered in. The Palace Museum was soon a hive of activity.
  • 信贷员是否接受贷款中请取决于对信用的6c原则的仔细析—一品德(character)、身份(capacity、资本(capital)、担保品(collateral)、经济状况(condition)和管制(control)。
    Whether or not the lending officers will accept the loan application depends on a detail study of the six Cs of credit character, capacity, capital, collateral, conditions, and control.
  • 公司授权民营企业负责日常经营,并签署经营目标责任,经营者保证国有资产按一定比例增值,若经营不善,经营者以所持股本和配权益抵押补偿,若超额完成指标,则获奖励。
    The private company was held responsible for daily operation and management objectives. The managing company should guarantee proportional increase of state assets, otherwise it has to use its shares and stock rights as collateral to the compensation for losses. If the company outstrips the target, it would be awarded.
  • 这个部门搜集有关政治极端子的情报。
    This department collects information on political extremists.
  • 我会让你享我所搜集的仅有的一些资料。
    I'll let you share what little information I have collected.
  • 为这项建筑工程已经收集了充的资料。
    Sufficient data have been collected for the building project.
  • 要把地方上和社会上的钱,转一部用于基础建设。
    Part of the funds collected by the local authorities and idle capital collected from society at large should be put into infrastructure projects.
  • 正是在这种情况下,数据仓库(大量数据提取和析工具)出现了。
    It was at this point that data warehouses -- collections of data extraction and analysis tools -- appeared.
  • "只有组织起来,才能充地发挥集体的智慧。"
    Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play.
  • 我们要充发挥集体智慧的作用。
    We'll call collective wisdom into full pay.
  • 个人是集体的一子。
    Any individual is a member of the collective.
  • 革命的集体组织中的自由主义是十有害的。
    Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective.
  • 公社一个比较小、常在乡村的公社,它的成员享公共财产、工作和收入,并常集中自己的财产
    A relatively small, often rural community whose members share common interests, work, and income and often own property collectively.
  • 这种做法反映了华族文化中个人自视为群体一子的集体精神。
    Such practices reflect the collectivism of Chinese culture where individuals identify themselves as part of a group.
  • 可以肯定,只要生产发展了,农村的社会工和商品经济发展了,低水平的集体化就会发展到高水平的集体化,集体经济不巩固的也会巩固起来。
    It is certain that as long as production expands, division of labour increases and the commodity economy develops, lower forms of collectivization in the countryside will develop into higher forms and the collective economy will acquire a firmer basis.
  • 把发射器从集电器中离出来的晶体管的一部
    (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector.
  • 收债人拿走了他所有的钱,他身无文了
    The debt - collector took all his money, and he is left completely penniless
  • 收债人拿走了他所有的钱,他身无文了。
    The debt- collector took all his money, and he was left completely penniless.
  • 那老妇人因火车晚点五钟对收票员大发雷霆。
    The old lady rounded on the ticked collector because the train was five minutes late.
  • 这位美术(作品)收藏家对这幅画要价一千美元,我认为这个要价并不过
    The art collector wanted $1,000 for the painting and I don’t think that was beyond the mark.
  • “我没多带钱,就只有这10便士,很遗憾。”“没关系,”募款人说:“一一文都有用。”
    “I’ve nothing on me except this tenpence, I’m afraid.” “Never mind,” said the collector,” “every little helps.”
  • 杰夫:据我所知,北体大是中国唯一的一所体育大学,它在教学、训练、科研等方面都取得了显著成就,与国外不少大学都建立了校际关系,交流活动十频繁。
    Jeff: I know that Beijing University of Physical Education has achieved remarkable results in the area of teaching, training and scien-tific research. It has established collegiate relations with many univer-sities abroad. The exchange activities are quite frequent.
  • 当板块移动时,它们会发生碰撞、离或滑动越过另一板块。
    As the plates move, they collide, move apart, or slide past one another.
  • 因此柯林斯拟定了一个由三部组成的计划,他希望这会指导基因组的研究。
    So Collins sketches a three part plan he hopes will guide genomic research.
  • 自负的柯林斯先生多次谈到其女庇护人富有而傲慢的凯瑟琳·德·包尔夫人,她是达西的姨母。
    The supremely conceited Mr. Collins talks constantly about his patroness, the rich and arrogant Lady Catherine de Bourgh, an aunt of Darcy's.
  • 多特蒙德德国中西部城市,科隆东北偏北。首次见于记载是885年,从13世纪到17世纪十繁荣为汉撒同盟的一员。人口579,697
    A city of west-central Germany north-northeast of Cologne. First mentioned c.885, it flourished from the13th to the17th century as a member of the Hanseatic League. Population,579, 697.
  • 帕斯托哥伦比亚西南靠近厄瓜多尔边境的一座城市。建于1539年,是1832年把哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔划为两个独立国家的条约的签署地。人口196,800
    A city of southwest Colombia near the Ecuadorian border. Founded in1539, it was the site of an1832 treaty by which Colombia and Ecuador became separate states. Population,196, 800.
  • 梅塔哥伦比亚东北部的一条河流,流程约1,102公里(685英里),部沿着委内瑞拉的边界流淌
    A river, about1, 102 km(685 mi) long, of northeast Colombia flowing partially along the border with Venezuela.
  • 她击败了哥伦比亚小姐和秘鲁小姐,她俩获亚军和季军。
    She beat out Miss Colombia and Miss Peru who came in as the runner-up and third place holder.