  • 好的。根据这项合同,我们将向你们售1,000打t恤衫,大、中、小号平均搭配,每打80美元,成本加运费巴塞罗那价。
    OK. Under this contract, we will supply you1, 000 dozen T-shirts, S, M and L equally assorted at US $80 per dozen, CFR Barcelona.
  • 15岁那年,帕勃洛在和成年画家争取考人巴塞罗那美术学院的竞争中,用一天工夫就画了其他画家要花一个月才能完成的作品。
    While the 15-year--old Pablo was competing with adult painters in the entrance examination for the Art Academy of Barcelona, he did in one day what it took other artists a month to finish.
  • 狗露出了牙齿。
    The dog bared its teeth.
  • 泥土被洪水冲走, 露光秃秃的岩石.
    The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock.
  • 你的胸部;露你的表情。
    bare your breasts; bare your feelings.
  • 他只逃出了生命。
    He escaped with bare life.
  • “如果让我重新生活一次的话,我会在早春的日子里就光着脚丫跑去,我会更加繁忙地工作,我会抓住更多的机会,我会吃更多的冰淇淋。”
    If I had my life to live over, I would go barefoot, earlier in the spring. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would take more chances, and I would eat more ice cream.
  • 他好不容易地才逃了来。
    He barely escaped.
  • 轻度几乎感觉不来的量或度;一丝痕迹
    A barely detectable amount or degree; a trace.
  • 以仅够生产成本的价格生产售。
    producing at a rate that barely covers production costs.
  • 她很激动连话都快说不来了。
    She is so excited that she can barely speak.
  • 乎意料地欢乐,她的餐室有一种清洁而无装饰的高雅。
    She is unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining- room has the decency of clean bareness.
  • 这次考试之难乎我的意料之外。
    The exam was more difficult than I had bargained for.
  • 按那样低的价钱售, 这房子是便宜的。
    At that low price the house is a bargain.
  • 明确的协议;固定的
    A firm bargain; a firm offer.
  • 中央情报局对俄罗斯间谍的逮捕对争取苏联在几个棘手问题上作满意答复是极为重要的讨价还价的筹码。
    The arrest of the Russian spy made by the CIA was a very important bargaining counter for obtaining satisfaction from the Soviet Union on a number of thorny matters.
  • 我们常在一月份纺织品减价售时买些毛巾、床单等用品。
    We always pick up some bargains at the January white sale.
  • 他们降价售库存货物。
    they held a sale to reduce their inventory; I got some great bargains at their annual sale.
  • 道·琼斯红利策略道·琼斯红利策略是一整套购买便宜股票的系统。通过它所买到的股票都有很高的红利(分配给股东的公司收入)。和收相比,它们售的价格很低。
    The Dow Dividend Strategy The Dow Dividend Strategy is a system for buying bargains stocks with high dividends (company earnings distributed to shareholders ) that are selling at low prices compared to those earnings.
  • 如果你遇到困难就拿你的决心来。
    If you barge up against an obstacle, show your determination.
  • 瞧,女王的游艇停泊在浮码头边,好像女王陛下就要乘船航。
    For see, the Queen's barge lies at the stairs, as if her Majesty were about to take water.
  • 他们的脑袋;泄露秘密
    Bared their heads; baring secrets.
  • 吃了钡之后能把异物显示来。
    The foreign body can be shown up on a barium swallow.
  • 用x射线检查病人消化系统疾病的医生常让病人喝钡的混合物。当这种物质依次经过食道、胃和肠道时,可以清楚地勾画它们的轮廓。
    A doctor examining a patient's digestive tract by X-ray often has the patient drink a barium compound, which clearly outlines the esophagus, stomach and intestines as it moves through them.
  • 然后它便坐在那里直叫到有人放它去为止。
    Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out.
  • 那军官大声发命令。
    The officer barked out an order.
  • 有些军官以粗暴的声音发命令。
    Some officers bark out their orders.
  • 大叫大喊招徕顾客如在巡回演的游艺团里当招徕观众的人
    To work as a barker, as at a carnival.
  • 但为时已晚,门铃响了,莫利汪汪叫声来。
    But it was too late; the bell rang and Molly was barking.
  • 吠叫猎犬嗅到兽迹时发吠叫。用于猎狗
    To begin barking upon picking up the scent. Used of hunting dogs.
  • 会吠叫的动物发吠叫或类似声音的动物,如狗
    One, such as a dog, that makes a bark or a barking sound.
  • 嘶哑的声音;狗的嘶哑的吠声;嘶哑的哭声;让所有乐器发有力但又嘶哑的声音——维吉尔·汤姆森。
    gruff voices; the dog's gruff barking; hoarse cries; makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky:- Virgil Thomson.