  • 除去脏西;除去沉积或其它不需要的西。
    an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other other undesired elements.
  • 萨沙拆开这件西的纸包,郑重地把它放在他的桌子上。
    Sasha undid the object and put it solemnly on the table.
  • 我们现在讲拨乱反正,就是拨林彪、“四人帮”破坏之乱,批评毛泽同志晚年的错误,回到毛泽思想的正确轨道上来。
    Now, when we speak of setting things right, we mean that we should undo the damage done by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, criticize the mistakes Comrade Mao Zedong made in his later years, and put things back on the right track of Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 系在上面的通过拉动结能解开的西。
    a knot that can be undone by pulling against the strain that holds it.
  • 尽管那种西毫无疑问已降格为诸如“人咬狗”之类的新闻写作,但在如今却是无法避免的。
    That sort of thing, though it undoubtedly descends to the level of"man bites dog" journalism, is perhaps unavoidable nowadays.
  • 我发现她什么也没吃。但这并不叫我十分焦虑,因为有些刚刚捕到的动物在被关起来而没有平静下来时,是不吃西的。
    I discovered that she had not eaten anything. I was not unduly worried by this, for some creatures when newly caught refuse to eat until they have settled down in captivity.
  • 在中国国内,由于自然条件和历史方面的原因,部沿海地区与中西部地区的经济发展也不平衡。
    There is also unequal economic development between China's eastern coastal areas and its central and western areas because of natural conditions and historical reasons.
  • 他正确地为我们安装了这些西。
    he unerringly fixed things for us.
  • 意想不到的西或显形出现的行为。
    an unexpected appearance or becoming visible.
  • 意外收获一个人意外得到的有价值的西
    Something of value that a person receives unexpectedly.
  • 飞来鸿运,意外得来之物想要或需要的西意外的到来或发生
    Something wanted or needed that comes or happens unexpectedly.
  • 心照不宣的协议条款;没有说出的西;某种无言的同意;他的行为很清楚但动机仍不清楚。
    the unexpressed terms of the agreement; things left unsaid; some kind of unspoken agreement; his action is clear but his reason remains unstated.
  • 大家知道,刚进城的时候,毛泽同志就讲过,我们过去熟悉的西有些快要闲起来了,现在面临的是我们不熟悉的西。
    As we all know, shortly after we took over the cities, Chairman Mao said that we would soon put aside some of the things we knew well and be confronted with things with which we were unfamiliar.
  • 芒克西顿中学是一所有850名学生的普通公立学校,它位于英格兰北部一个并不时髦的地方。
    Monkseaton High school is an ordinary statefunded school of 850 students in the unfashionable part of northeastern England.
  • 当然,要把像京和旧金山这类建在地震带上的城市换个地方是完全行不通的。
    It is, of course, unfeasible physically to move cities such as Tokyo and San Francisco that have been built in earthquake zones.
  • 废物无用的、有害的或无价值的西,尤指不适于配种的动物
    Something useless, detrimental, or worthless, especially an animal unfit for breeding.
  • 近年来,我国西部地区铁路交通有了较大的发展,但与部地区比较,尚存在着路网未形成、通达程度低、线路质量差、运输能力小等问题。
    In spite of the great development made in recent years, there are still problems existing in railway transportation system in western China when compared with that of eastern China, such as unformed railway network, poor availability, low railway quality and transportation capacity.
  • 真不巧,我在飞机上落西了。
    Unfortunately, I left something on the airplane.
  • 我们要继续坚持毛泽同志提出的文艺为最广大的人民群众、首先为工农兵服务的方向,坚持百花齐放、推陈出新、洋为中用、古为今用的方针,在艺术创作上提倡不同形式和风格的自由发展,在艺术理论上提倡不同观点和学派的自由讨论。
    We must adhere to the principle put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong -- that literature and art should serve the broadest masses and, first of all, the workers, peasants and soldiers.We must always uphold the principles of "letting a hundred flowers bloom", "weeding through the old to bring forth the new" and "making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China".We should encourage the unhampered development of different forms and styles in literature and art, as well as the free discussion of theories of literature and art among exponents of different views and schools of thought.
  •  我们要继续坚持毛泽同志提出的文艺为最广大的人民群众、首先为工农兵服务的方向,坚持百花齐放、推陈出新、洋为中用、古为今用的方针,在艺术创作上提倡不同形式和风格的自由发展,在艺术理论上提倡不同观点和学派的自由讨论。
    We must adhere to the principle put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong -- that literature and art should serve the broadest masses and, first of all, the workers, peasants and soldiers. We must always uphold the principles of ``letting a hundred flowers bloom'', ``weeding through the old to bring forth the new'' and ``making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China''. We should encourage the unhampered development of different forms and styles in literature and art, as well as the free discussion of theories of literature and art among exponents of different views and schools of thought.
  • 因为我们的承受能力比较大,加上我们有正确的政策,即使有一些消极的西也不会影响我们社会主义制度的根本。
    Because we have a great capacity for assimilation, and because we have correct policies, even if some unhealthy phenomena appear, they cannot affect the foundations of our socialist system.
  • 阿瓜斯卡连特斯墨西哥中部城市,位于瓜达拉哈拉北部。该城由至今不明身份的古代居民建立在复杂的隧道系统上。人口293,152
    A city of central Mexico northeast of Guadalajara. It was built over an intricate system of tunnels constructed by ancient, still unidentified inhabitants. Population,293, 152.
  • 从一方面来看……[西德]统一使德国的经济大伤元气。
    On one side of the coin…unification has knocked the wind out of the German economy.
  • 排列组合几样西所形成一个统一的整体。
    something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole.
  • 那时候,毛泽同志的主要精力就放在怎样统一党的思想方面。
    At that time Comrade Mao Zedong concentrated on achieving unified thinking in the Party.
  • 在当时冷战尚未结束,美苏裁军谈判长期未果的情况下,中国单方面大规模裁减军队员额的行动,不仅有利于促使当时的西方两个集团减缓军备竞赛的势头,缓和国际紧张局势,而且有助于在世界各国间逐步建立相互信赖的气氛,改善军控与裁军的环境。
    China's unilateral, massive reduction of its armed forces took place at a time when the cold war was still on and the protracted disarmament talks between
  • 在当时冷战尚未结束,美苏裁军谈判长期未果的情况下,中国单方面大规模裁减军队员额的行动,不仅有利于促使当时的西方两个集团减缓军备竞赛的势头,缓和国际紧张局势,而且有助于在世界各国间逐步建立相互信赖的气氛,改善军控与裁军的环境。中国此次裁军行动对推动国际军控与裁军进程作出了重要贡献。
    China's unilateral, massive reduction of its armed forces took place at a time when the cold war was still on and the protracted disarmament talks between the U.S. and the Soviet Union were still without outcome. This action was not only conducive to slowing the arms race between the two major blocs, the East and West, and to the relaxation of international tension at the time, but also beneficial to the gradual creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust among the world's nations, and the improvement of the environment for arms control and disarmament and was thus a major contribution towards promoting the process of the international arms control and disarmament.
  • 普莱恩维尤美国纽约州南部一个未合并的社区,位于长岛西部。主要为居住区。人口26,207
    An unincorporated community of southeast New York on western Long Island. It is mainly residential. Population, 26,207.
  • 欧申赛德美国纽约南部一个还未合并的位于长岛南岸的社区。欧寻赛德是一个以住宅及休养为主的城镇。人口32,423
    An unincorporated community of southeast New York on the southern shore of Long Island. Oceanside is a residential and resort town. Population, 32,423.
  • 机会团体位于华盛顿部一个独立的社团,斯波肯的一个住宅区,人口22,326
    An unincorporated community of eastern Washington, a residential suburb of Spokane. Population,22, 326.
  • 鹿特丹美国纽约州中部一无法人地位的社区,位于斯克内克塔迪西北。主要是住宅区。人口24,800
    An unincorporated community of east-central New York northwest of Schenectady. It is primarily residential. Population,24, 800.
  • 普莱恩维尤美国纽约州南部一个未合并的社区,位于长岛西部。主要为居住区。人口26,207
    An unincorporated community of southeast New York on western Long Island. It is mainly residential. Population,26, 207.