  • 树脂种类似的植物渗出液,如树脂
    A similar plant exudate, such as a resin.
  • 种有气味的树胶树脂,以前用于制药。
    an odorous gum resin formerly used in medicines.
  • 种树胶,尤其用于治疗皮肤过敏。
    gum resin used especially in treating skin irritation.
  • 坦率地说,对教学和阅读的喜爱继续成为我生命和活动中的种指导力量。
    Admittedly, a love of teaching and reading continues to be a guiding force in my life and my activities.
  • 弹性沥青种深棕色,柔软可弯曲的烃树脂
    A brown-to-black, soft, elastic hydrocarbon resin.
  • 克尔培踪影全无,好像已经化为空气样,这显然使所有的专家们迷惑不解。
    Kirby's complete disappearance, as though he had melted into thin air, admittedly has all experts baffled.
  • 印度-马来亚材用树种的个属,富有树脂。
    genus of Indo-Malaysian timber trees rich in resin.
  • 种脆的半透明树脂,微带芳香、用于清漆。
    a brittle and faintly aromatic translucent resin used in varnishes.
  • 种用作黄色颜料和泻药的树胶脂。
    a gum resin used as a yellow pigment and a purgative.
  • 种坚硬的黄色到褐色的半透明化石树脂,用来制造珠宝。
    a hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; used for jewelry.
  • 种苦味棕色的树胶树脂,现在主要用于兽用药物。
    an acrid brown gum resin now used mainly in veterinary medicine.
  • 需要承认的点是,这些数据表明,其中些人的才华非常出众,但为数不多。”
    "Admittedly, there are some very bright people in the data, but not many."
  • 种热硬化性树脂,主要用于强力粘合剂和涂料、绝缘层中。
    a thermosetting resin; used chiefly in strong adhesives and coatings and laminates.
  • 醇酸树脂从丙三醇和酞酸酐中提炼出的种应用范围很广的耐用合成树脂
    A widely used durable synthetic resin derived from glycerol and phthalic anhydride.
  • 边用烘干油或合成树脂处理过的布料。
    cloth treated on one side with a drying oil or synthetic resin.
  • 马凯等人引用的证据从开始就被公认为是很难断定。
    The evidence cited by McKay etc. was admittedly circumstantial from the star.
  • 种用猪油、蜡、树脂混合而成的药膏。
    a hard medicated paste made of lard or oil mixed with wax or resin.
  • 用树脂调出种特别的味道,比如希腊人的酒。
    impregnate with resin to give a special flavor to, as of some Greek wines.
  • 显色通过层涂料来显示,如显示树上的色斑或树脂
    To show through a layer of paint, as a stain or resin in wood.
  • 种可溶于酒精的树脂,取自澳大利亚树木,用于制清漆和纸张。
    an alcohol-soluble resin from Australian trees; used in varnishes and in manufacturing paper.
  • 种天然生成的树脂和香精油的混合物,从某些植物中获取。
    a naturally occurring mixture of a resin and an essential oil; obtained from certain plants.
  • 应当承认,你方的设备比其他供货商的要好些,可是你方的价格太高。
    Admittedly, your equipment is somewhat better than those from other supplier but your price is too high.
  • 种取自大麻植物的有毒树脂,视作有效的麻醉剂。
    a poisonous resin obtained from the hemp plant; thought to be the active narcotic agent.
  • 卢塞特树脂种透明热塑料丙烯酸树脂的个商标,这种树脂用于油漆、搪瓷、雷管中
    A trademark used for a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin employed in paints, enamels, and primers.
  • 产于东印度的种树,出产的松香或提炼物常用于医药和鞣革。
    East Indian tree yielding a resin or extract often used medicinally and in e.g. tanning.
  • 种热硬化性树脂,由三聚氰胺和醛形成,用于铸模产品、粘合剂、涂料中。
    a thermosetting resin formed from melamine and an aldehyde; used in molded products, adhesives, and coatings.
  • 她公开承认自己是名共产党员。
    she admitted publicly to being a communist.
  • 种由木屑混合着树脂经压缩而制成的很紧的墙板。
    wallboard composed of wood chips or shavings bonded together with resin and compressed into rigid sheets.
  • 大麻苷,大麻脂从大麻中榨出的种脂状物质
    A resinous material extracted from cannabis.
  • 笃耨香脂种从笃耨香树上提取的柠黄色半流性的树指状液体
    A brownish-yellow resinous liquid obtained from the terebinth.
  • 北美种散发松香气味和开黄花的多年生植物。
    North American perennial having a resinous odor and yellow flowers.
  • 含树脂的几种乔木或灌木的任何种,经常为照明而燃烧。
    any of several resinous trees or shrubs often burned for light.