  • 指由手工或自动化设备实现的操作(如人工数据输入、人工分类)。
    Performed by hand or with non-automatic equipment("manualdata entry";"manual sorting").
  • 常好的论据;有根据的怀疑。
    a soundly based argument; well-founded suspicions.
  • 我很快入睡而且整晚睡得常好。
    I go to sleep immediately and sleep soundly all night.
  • 这个汤非常美味。
    This soup tastes great.
  • 重读的弱重音或无重音的
    Having weak stress or no stress.
  • 一种攀援性、观赏性兰花,其蒴果有伸长的荚、产出香果兰豆;产于佛罗里达州和热带美洲的一种广泛栽培的植物。
    climbing non-ornamental orchid bearing a podlike fruit yielding vanilla beans; widely cultivated from Florida southward throughout tropical America.
  • 洲西南部一个共和国,邻接大西洋。
    a republic in southwestern Africa on the Atlantic coast.
  • 众所周知大豆对身体是常有益的,而最新研究表明它对记忆力也很有帮助。
    Everyone knows soy is great for the body,but new research shows it helps the mind too.
  • 他很幸运有这么一个宽敞的书房,我的书房却是常狭小。
    He is very lucky to have a spacious study like this; there's not room to swing a cat in mine.
  • 你很幸运有这么一个宽敞的书房,我的书房常狭小。
    You are very lucky to have a spacious study like this; there's not room to swing a cat in mine.
  • 长有耀眼的纯白色苞和黄色纤维的一种南种植植物。
    South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix.
  • 她把大部分时间都用来想入了。
    She spends most of her time building castles in Spain.
  • 位于西班牙和洲之间的一个海峡。
    the strait between Spain and Africa.
  • 我们在他的乡间别墅玩得常高兴
    We have a spanking good time at his country house
  • 耽搁了你宝贵的时间,常感谢。
    Thank you very, very much for sparing your valuable time.
  • 费你这么多宝贵时间,常[常]感谢。
    Thank you so much [very, very much] for sparing your valuable time.
  • 第三十六条 农业建设必须节约使用土地,可以利用荒地的,不得占用耕地;
    Article 36 Land shall be used sparingly for non-agricultural construction purposes. Whereas wasteland can be used, no cultivated land should be occupied;
  • 如果她看到一只麻雀,则她可能嫁给一个穷人,但却常快乐;
    If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy.
  • 我并否定你说话的权利,而是不喜欢你说话的态度。
    I do not quarrel with your right to speak, but with your way of speaking.
  • 跟他交谈,他是绝不开口谈话的。
    He never speaks unless he is spoken to.
  • 他法语说得非常好。
    He is an excellent speaker of French.
  • 又夸赞自己的矛说:“我的矛常锋利,对于任何东西没有不能刺穿的。”
    And then he took up his spear and said:“Look! My spear is so sharp that it can cut through anything.”
  • 安全是相互的,安全对话和合作旨在促进信任,而制造对抗,更不应针对第三国,不能损害别国的安全利益。
    Security is mutual, and security dialogues and cooperation should be aimed at promoting trust, not at creating confrontations, still less at directing the spearhead against a third country or infringing upon the security interests of any other nation.
  • 专门化的不具有特殊的功能的;没有专业或未进行专业化的
    Having no special function; without specialty or specialization.
  • 2000年12月全国人大常委会通过的《中华人民共和国现役军官法》和1999年6月中央军委颁布的《中国人民解放军文职干部条例》明确规定,指挥军官和专业技术文职干部每晋升一级职务、专业技术军官和专业技术文职干部每晋升一级专业技术职务,应当经过相应的院校或者其他训练机构培训;
    Both the Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service passed by the Standing Committee of the NPC in December 2000 and the Regulations on Non-Ranking Officers of the PLA issued by the CMC in June 1999 explicitly stipulate that commanding officers and non-ranking officers without technical specialty, as well as ranking officers with technical specialty and non-ranking officers with technical specialty should receive training at relevant colleges and schools or other training institutions before their promotion;
  • 他给我们做了常明确的指示。
    He gave us very specific instructions.
  • 一般化的并具体适应于一具体环境或功能;没有具体化
    Not specifically adapted to a particular environment or function; not specialized.
  • 微粒常小的块或部分;一小份儿或一小点儿
    A very small piece or part; a tiny portion or speck.
  • 毫无美感而且常无知的;用那些毫无美感的见解窥测。
    inaesthetic and quite unintellectual; peered through those inaesthetic spectacles.
  • “保罗认为事态的确常严重。”—“哦,可千万别信他的话,难道你不知道他一向是戴着有色眼镜来观察事物的吗?”
    “Paul regards the position of affairs as very serious indeed.” —“Oh, for Heaven’s sake, don’t believe him! Don’t you know that he always sees everything through colored spectacles?”
  • 那肯定非常壮观了。
    That must have been very spectacular.
  • 洲南部高山硬叶灌木群落中近7/10的动植物都是地区独有的。
    Nearly seven out of 10 plants and animals of the spectacular fynbos of southern Africa are found nowhere else on Earth.