  • 他的真正的热忱在于文学和科学的哲理,他会欣然把自己的全部时都花在研究这些学问上。
    His genuine passions are for literture and the philosophy of science and he would gladly spend all his time in studying them.
  • 北京时30号凌晨,第58届威尼斯国际电影节喊出了"打倒好莱坞帝国主义"的口号,成为与好莱坞分庭抗礼的领头羊。但是本届电影节主席也坦言,要想吸引观众,还要靠巨星的魅力和光环。
    The Venice Film Festival is eager to lead the fight against "Hollywood imperialism" but its director freely admits you needall the glitz and glamour of the big stars to attract the crowds.
  • 她略微环视了一下房才离开。
    She glanced round the room before she left.
  • 吃饭时间;转瞬间
    At the dinner hour; at a glance.
  • 他抓住摩托车狠狠地瞪了一下前灯,刹住了车,然后故意从车队中溜了出去。
    he caught the motorcycles in the full glare of his headlights, braked and slipped purposefully out of the car.
  • 耀眼的午间太阳
    The glaring noonday sun.
  • 敌之华中、华北两集团中,每一集团内部是大体协同的,但两集团则很不协同。
    On the whole co-ordination exists within the groups of enemy forces in northern China and in central China, but there is glaring lack of co-ordination between the two.
  • 从伦敦到格拉斯哥要花很多时.
    It takes quite a bit of time to get from London to Glasgow.
  • 那些班船定期往返于格拉斯哥与纽约之
    The ships ply between Glasgow and New York.
  • 从伦敦到格拉斯哥要花很多时
    It take quite a bit of time to get from london to glasgow.
  • 在格拉斯哥公共汽车罢工期,其他许多城镇的公交人员宣布举行24小时的同情罢工。
    During the Glasgow bus strike, transport employees in various other towns declared 24 hour strike in sympathy.
  • 在格拉斯哥我们遇到交通堵塞,但是在后面的行程里,我们加快速度,抢回了时
    We got caught in a traffic jam in Glasgow, but we made good time on the rest of the journey.
  • 把纸或布料放在滚筒或金属板压以使变平,变光滑或变细成为薄片。
    press between rollers or plates so as to smooth, glaze, or thin into sheets; as of paper or cloth.
  • 饭店里所有的房都安装了双层玻璃窗以减少来自机场的噪音。
    All the rooms in the hotel are double - glazed to reduce noise from the airport.
  • 微弱的歇的灯光;闪光;微弱的闪光
    A slight, intermittent gleam of light; a sparkling flash; a glimmer.
  • 从她张开的嘴唇中我看见她白色的牙齿闪着微光。
    I saw the gleam of her white teeth between her parted lips.
  • 我花了整整一星期时,找遍图书馆收集资料。
    I have spent the whole week gleaning through the library.
  • 初次见面没多长时,我就开始讨厌他那油滑的举止了。
    His glib manner palls on me with in a short time of firs meeting him.
  • 热带海洋鱼,有类似翅膀的大鳍,可用来短时滑翔。
    tropical marine fishes having enlarged winglike fins used for brief gliding flight.
  • 活动的袋貂,身体侧面有形似降落伞的折叠皮肤可用于滑行状跳跃。
    nocturnal phalangers that move with gliding leaps using parachute-like folds of skin along the sides of the body.
  • 旅途平静,我们的心情也安定,因此我失去了一切时的概念。但是我终于觉察到我乘的小船在慢悠悠地向岸边荡去。
    Soothed by the peace of my journey, I had lost all count of time but eventually I became aware that the boat was gliding slowly towards the bank.
  • 产于东南亚和菲律宾夜活动的树栖哺乳动物,形似狐猴,从颈部到尾部的身体两侧有适于长距离滑跳的褶皮。
    arboreal nocturnal mammal of southeast Asia and the Philippines resembling a lemur and having a fold of skin on each side from neck to tail that is used for long gliding leaps.
  • 从窗口我瞥见一宽敞但陈设简单的房
    Through the window I caught a glimpse of a large but simply furnished room.
  • 随着时的流逝,这个成就不如以往引人注目了。
    As time passed, some of the glitter of the achievement has rubbed off.
  • 随着时的推移,这位冠军的成绩已不怎么惊人了。
    With the passing of time some of the glitter of the champion's success has rubbed off.
  • 但近年来,麦当劳不断受到反全球化运动、民农业组织团体以及巴黎罢工的冲击。
    More recently the multinational has come under fire from anti-globalization protesters, farmers' groups, and in Paris, striking workers.
  • 随着贸易、资金和资讯的流通日趋全球化,各国和各个地区之的竞争将会更为激烈。
    With the ever increasing globalization in trade flow, funds flow and information flow, competition across countries and regions will intensify.
  • 多极化趋势和经济全球化的持续发展,使国与国之的相互依存和制约进一步加深,也有助于世界的和平、稳定与繁荣。
    The sustained development of the multipolarity tendency and economic globalization has further deepened their mutual reliance and mutual condition and helped toward world peace, stability and prosperity.
  • 要么万分沮丧,要么盲目乐观,我一直在这两种心情之摇摆不定。
    Total gloom and foolish optimism-these are the moods between which I keep vacillating.
  • 大而阴森的房或建筑物
    A gloomy, usually large room or building.
  • 在这个可怕的地方呆了将近4个星期的时,我完全依靠自己的力量生活。
    During nearly for weeks in this glorious place I have lived on my own hump.
  • 这些红窗帘在这个色彩单调的房里当然会显出鲜艳的颜色。
    These red curtains certainly glow in the dull room.