  • 我希望荣幸地陪你回家?
    I hope I have the honour to bring you home?
  • 在雨中工作很长时间可使人发高烧。
    Working out in the rain for a long time may bring on a fever.
  • 他很无已导致我们濒临绝境
    His incompetence has brought us to the brink of ruin.
  • 这样一位总裁够给处于生存边缘的公司注入新的希望吗?
    Was this the man to breathe new life into a company on the brink?
  • 助选人员说,根据他私人的民意测验,他可在选举团投票时得到几乎压倒台性的胜利,充满信心的布什对他的敌对手仍不放松。
    With aides saying his private polls showed he may be on the brink of an electoral-vote landslide, the confident Bush did not let up on his rival.
  • 日本不占领全中国,然而在它一切力所及的地区,它将不遗余力地镇压中国的反抗,直至日本的内外条件使日本帝国主义发生了进入坟墓的直接危机之前,它是不会停止这种镇压的。
    Japan cannot occupy the whole of China, but she will spare no effort to suppress China's resistance in all the areas she can reach, and will not stop until internal and external developments push Japanese imperialism to the brink of the grave.
  • 见过这样的耐克运动鞋吗?也许是湿的,可还有点咸,而且要凑成一双还有点困难。不过,世界上也许再也找不着比这更便宜的耐克运动鞋了。
    They may be wet, even a bit briny, and it might be hard to find a matching pair, but you won't find Nike Inc. shoes cheaper anywhere.
  •  对未划定为禁止使用高污染燃料区域的大、中城市市区内的其他民用炉灶,限期改用固硫型煤或者使用其他清洁源。
    Other users of domestic cooking ranges in urban areas of large or medium-sized cities not designated as areas prohibited from the consumption of coal shall use sulfur-fixed briquette of coal as fuel or other clean energy. They shall do so within a prescribed time limit so as to gradually eliminate the direct use of raw coal as fuel.
  • 而十分钟的快速行走增加足以持续一个多小时的量。
    A ten-minute brisk walk, on the other hand, increases energy for an hour or more.
  • 你根本不可在一个小时内驱车从伦敦到达布里斯托尔。
    Fat chance you have of driving from London to Bristol in under an hour.
  • 你毫无可在一个小时内驱车从伦敦到达布里斯托尔。
    You've no earthly chance of driving form London to Bristol in under an hour.
  • 你毫无可在一个小时内驱车从伦敦抵达布里斯托尔。
    You haven't a ghost of a chance of driving from London to Bristol in under an hour.
  • 但英国的图谋未得逞。
    However, Britain's schemes failed.
  • 铁的合金,含有大量的碳而变脆,因而只通过铸造而非锻造成形。
    an alloy of iron containing so much carbon that it is brittle and so cannot be wrought but must be shaped by casting.
  • 眺望到。。。的广阔景色
    Command a broad prospect of...
  • 有些人可认为无线电广播在广播事业中稍逊一筹。
    Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting.
  • 一周休息一天时,上班族只有时间勉强安排家务。
    With only one day off in a week working people had barely enough time to arrange the household.
  • 他们期望够扩展和深化他们在中国市场的业务范围,他们也盼望着中国市场早日向他们开放。
    They are keen to broaden and deepen the scope of their Chinese business operations and they too very much look forward to the opening up of the Chinese market.
  • 政府的目标是扩阔学生的视野,使他们具备所需的知识、技和正确的态度,日后追求终身学习,造福社会,兼且生活充实。
    The objectives are to broaden students' perspective, equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitude to pursue life-long learning and make positive contributions to the community, while leading a full life as individuals.
  • 要坚持围绕中心、服务大局,拓宽领域、强化功,扩大党的工作的覆盖面,不断提高党的基层组织的凝聚力和战斗力。
    We should, by focusing on the central task and serving the overall interests, broaden the fields of our endeavor, intensify our functions and expand the coverage of the Party's work so as to increase the rallying power and combat effectiveness of primary organizations.
  • 在这个资讯年代,当局的首要目标是推广资讯科技教育,扩阔青少年的知识层面,使他们具备国际视野,以及培养他们终身自学的力。
    In this information age, it is the Government's prime objective to promote the use of information technology in education to broaden young people's knowledge base, to enable them to acquire a global outlook, and to develop in them the capability for independent life-long learning.
  • 不错,香港人会作出更长远的打算,较多考虑可需时多年才见成果的发展和投资,并且着眼於如何长远发展业务、怎样拓展增值较高的工业活动;以及把眼光放於如何建立重要的伙伴关系,以实现上述目标。
    Yes, our people are thinking longer term. They are looking more at prospects and investments which may take years to bear fruit. They are looking at how to develop their businesses over time, how to broaden into higher value added activities - and at forming strategic partnerships to make this happen.
  • 劳务输出不仅有助于使贫困地区劳动力实现就业和增加收入,更重要的是劳动者通过异地就业可以学到新技术、新生活方式、新工作方法,开阔眼界,增强信心,提高自我发展力。
    Such labor transfer will not only increase the employment and income of workers from the poor areas, but, more importantly, it will also enable these people to learn new technologies, life-styles and working methods from the places where they work, to broaden their outlook, increase their self-confidence and improve their ability to develop independently.
  • 我郑重重申:我们推出这些措施,目的不是干预市场,也不是要扩大、宽大政府的权力,而是为了巩固香港的金融防卫力,稳定香港的利率,以及对付造市者在股票期货和货币市场中的双边操控。
    I would like to make it clear that in putting forward these measures it is not our intention to interfere with market forces, nor is it our intention to broaden the powers of the Government. Rather, our aim is to consolidate Hong Kong's ability to manage its monetary affairs, so that we can counter manipulation of our markets and stabilise interest rates.
  • 旅行能使人见多识广.
    Travel broadens the mind.
  • 日本和香港之间若建立更广泛的经济伙伴关系,不会只是令两地人民受惠,其他地区都会有所裨益。
    For the broadening of the economic partnership between Japan and Hong Kong will benefit not just our own peoples.
  • 把年轻人提起来,放到重要岗位,管的业务宽了,见识就广了,就更好地发挥作用。
    By promoting these young people to higher positions with more responsibilities, thereby broadening their horizons, we can make better use of their talents and abilities.
  • 于是“知识经济”前所未有地鼓励人的学习探索精神与行为,推崇有技、有素养的劳动者,要求不间断的知识与技更新。
    Thus the KBE wholeheartedly promotes the human learning spirit and behaviors, favors those workers with higher skills and educational qualifications, and requires continuous upgrading and broadening of skills and knowledge.
  • “中央着重指出:只有继续开展全中国人民的抗日救亡运动,扩大各党各派各界各军的抗日民族统一战线,加强中国共产党在民族统一战线中的政治领导作用,极大地巩固红色政权与红军,同一切丧权辱国及削弱民族统一战线力量的言论行动进行坚决的斗争,我们才推动国民党南京政府走向抗日,才给民主共和国的实现准备前提。
    "The Central Committee stresses that we shall impel the Kuomintang government in Nanking to resist Japan and we shall create the prerequisites for the democratic republic only by extending the Chinese people's movement of armed resistance and national salvation, by broadening the anti-Japanese national united front of all political parties, people of all walks of life and all armies, by strengthening the Chinese Communist Party's role of political leadership in the national united front, by greatly consolidating the Red political power and the Red Army, and by waging a determined struggle against all words and deeds which betray our sovereignty and humiliate our nation or weaken the forces of the national united front.
  • 在哪儿有这么重的大刀,谁又耍得动呢?
    Where can you find such a heavy broadsword? Moreover, who is able to lift it?
  • “一二九”北平学生运动时,宋哲元用了自己的权力——军队、监狱、警察、大刀、水龙去对付革命的学生,试问我们说当时的优势是在宋哲元手上吗?
    During the December 9th Student Movement in Beiping, Song Zheyuan suppressed the revolutionary students with his power -- the army, prison, police, broadsword and water cannon. Can we say that superiority lay with Song Zheyuan?
  • 一项研究报告指出,在绿叶蔬菜(如花椰菜和甘蓝菜)中发现的类胡萝卜素,可有助于防止视力下降。
    A study also suggests that carotenoids found in green leafy vegetables(such as broccoli and kale)may help prevent vision loss.