  • 弓锯一种锯,由一坚韧、利齿的锯张紧在一个框架里构成,用于切割金属
    A saw consisting of a tough, fine-toothed blade stretched taut in a frame, used for cutting metal.
  • 虎一种生活在亚洲的大型食肉性猫科哺乳动物(虎),毛皮黄褐色且有横向的黑色
    A large carnivorous feline mammal(Panthera tigris) of Asia, having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes.
  • 香港海关并负责根据《汽车(首次登记税)例》评定汽车的应课税值,以征收首次登记税。
    The department also assesses the taxable values of motor vehicles under the Motor Vehicles (First Registration Tax) Ordinance for the purpose of levying first registration tax.
  • tmodel:uddi类别分类法是结构化的,允许对tmodel外的注册信息目进行分类。
    tModel: The UDDI type taxonomy is structured to allow for categorization of registry entries other than tModels.
  • 教给某人一些教式的东西;不加批判地教。
    teach doctrines to; teach uncritically.
  • 办学机构必须遵守《教育例》及《教育规例》中有关学校/教师/校董的注册、健康及安全、收费及师资等方面的规定。
    School operators must comply with the provisions of the ordinance and the Education Regulations covering areas such as registration of schools, teachers and managers, health and safety requirements, fees and charges and teacher qualifications.
  • 信仰教与教义的学派或体系。
    a particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings.
  • 一种体育比赛,两队在一大绳的两端用力拉;被拉过中心线的一方输。
    a contest in which teams pull of opposite ends of a rope; the team dragged across a central line loses.
  • 别逗那条可怜的狗吧.
    Let the poor dog is, ie Don't tease it.
  • 别去惹那狗,它会咬你的。
    Don't tease that dog, I may turn on you.
  • 别去惹那狗,它会咬你的。
    Do not tease that dog ; it may turn on you.
  • 要是你不停地逗惹那狗,它也许会咬你。
    The dog may bite you if you keep tease him.
  • 他们认为这些移民妇女或许不知道有关签证的情况,而通常情况下她们也找不到合格的律师帮助她们熟悉这些法律款的细节。
    They argue that immigration women may not know about the visa and are generally unable to find competent lawyers who can keep them informed about such legal technicalities.
  • 吉姆突然伸出一腿将特德绊倒。
    Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall.
  • 又过了六年,她又收到泰迪的一张纸
    Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy.
  • 一年过后,她在门下发现了一张纸。纸是泰迪写的,说她是小学所有老师中他最喜欢的一个。
    A year later she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that of all the teachers he'd had in elementary school, she was his favorite.
  • 夏天这河里各种各样的鱼多得很。
    The river teems with all kinds of fish in summer.
  • 这条河里多鱼。
    Fish teem in this river.
  • 河里满是优良鱼儿。
    The river teems with good fish.
  • 新闻是用电报发送的。
    The news was sent by telegraph.
  • 电传用电报传送(一消息)
    To transmit(a message) by telegraph.
  • 在那两个城市之间架设了一新的电报线路。
    A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities.
  • (电信学)在某一时间只允许按一个方向通讯,或者在电报中在某一时间只允许一讯息占用一线路。
    (telecommunication) allowing communication in only one direction at a time, or in telegraphy allowing only one message over a line at a time.
  • 年底时,本港共有470万具电话和超过360万电话线,即每100人便有72具电话或55电话线。香港是亚洲最高电话密度的地区,也是全球电话密度最高的地区之一。
    Hong Kong had 4.7 million telephones served by more than 3.6million exchange lines at the end of 1997. The telephone density was 72 telephones or 55 exchange lines per 100 population - the highest in Asia and one of the highest in the world.
  • 腿中每个都装有一个简单的螺旋千斤顶,千斤顶中又有一个在两根管道中做伸缩操作的推力轴承。
    each of the four legs contains a simple screw jack with a thrust bearing that is operated telescopically inside of two tubes.
  • 在电传打字机上键入几指令,几秒钟后程序数据处理机即会反馈回信息。
    Type in a few instructions on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the PDP would type back its response.
  • 船在大洋中遭遇到暴风雨。
    The ship fell on a tempest in theocean.
  • 在终审法院、上诉法庭、原讼法庭及区域法院审理的民事案件,土地审裁处根据《业主与租客(综合)例》第ii部审理的案件,以及向精神健康复查审裁处提出的申请,均可接受普通法律援助,获提供法律代表。
    Standard legal aid is available for representation in civil proceedings in the Court of Final Appeal, Court of Appeal, Court of First Instance, District Court, Lands Tribunal for tenancy matters under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance and applications to the Mental Health Review Tribunal.
  • 在一九九八年底以前,下述类别住宅租赁的租金加幅受该例管制:
    Before the end of 1998, rent increases were controlled under the ordinance in the following types of domestic tenancies-
  • 在一窄路上,我们的车和另一辆车相碰。
    Our car met another car on a narrow road.
  • 并指出后者实现的件,为克服妥协倾向和转变腐败现象而努力。
    In addition, we point out the conditions necessary for the healthy tendencies and phenomena to prevail, and we strive to overcome the tendency to compromise and to change the state of corruption.
  • 由于贵公司的投标件是最合理的,我们选中了贵公司的投标。
    Since all your tender condition have prove most suitable, we have choose your tender.