| - 我的助手懂希腊语,因此他将当我们的翻译。
My assistant know Greek, so he will interpret for us. - 在dec操作系统vax/vms中,将一个命令串分成有关的几部分来解释它。
In VAX/VMS, breaking a command string into its elements to interpret it. - 下面几节将对实验1和实验2的结果给出解释。
We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections. - 将许多小片证据拼合起来构成的解释。
an interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence. - 下午将有间晴天气。
There will be bright interval during the afternoon. - 在离大学校际赛还有三个月的时候,张先生入选为体育部主任。他将接沈先生的班。
Three months before the intervarsity game, Mr. Zhang was elected Athletic Director to succeed Mr. Shen. - 肠肽酶肠内分泌物和胰液中的一种酶合成物,在将多肽分裂成氨基酸的过程中起作用
An enzyme complex found in intestinal and pancreatic juices that functions in the breakdown of polypeptides into amino acids. - 肠套叠肠套叠,尤指将一段肠内折入另一段
Invagination, especially an infolding of one part of the intestine into another. - 因为这种经济压迫,不但中等阶级忍不住,工人、贫农和红军亦恐将有耐不住之时。
For not only is such economic strain intolerable to the intermediate class, but some day it will prove too much even for the workers, poor peasants and Red Army men. - 今后,国家将按照市场经济规律和经济内在联系,以及地理自然特点,突破行政区域的界限,逐步形成七个跨省区市的经济区域。
In future, in accordance with the law of market economy and intra-economic links, as well as taking advantage of her geographical and physical features, China will break through the boundaries of administrative regions and progressively establish seven inter-provincial economic regions. - 在精简员额的同时,将优化结构,调整编组,理顺关系,走质量建军、科技强军的道路,把中国军队现代化建设提高到一个新水平。
While the numbers of men are being reduced, steps are being taken in tandem to optimize the structure, adjust the composition and intra-relationship, and enhance the competence of the armed forces by enhancing their scientific and technological knowledge, so as to raise the modernization of the Chinese armed forces to a new level. - 当地的报纸用大量的篇幅报道了手术的细节,此外还有皮埃尔蓬将肝脏捐献给德克鲁兹的感人故事。
Local newspapers have dedicated pages to the intricacies of the procedure, alongside tales of Png's devotion to De Cruz. - 这种阴谋,不但过去和现在是存在着,而且将来也还会继续的。
This intrigue has been going on for some time and will continue. - 将一题目引入谈话中。
Introduce a subject into a conversation. - 我想借此机会将你介绍给我女儿。
I would like to take the opportunity of introducing you to my daughter. - 在十月十日之前,贵公司将可得到百分之十的特别折扣。
You will receive a special introductory discount of10% which we can maintain before October10. - 中国在长期的实践中,确立了改造罪犯的原则、政策和法律,这是社会主义法制建设的一项重要内容,把中国改造罪犯的情况介绍出来,将有利于世界公众更好地了解具有中国特色的社会主义。
China has set up its system of principles, policies and laws for the reform of criminals based on many years of experience, representing an important step in the development of a socialist legal system. This introductory look at criminal reform in China should help the people of the world better understand our socialist system with Chinese characteristics. - 另一方面我业余时间就喜欢独自呆着,想想我的公司和工作,想想我的过去、现在的和将来,想想我的成功和失败,想想国内外的发展和政治形势,想想我想想的任何事情,这时,我是内向的。
On the other hand, in my spare time I prefer to be alone, thinking about my work and organization, my past, present and future, my failure and success, Chinese and foreign development and political situation, or anything I'd like to. At this time I'd rather call myself introverted. - 几名护士抱住闯进来的人,将他摔倒在地。
Several nurses tackled the intruder and got him down. - 预感,预知对将要发生的事的感觉或直觉;预感
A feeling or an intuition of what is going to occur; a presentiment. - 谁知这封信像捉弄人似地被塞到了地毯下面去了,直到举行婚礼的清晨,苔丝突然产生一种直觉,发现了信的所在,因已经晚了,她就将它撕了。
Ironically concealed under the carpet it lies until Tess, with a sudden late intuition on her wedding morn, discovers its hiding-place and tears it up. - 凭直觉我们认为,随着压力的增加,工作质量会下降,但这只说对了一部分,如图所示,当工作负荷从较低逐步上升到适中水平时,工作质量将达到一个最佳状态。
Based on intuition, we might assume that performance suffers as workload increases. This is only partially correct. As indicated in Figure 1, as workload increases from low to moderate, performance improves to an optimal level. - 因此,这种技术模式是与直觉背道而驰的,因为它不主张将研究和发展的投资放在新坦克或飞机上;它主张将钱花在进一步提高作战平台的一体化能力上。
So the template was counter-intuitive because it did not say that you should spend your research and development money on new tanks or new aircraft, you should spend it on the ability to integrate those platforms better. - 他是一名海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵英国。
The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and so stop him from invade England. - 入侵者将全村的人杀光
The invader killed off all the inhabitant of the village - (1)(a)本联盟各国同意,对未经主管机关许可,而将本联盟国家的国徽、国旗和其他的国家徽记、各该国用以表明监督和保证的官方符号和检验印章以及从徽章学的观点看来的任何仿制用作商标或商标的组成部分,拒绝注册或使其注册无效,并采取适当措施禁止使用。
(a) The countries of the Union agree to refuse or to invalidate the registration, and to prohibit by appropriate measures the use, without authorization by the competent authorities, either as trademarks or as elements of trademarks, of armorial bearings, flags, and other State emblems, of the countries of the Union, official signs and hallmarks indicating control and warranty adopted by them, and any imitation from a heraldic point of view. - 第六十七条专利复审委员会应当将专利权无效宣告请求书和有关文件的副本送交专利权人,要求其在指定的期限内陈述意见。
Rule 67 The Patent Reexamination Board shall send a copy of the request for invalidation of the patent right and copies of the relevant documents to the patentee and invite it or him to present its or his observations within a specified time limit. - 6.交流能力——听得认真、写得明白、看得仔细、说得清楚、叙述准确——将具有无可估量的价值。
6.Communication skills -- careful listening, clear writing, close reading, plain speaking, and accurate description -- will be invaluable. - ”你不会立即找到所有的答案,但你将培养一种可贵的品质:一种根据事物本质去思考问题的能力。
You will not find all the answers immediately, but you will acquire an invaluable characteristic: the ability to think in terms of essentials. - 游击性在将来一定是可羞的和必须抛弃的东西,但在今天却是宝贵的和必须坚持的东西。
In the future this guerrilla character will definitely become something to be ashamed of and to be discarded, but today it is invaluable and we must stick to it. - 即使采取上述第一点所提到的全民投票方式,仍会有不少新议员是会在资深议员或部长的带领下顺利进入国会的,他们将永远无法得到像司徒宇斌、刘锡明的宝贵经验。
Even when every voter is able to vote as I have suggested earlier, some new candidates will still become MPs under the wings of experienced MPs or ministers in a GRC. They will never learn the invaluable experience which defeated PAP candidates Sitoh Yih Pin and Eric Low had. - 也许将来有一天,某一科学家发明了一种使海水淡化的比较经济的方法。
Perhaps a scientist will one day invent a cheaper way of producing fresh water from the sea.