  • 她期望得到获得提所必需的三分之二多数
    She expected to achieve the requisite two - thirds majority for nomination
  • 对权力的渴求已使他身败裂。
    His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruined upon himself.
  • 对权力的渴求已使他身败裂。
    His thirst for power have result in disgrace and ruin upon himself.
  • 喂?我的字叫托马斯普赖尔。
    Hello? My name's thomas prior.
  • 喂?我的字叫托马斯普赖尔。
    Hello? My name's thomas prior.
  • 这婴儿被取为汤玛斯。
    The bady was baptized Thomas.
  • 这婴儿被取为汤玛斯。
    The bady was baptized Thomas.
  • 他被授教为汤玛斯。
    He was baptized by the name of Thomas.
  • 白厅英国伦敦的一条宽阔大道,南北走向,位于特拉法尔加广场与议会大厦之间,根据怀特霍尔宫而命(1529年-1698年),是英国法庭的主要所在地,以其为政府办公机构所在地而著
    A wide thoroughfare in London, England, running north and south between Trafalgar Square and the Houses of Parliament. Named after Whitehall Palace(1529-1698), the chief residence of the Court of London, it is noted for its government offices.
  • 死了数千美国和菲律宾的士兵。
    Thousands of Americans and Filipinos died.
  • 好几千士兵陆续被送往前线。
    Thousands upon thousands of soldiers were being sent to the front.
  • 约有2000代表把礼堂挤得满满的。
    About two thousand delegates packed the hall.
  • 我在这方面的气很大,别人甚至管这个叫"thresh的超能力感觉",其实我只是预计到了对手的移动而已。
    I got a reputation for doing that so well that people starting calling it "Thresh ESP."But I was just anticipating my opponent's move.
  • 突然公布提名
    Threw open the nomination.
  • 同著的足球运动员见面使孩子们雀跃万分。
    Meeting the famous footballer was a great thrill for the children.
  • 我不愿提起他的字。
    His name sticks in my throat.
  • 许多留千古的文学创作还是在环境最恶劣,作者身心最受打击的时候写出的。
    Many great literary works were written in the worst possible environment, when the authors were in the throes of great physical and spiritual pain.
  • 他闻名于世界。
    He is famous throughout the world.
  • 他闻名全世界。
    His name is famous throughout the world.
  • 尽量加罪在某身人上;从严判处某人
    Throw the book at sb.
  • 以其优美的歌唱而闻的暗灰色北美洲画眉。
    dull gray North American thrushes noted for its beautiful song.
  • 矾鸫一种北美及中美洲发现的矶鸫属画眉,以其优美的歌唱而闻
    Any of several thrushes of the genus Myadestes, found in North and Central America and noted for their beautiful song.
  • 他往前挤着请那位著歌唱家签
    Thrusting forward, he asked the famous singer for his signature.
  • 诺伯特……诺伯特带球中路突破,晃过了一后卫。
    Norbert...Norbert is thrusting down the middle. He dribbles past a fullback.
  • 暴徒袭击警察时,人们只是袖手旁观。
    The crowd just stood aside while the two thugs attacked a policeman.
  • 我对这篇文章很失望。这种东西任何游客都写得出——不过是一份寻常游览点的一览表和对当地五六位知人士的简略描述。
    I was disappointed in the article. Any tourist could have written it-just a list of the usual show-places and half a dozen thumbnail portraits of local worthies.
  • `我们颂赞您的圣.'
    `We bless Thy Holy Name.'
  • `我们颂赞您的圣.'
    `We bless Thy Holy Name.'
  • 化学物质的俗与分类称的不同之处在于俗对其结构几乎没有或根本没有提示。
    A trivial name differs from a systematic name in that ti tells little or nothing about structure.
  • 老师在单上的一个字旁打勾。
    The teacher tick off a name on a list.
  • 婴儿的母亲说:"当初我们购买球赛入场券的时候,我的儿子还没有出生。而且那时候他们说婴儿没有门票也可以入场。
    "My son was not yet born when we bought tickets to the game. We had been told that the baby could enter the stadium even without a ticket," the mother said.
  • 婴儿的母亲说:"当初我们购买球赛入场券的时候,我的儿子还没有出生。而且那时候他们说婴儿没有门票也可以入场。
    "My son was not yet born when we bought tickets to the game. We had been told that the baby could enter the stadium even without a ticket," the mother said.