  • 但是,人们要清醒地看到,国际军控与裁军的任务还十艰巨和复杂,核裁军虽取得了一些进展,但保持着世界上数量最多、质量最精核武器的核大国,既未放弃核威慑政策,也没有停止对核武器和外空武器包括导弹防御系统的发展。
    Nonetheless, mankind should remain coolly cognizant that the path to international arms control and disarmament is still extremely complex and difficult. While some progress has been made in nuclear disarmament, the major nuclear powers, with the world's most sophisticated and largest quantity of nuclear weapons in hand, have neither abandoned their policy of nuclear deterrence nor stopped the development of nuclear weapons and outer space weapons including guided missile defence systems.
  • 黏合剂使两个或多个对象或部连结起来的物品或媒介
    A substance or an agent that causes two or more objects or parts to cohere.
  • 使裂,使解体破坏…的连贯和关系
    To destroy the coherence or connections of.
  • 综合把别的元素或物质连接成连贯的一个整体
    The combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole.
  • 包含综合的特点的,综合的特点的(把散的部组合在一起形成一个一致的整体),作为析的反面。
    involving or of the nature of synthesis (combining separate elements to form a coherent whole) as opposed to analysis.
  • 光学中有关以激光制造全息图从而创造三维图象的支。
    the branch of optics that deals with the use of coherent light from a laser in order to make a hologram that can then be used to create a three-dimensional image.
  • 在新加坡,回教徒和非回教徒如果因为宗教歧而产生对立,将不利于营造一个具有强大凝聚力的社会.。
    A religious divide pitting Muslims against non-Muslims is not the answer to a strong, cohesive Singapore.
  • 这些正义活动,充显示了中华民族的伟大爱国主义精神和巨大凝聚力,充体现了中国人民维护世界和平、反对霸权主义的坚强意志。
    All these just activities fully demonstrate the great patriotism and cohesive force of the Chinese nation and the firm will of the Chinese people to safeguard world peace and oppose hegemonism.
  • 加强青少年体育、城市体育、农村体育工作,充发挥学校、社区、乡镇的聚集效应、辐射功能和带动作用,增加体育锻炼的吸引力和凝聚力,推动全民健身活动的广泛开展。
    Youth sports, urban sports and rural sports shall be strengthened through full utilization of the gathering, radiating and exemplifying power of schools, communities and towns. This will increase the appeal and cohesive power of sports activities and thereby further the implementation of citizen health sports.
  • 令人感到十鼓舞的是,最近,马来族群的代表和政府高层领导人在座谈会面对面的、坦诚的对切身问题进行讨论,这对于增进各族群之间的了解与谅解,互信互爱,加强团结爱国的凝聚力,都是有很大的推动力的。
    It is encouraging to note that in recent dialogue sessions with government leaders, Malay representatives from all levels had brought up and discussed frankly problems of concern to them. Such exchanges will enhance understanding and trust among different groups and contribute to a more cohesive society.
  • (次于国家的)族群认同是否一定会裂国民团结,排斥国家认同呢?
    Is (sub-national) ethnic identity exclusive and divisive vis-a-vis national cohesiveness and national identity?
  • 假定同批人分析法
    method of hypothetical cohort
  • 自耦变压器一种电力变压器,其初级线圈与次级线圈部或全部共用
    An electrical transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have some or all windings in common.
  • 五角硬币一种美国银币,值五十美
    A U.S. silver coin worth50 cents.
  • 一种价值为二之一便士的英国硬币。
    an English coin worth half a penny.
  • 决定在西藏照内地之例,设立铸钱局,铸造官钱行使,银币正面背面别用汉藏文字铸“乾隆宝藏”字样。
    A mint will be set up in Tibet along the lines established by those in the interior to make official money for circulation. On the two sides of the silver coinage the words "Qianlong Treasure" will be cast in the Han Chinese and Tibetan.
  • 一九七六年,硬币发行基金(该基金持有政府发行硬币的资产)的资产及政府一般收入账目的大部外币资产均转拨外汇基金,外汇基金的功能因而扩大。
    In 1976, the fund's role was expanded. The assets of the Coinage Security Fund (which held the backing for coins issued by the Government), as well as the bulk of foreign currency assets held in the Government's General Revenue Account, were transferred to the fund.
  • 他们手了,可是一个星期后又意外地相见了。
    They separated, but the long arm of coincidence brought them together a week later.
  • 玛丽和杰克手了。可是一星期后,由于意外的巧合国。他们又聚到了一起。
    Mary and Jack separated. But the long arm of coincidence brought them together a week later.
  • (在焦碳炉中)煤的解蒸馏过程。
    the destructive distillation of coal (as in coke ovens).
  • 每页成用数字表示出的两个专栏,因此当提及议会议事录中某一特定发言时可读成1987年7月22日,第24期,第120册的第370栏。
    Each page is divided into two numbered columns, so a reference to a particular speech in Hansard can read: Vol. 120, No. 24, 22 July 1987, Col. 370.
  • 联合国秘书长佩雷斯·德奎利亚尔有道义责任,去竭尽所能将美国陆战队中校希金斯迅速自黎巴嫩恐怖子的劫持中解救出来。
    United Nations Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar is bound by a debt of honor to pull out every stop to secure the prompt release of U.S. Marine Lt.Col.William Higgins from his Lebanese terrorist Kidnappers.
  • 里根政府还有两周即将结束,却又和美国人爱去恨的人——利比亚的卡扎菲上校——纠缠起来。同以往一样,西欧盟国上周一旁观望,焦灼万,不知下一步还会有什么更糟的情况。
    Two weeks before leaving office, the Reagan Administration was again tangling with the man America loves to hate—Col.Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya. As they have done in the past, the Western European allies last week were sitting on the side lines, wringing their hands and wondering whether the other shoe would drop.
  • 一份什锦色拉,一份三、四熟的牛排,一杯百事可乐和一杯咖啡。
    A mixed salad, a medium-rare beef steak, a glass of Pepsi-cola and a cup of coffee.
  • 讽刺是一种知性武器;脑力劳动者忙于创造文学、艺术或科学的劳动;对被压迫人民具有极大的知性同情;理性的知性;几知性类型;知性文学。
    satire is an intellectual weapon; intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor; has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people; coldly intellectual; sort of the intellectual type; intellectual literature.
  • 国家计委、教育部和各部门,要共同努力,使教育事业的计划成为国民经济计划的一个重要组成部
    The State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Education and other organizations should collaborate in making education an integral component of the national economic plan.
  • 当各供应商在cbd的核心基础设施方面进行合作时,这种布式计算模型工作效率最高而这种模型依靠组件标准、基础设施和架构之间的一种和谐融合关系。
    This distributed computing model, which relies on a synergistic relationship between component standards, infrastructure and frameworks, operates most efficiently when vendors collaborate on the core infrastructural dimensions of CBD.
  • 这种协作是十重要的,因为它给我们带来了各种发展前景。
    This collaboration is important because it brings different perspectives.
  • 在避免这些陷阱的努力中,各公司正转到新出现的通过内特网、外特网和因特网享信息的、基于网站的协作服务。
    In an effort to avoid these pitfalls, companies are turning toward an emerging class of Web-based collaboration services for sharing information viaintranets, extranets, and the Internet.
  • 弹性蛋白与胶原白相似的一种蛋白质,是形成弹性纤维的主要成
    A protein similar to collagen that is the principal structural component of elastic fibers.
  • 原胶原(蛋白)胶原纤维之组成子,由三条互相盘绕在一起的多肽链组成
    The molecular component of a collagen fiber, consisting of three polypeptide chains coiled around each other.
  • 脯氨酸氨基酸,化学式为c4h8ncooh,存在于大多数蛋白质中,是胶原蛋白的主要成
    An amino acid, C4H8NCOOH, that is found in most proteins and is a major constituent of collagen.