  • 出了什么事?”船主带着稍微放松点的口气问。
    asked the owner, with an air of considerable resignation.
  • 听天由命、顺从失败的些人。
    someone who is resigned to defeat.
  • 其意外的结果是大家起辞职。
    This had the unexpected consequence that everybody resigned.
  • 他站在黑人学生边,辞去了他的职务。
    He sided with the Black students and resigned his post.
  •  如果我们在自己的境内办工业,这种工业在地区上、商业上、政治上是同我们结合在起的,它向我们所吸取的食物和原料不只是它所需要的小部分而是绝大部分,它的产品并不会由于巨大的运输费用而抬高代价,我们在这方面的物资交流也不会由于国外工业适应它自己的需要或由于战争或禁制性进口税等关系而发生阻滞——试问,如果说辽远地区的工业对我们农业有有利影响的话,那么我们自己的工业在这方面的有利影响比前者要扩大多少倍?
    If, however, trade in the manufactures of far distant lands exercises admittedly so beneficial an influence on our agricultural industry, how much more beneficial must the influence be of those manufactures which are bound up with us locally, commercially, and politically, which not only take from us a small portion, but the largest portion of their requirements of food and of raw materials,which are not made dearer to us by great costs of transport, our trade in which cannot be interrupted by the chance of foreign manufacturing nations learning to supply their own wants themselves, or by wars and prohibitory import duties?
  • 是坚持把改革的力度、发展的速度与社会可承受的程度统起来。
    First, we were able to balance the momentum of reform and the speed of development against the people's resilience.
  • 服务器交换机与服务器适配器和特定主机上的优化软件起,提供个聚合的服务器系统,满足多服务器应用的严格的性能、可伸缩性和复原性要求。
    In conjunction with server adapters and host specific optimization software, server switches provide a cohesive server system to meet stringent performance, scalability and resilience requirements of multiserver applications.
  • 事实上,本港经济在九九四至九五年短期增长较慢,正好让我们见证本港经济的迅速复苏。这实在有赖本港经济坚濬的实力和本港资产市场充沛的活力。
    Indeed, through the short period of slower growth in Hong Kong in 1994-95 we witnessed the prompt recovery of the economy which was backed by the high degree of resilience of our economy and the vitality of our asset markets.
  • 亚洲的复元能力惊人,以泰国为例,今年的盈馀为国民生产总值的8%,反观九九六年,则有相等於本地生产总值8%的赤字,尽管现时来说,大部分的盈馀都是靠大幅削减入口得来的。
    The resilience of Asia is such that Thailand this year will run a current account surplus of 8% of GDP, as against a deficit of 8% in 1996. Although, for the time being, much of the surplus comes from a severe cut in imports.
  • 面对外围环境不明朗,包括全球股票市场表现反覆、美国发生九事件、日圆疲弱及阿根廷的局势变化,本港的外汇和货币市场仍然表现平静,反映市场对联汇制度的信心,而九九八年九月推出的技术性改革措施亦对联汇制度发挥了巩固作用。
    The exchange and money markets reacted calmly towards uncertainties in the external environment, including increased volatility in the global stock markets, the events of September 11 in the United States, weakening of the Japanese Yen and the turmoil in Argentina. The resilience of these markets reflected confidence in the linked exchange rate system, which has been reinforced by the technical reforms introduced in September 1998.
  • 我们之所以在困难的时候,能够清晰地看到香港的光明前景,是因为香港有国家作为后盾,再加上本身雄厚的财政储备,运作良好的银行体系,以及香港全体市民向善於应变的智慧和能力,在「港人治港」的条件下,会得到更加淋漓尽致的发挥。
    One of the reasons that we are able to look beyond the hard times to a bright future for Hong Kong is that we have the powerful backing of our nation. In addition, we have ample fiscal reserves, sound banking systems, as well as the resilience and wisdom of the people of Hong Kong, which will be brought into fuller play under the principle of "Hong Kong people running Hong Kong".
  • (商标)种轻质富弹性的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。
    (trademark) a light resilient foam of polystyrene.
  • 种极易变干、有弹性的合成纤维,主要由聚酯组成。
    a quick-drying resilient synthetic fiber consisting primarily of polyester.
  • 种具有热塑性的聚酰胺,族高强度、有弹性的合成材料。
    a thermoplastic polyamide; a family of high-strength resilient synthetic materials.
  • 种坚硬且有弹性的钢,通常经过装饰用作剑刃。
    a hard resilient steel often decorated and used for sword blades.
  • 种用弯曲的有弹力的木条绑上紧张的绳索来发射箭的装置。
    curved piece of resilient wood with taut cord to propel arrows.
  • 玻璃纸种近乎透明的,有弹性的光滑料纸,不透气和抗油脂
    A nearly transparent, resilient glazed paper resistant to the passage of air and grease.
  • 用有弹性的材料填充的、并多安有弹簧的大且厚的垫子,此垫子可当作床,也可当作床的部分。
    a large thick pad filled with resilient material and often incorporating coiled springs, used as a bed or part of a bed.
  • 前面仍有段艰难的岁月,我们必须为应付短期内有可能突如其来的风暴时刻警醒,有弹性地克服挑战,并且保持迅速应变的能力。
    Tough times are still ahead and we must remain vigilant, flexible and resilient to any unexpected storms which may emerge in the short-term.
  • 这位出奇顽强的年轻人,曾在少年烦恼高峰期被多年好友斯皮尔伯格描述为"向29岁进军的13岁少女",21岁时在事业和人格上又都东山再起,《尖叫》中引人入胜的表演使她萎靡停滞的事业为之振。
    The remarkably resilient youngster,characterized at the height of her teenage woes by longtime pal Spielberg as being“13 going on 29,” bounced back both professionally and personally by age 21,when her riveting cameo in Scream electrified her flagging career.
  • 果子冻种软的有弹性、稠度大的半固体食品,由含有果胶或胶质的液体或者在液体中添加胶质而制成,尤指含有果胶的果汁加糖熬制而成的食品
    A soft, semisolid food substance with a resilient consistency, made by the setting of a liquid containing pectin or gelatin or by the addition of gelatin to a liquid, especially such a substance made of fruit juice containing pectin boiled with sugar.
  • 我深信,只要有深厚的文化传统为基础,我国的各族同胞是可以在这动荡不安,急速变迁的新世界里,本着“不同而合”的建国精神,起打造出个,不单是有活力的经济、有凝聚力的社会,而且是个更有弹力的“新新加坡”。
    I believe that as long as we have a solid cultural foundation and as long as we cherish the spirit of unity amidst diversity, the various communities in Singapore will be able to create a vibrant economy, a cohesive society and a resilient new Singapore in a turbulent, fast-changing world.
  • 从孪叶苏木中提取出的种树脂。
    resin from the courbaril tree.
  • 异丁烯酸脂系树脂从异丁烯酸中提炼的种树脂
    A resin derived from methacrylic acid.
  • 种类似没药的芳香树脂。
    aromatic gum resin; similar to myrrh.
  • (商标名称)种透明的热塑性丙烯酸树脂。
    (trademark) a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin.
  • 科目公认为因难,有少数这生看来放弃努力了,但多数学生仍在努力试图掌握它。
    Admittedly the subject is difficult, but most of the pupils are making an attempt to have given up the ghost.
  • 种易碎、芳香的树脂,用于清漆中。
    a brittle aromatic resin used in varnishes.
  • 种含有树脂的有香气的药膏。
    a fragrant ointment containing a balsam resin.
  • 种用于粘合剂和油漆中的树脂。
    a resin used in adhesives and paints.
  • 诚然,确保持续的发展需要人们做出定程度的牺牲和辛勤努力。
    Admittedly , ensuring sustainable development will require a certain level of sacrifice and arduous efforts on the part of all people.
  • 种苦味芬芳的树胶脂,类似阿魏胶。
    a bitter aromatic gum resin that resembles asafetida.