| - 事实上,比之于克隆人和他或她的"原件",同卵双生彼此更为相似,因为他们是在同一个子宫内孕育的、后来通常是由同一对父母在同一段时间内在相同的环境中抚养的。
Identical twins are in fact more similar to each other than a clone would be to his or her original,since twins gestate simultaneously in the same womb and are raised in the same environment at the same time,usually by the same parents. - 在短于正常时间的妊娠期后出生的。
born after a gestation period of less than the normal time. - 请帮我把房间收拾一下。
Please help me get the room tidy. - 时间已晚。
Time is getting on. - 找到时间做某事;来得及做
Get around to or get round to - 这房间几乎晒不到太阳。
This room gets very little sunshine. - 他在讲话中强调,世界各国间有必要增进了解。
In his speech he laid stress on the need for getter understanding among the nations of the world. - 时间不早了。
It is getting late. - 但这些全是一个四十五岁男人的面孔,它们之间的差别主要在于所表现的情感和它们那憔悴消瘦的可怕形象。
but they were all the faces of a man of five-and-forty by years, and they differed principally in the passions they expressed, and in the ghastliness of their worn and wasted state. - 产于苏门答腊的大型黑色长臂猿,第二脚趾与第三脚趾之间由蹼部分相连。
large black gibbon of Sumatra having the 2nd and 3rd toes partially united by a web. - 北非一地区,濒地中海海岸,在埃及与直布罗陀之间;从至世纪成为海盗的据点。
a region of North Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and Gibraltar; was used as a base for pirates from the 16th to 19th centuries. - williamgibson在他的科幻小说《neuromancer》中描述了一个计算机控制空间cyberspace,一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入cyberspace,就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。一套全新的电子刺激将代替人在真实世界的各种感觉。这个cyberspace被认为是未来虚拟现实的目标。
In the science fiction "Neuromancer", William Gibson describes a space,Cyberspace, controlled by a computer. Once his brain was linked with the computer,a man would undergo all experiences in the space. His various senses in the realistic world would be replaced with a series of new electric stimuli. The Cyberspace is regarded as a goal of future virtual reality. - 由于长时间在强烈日光下晒得头昏眼花,他整个人跌倒在地上。
He was so giddy with that long exposure that he fell all his length. - 这些第三层、具有qos能力的千兆位以太网交换机和atm之间(以及千兆位交换机之间)的差异是一个程度问题。
The difference between these Layer 3, QoS-capable Gigabit Ethernet switches and ATM (and between gigabit switches themselves) will be one of degree. - 西部地域广大,自然资源丰富,有巨大的发展潜力,也是一个巨大的潜在市场,加快发展西部地区可以促进各种资源的合理配置和流动,为国民经济的发展提供广阔的空间和巨大的推动力量。
The west region, with an extensive land area and abundant natural resources, enjoys a huge potential for development. It is also a tremendous potential market. Expedited development in the region will promote the rational distributi on and flow of all types of resources, and provide the develo pment of the national economy with a broad space and gigantic dynamic force. - 除了使用刺网、延绳钓和手钓方法捕鱼外,所有渔船一律禁止在此期间作业。
Apart from gill-netting, long lining and hand-lining, all fishing operations were banned during this period. - 很明显,约翰和吉尔在争吵,走进他们的房间后,你即感觉到有一种紧张、激烈的气氛。
John and Gill had obviously been quarrelling; when we walked into their flat you could cut the air with a knife. - 虽然我来自农村,但我却以同吉尔在伦敦共住—个套间为乐—到底还是心在家就在。
Although I come from the country, I enjoy sharing a flat in London with Gill –after all, home is where the heart is. - 我最喜欢现场通俗音乐会的气氛,因此只是在家里听录间实在令人扫兴。
I like best the atmosphere at a live pop concert, and merely listening to a recording at home takes the gilt off the gingerbread. - 你假日到达旅馆,却发现自己定的房间分给了别人,那才令人扫兴呢。
It takes the gilt off the gingerbread when you arrive on holiday only to find that the room you've booked has been allocated to someone else. - 乔在休养期间大肆挥霍。
Joe literally launched out during his R and R. - 牧师进入房间时,她很快地把杜松子酒瓶放进橱柜。
She popped the gin bottle into the cupboard as the vicar entered the room. - 他进入房间时,她急忙把杜松子酒瓶放回到碗橱里。
She popped gin bottle back into the cupboard as he entered the room. - 开始每两年一后,1927年第8后后改为三年一后,第9后后改为四年一后,与奥运会相间举行。
At the be-ginning, the games were held once every two years. After the 8th Asian Games (1927), it was changed into once every three years.From the Ninth Games, it was changed into once every four years,which was held in the intervals of the Olympic Games. - 她们过着这样的生活:有闺房钱,大手大脚地花钱享乐、享受美好时光,佐证就是她们以自己上百万的收入嬉笑间穿梭于各零售中心。
There she goes, the girlie pound, joyfully blown on pampering, indulgence and good times and, on the evidence, giggling around the retail economy in her millions. - 虽然我们看不到空气,但是我们周围却充满了空气,它充满在每个细小的空间和裂缝。
Spread out, boys and girls. - 然而,“$2”,相当于一包鸡饭的价格,却能省去排队付款所花的时间与交通费。平心而论,这样的收费不能算不合理。
Pay the mere price of a helping of chicken rice, and you can continue to use GIRO and other services provided by the bank. This will save you the trouble of queuing up in person to pay your PUB, SingTel and other bills, besides the time and transport fares needed for the trips involved. - 我没有时间读这份报告,你能否给我讲讲要点?
I haven't time to read this report; can you give me the gist of it? - 那钟显示准确的时间。
That clock gives the right time. - 在限定的时间内做完它。
Do it within the given time. - “他们之间不会离得太远,这对情人都被埋在冰川里。
“ They won't be far apart, the pair of them, out there in the glacier. - 对1000名美国人的调查发现,一半的人将乐于用可以赚钱的一天去多换一天自由的时间。
A study of 1,000 Americans found that half would gladly trade a paid workday for an extra day of free time.