  • 他说服我借给他钱。
    He talked me into lending him money.
  • 他老是把钱借她,心肠也太软了。
    He's always lending her money; he's too soft-hearted.
  • 多谢你借我大割草机. 割高草正需要这个.
    Thanks for lending me your big lawn-mower. It was just the job for the long grass.
  • 我自己立下个规矩, 从来不把钱借生人.
    I make a habit of never lending money to strangers.
  • 为了你借车子给我。
    For lending me your car.
  • 他非常吝啬,不愿借钱别人.
    He's very stingy about lending money.
  • 他诱骗我把钱借了他。
    He beguiled me into lending him the money.
  • 你介不介意今晚把你的车借我用一下呢?
    would you mind lending me your car tonight?
  • 他说服父亲把汽车借他了。
    He talked his father into lending him the car.
  • 我自己立下个规矩,从来不把钱借生人
    I made a habit of never lending money to stranger
  • 我无法想象她会借钱我。
    I can't see her lending me any money.
  • 不要指望这家银行贷款你。
    Don't rely on the bank lending you the money.
  • 我绝没有考虑借钱他。
    I wouldn't for a moment consider lending him money.
  • 你能说服你兄弟把车子借我们吗?
    Can you persuade your brother into lending us the car?
  • 他骗我使我将我的大部分积蓄都借他了。
    He beguiled me into lending him most of my savings.
  • 我自己立下个规矩,从来不把钱借生人。
    I make a habit of never lending money to stranger.
  • 她有时会对借东西她的朋友感到厌烦。
    She sometimes gets tired of lending things to her friend.
  • 你是如何说服你父亲借我们钱的?
    How did you persuade your father into lending us the money?
  • 我看得出,把他的汽车借我,他有些担扰。
    I could see he had some misgivings about lending me his car.
  • 你能不能借我10英镑过两天还你?
    Could you see your way to lending me 10 for a couple of days?
  • 不要从你自己的袋里掏出勋绩借你的朋友,这是污辱他的。
    Do not insult your friend by lending him merits from your own pocket.
  • 他哄骗叔叔把所有的钱都借他做生意。
    He deceived his uncle into lending him all his money for his business.
  • 事情总得有个分寸--我不能继续借你钱了。
    A line has to be drawn somewhere I can't go on lending you money.
  • 事情总得有个分寸——我不能继续借你钱了。
    A line has to be drawn somewhere -- I can not go on lending you money.
  • 我无法想象会借她钱,你能想象得出她几时还过钱呢?
    I can not see myself lending her money , can you see her ever paying it back?
  • 如果你在一个月以内偿还的话,我乐意借你钱。
    I do not mind lending you the money provided you pay it back within a month.
  • 如果你在一年内还我,我可以把钱借你。
    I don't mind lending you the money , provided that you pay it back within a year.
  • 利息是向借他钱的银行或建筑团体支付的款项。
    Interest is a payment to the bank or the building society for lending him the money.
  • ?英国研究运动的人士说,就散步减肥而言,每天作一次长距离步行你带来的好处远远超过每隔几小时逛一次商场--即便短距离步行累计的时间相同。
    When it comes to walking off those millennial excesses, a lengthy hike once a day will do you far more good than nipping down to the shops every couple of hours---even if the short walks add up to the same amount of time, say exercise researchers in Britain.
  • 法官对该囚犯予宽大处理。
    The judge showed leniency to the prisoner.
  • 充满正义的个人或机构予罪犯的仁慈和同情。
    leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice.
  • 在渡江前,蒋介石集团以为我们他们宽大是表示人民的软弱,以为长江天险不可突破,他们就押这个宝。
    Before we crossed the river, the Chiang Kai-shek clique mistook the leniency we extended them for weakness on the part of the people, and believed that the river, a natural barrier, could not be breached, staking their lot on it.