| - 按次收费将变为按剧收费,这类职业人员将因此能够在网络剧中与你相互作用。
Pay- per- view will become pay?per?play,allowing these pros to interact with you in cyberspace dramas. - 假加我们希望利用电话订购机票或支付账单,我们将可以接通这种会说话的计算机交由它们去完成。
If we want to book a fight or pay a bill by phone, we will interact with a talking computer to do so. - 有了java,web就能成为一种真正是交互的媒体,因为通过利用java,你将能与信息、与java程序和其它用户进行交互通信。
With Java, the Web could become a truly interactive medium, because, by using Java, you will be able to interact with the information, with Java programs, and with other users. - 我们有着源远流长的不同种族的文化遗产,来自西欧、中国、印度及马来世界,它们在互相交流、互相吸取优点,将来我们的社会不是“大熔炉”式的被某一文化控制的社会,而是“百花香壶”式的把各种文化遗产维持与发扬起来。
Like a fabric woven with a diversity of colourful strands of threads, our society contains rich cultural heritage which hails from Europe, China, India and the Malay world. We live in a community where different cultures interact, we absorb and learn from one another's fine traditions. - 我们有着源远流长的不同种族的文化遗产,来自西欧、中国、印度及马来世界,它们在互相交流、互相吸取优点,将来我们的社会不是“大熔炉”式的被某一文化控制的社会,而是“百花香壶”式的把各种文化遗产维持与发扬起来。
Like a fabric woven with a diversity of colorful strands of threads, our society contains rich cultural heritage which hails from Europe, China, India and the Malay world. We live in a community where different cultures interact, we absorb and learn from one another's fine traditions. In our perception, our future society will not be a melting pot dominated by a particular culture, but a potpourri in which all different cultures can be preserved and developed fully. - 交互式电话交互式计算机将很快取代人工电话接线员。
Interactive telephones Human telephone operators will be sharply replaced by talking computers. - 该网址将用来作为交换信息和就国际、区域和国家各级上的活动进行互动的一个网址。
The website will be used as an interactive site to exchange information and activities taking place at the international, regional and national levels. - 而且,由于oracle9iaswireless将为您维护会话,因而可以交互地使用这些应用程序。
Moreover, these applications can be used interactively, as Oracle 9iAS Wireless will maintain the session for you. - 有效的防卫是不待对方导弹击中我们而先行将其拦截。
Effective defence is a matter of intercept their missile before they can reach us. - 不要忘了,我们在第一次截听的电话中,两名伊拉克人曾谈到有必要将一辆改装的车辆隐藏起来,以免被核查人员看到。
Remember the first intercept in which two Iraqis talked about the need to hide a modified vehicle from the inspectors. - 举例来说,如果一架无人驾驶侦察飞机拍摄到"基地"组织成员正在活动,通过这个网络,照片将被立即发往地面特种部队,使他们有时间截击敌人。
With this network, for instance, if an unmanned surveillance plane snaps a picture of al Qaeda operatives on the move, the photo will be immediately relayed to Special Forces units on the ground in time for them to intercept the enemy. - 再过五分钟那架飞机就将进入我们的警告及拦截系统范围内。
Five minutes would bring the aircraft within range of our warning and interception system. - 九广铁路公司拟建的西铁在屯门新市镇将设有两个车站,而每个车站会有公共交通接驳设施。
The proposed West Rail by the KCRC will have two stations in Tuen Mun New Town, each with its own public transport interchange facilities. - 依托数字奥运标志性建筑,将数字集群等各类用于奥运会的信息基础设施综合集成使用,建设综合指挥决策信息共享平台,实现各类信息系统互联互通、信息资源共享。
Supported by building symbolizing Digital Olympics, make comprehensive and integrated use of information basic facilities for the Olympics such as digital trunk system and build a platform for sharing comprehensive command and decision-making information so as to realize interconnection and intercommunication of various information systems as well as sharing of information resources. - 《考克斯报告》称,由于钱学森曾参与美国“大力神”洲际导弹计划,从而将美国的导弹和相关技术非法带到中国。
The Cox Report alleges that, since Qian Xuesen had been working on the US Titan intercontinental missile program, he illegally brought back with him to China the US missile technology and related information. - 这一回环测试将影响到ds1接口上的所有dso。
This loopback affects all of the DS0s on the DS1 interface. - 因此我们将竭尽全力确保订于2001年举行的发展融资问题高级别国际和政府间活动圆满成功。
We will therefore make every effort to ensure the success of the High-level International and Intergovernmental Event on Financing for Development, to be held in 2001. - 那人的保险费必须由其俱乐部于下星期一后缴纳,在此之前,这个协会将对其负责。
That man's insurance money must be paid by his club after next Monday; in the interim, this society will take the responsibility. - 临时行政机构将越来越多地发挥政府的功能。
The Interim Authority will progressively assume more of the functions of government. - 该研究预计将于一九九九年九月完成,并会在此之前提出中期建议。
The study will be completed in September 1999, with interim recommendations on the most urgent projects before then. - 总经理要离任了,在接班人任命之前的过渡期间,将由他的副手接管。
The general manager is leaving and in the interim his deputy will take over until a successor is appointed. - 这一“间歇期”将会持续多长时间?
How long will this "interlude" last? - 有人认为未来将会有一段相对安全的“间歇期”,你对“间歇期”的说法有何看法?
Some have argued that there will be a relatively secure interlude in the future. What do you think of this "interlude?" - 她将地区政治问题留给阿卜杜拉国王去解决。阿卜杜拉像他已故的父亲候赛因一样,在中东和平进程中起着重要的调解作用。
She leaves regional politics to King Abdullah, who, like his late father, King Hussein, plays a significant intermediary role in the Middle East peace process. - 中国将在货物贸易、服务贸易等领域进一步开放市场,逐步推进商业、外贸、金融、保险、证券、电信、旅游和中介服务等方面的对外开放。
China will further open the market of trade in goods, trade in services and other areas, gradually advance the opening up of commerce, foreign trade, finance, insurance, securities, telecommunication, tourism, intermediary services and other fields. - (3)(a)为了实施这些规定,本联盟国家同意,将它们希望或今后可能希望、完全或在一定限度内受本条保护的国家徽记与表明监督保证的官方符号和检验印章的清单,以及以后对该项清单的一切修改,经由国际局相互通知。
(a) For the application of these provisions, the countries of the Union agree to communicate reciprocally, through the intermediary of the International Bureau, the list of State emblems, and official signs and hallmarks indicating control and warranty, which they desire, or may hereafter desire, to place wholly or within certain limits tinder the protection of this Article, and all subsequent modifications of such list. - 联合国开发计划署、联合国工业发展组织、欧盟委员会等一批国际组织和国家科技部、外经贸部、中国科协、外国专家局等政府部门和海内外中介机构参与组织的18个大型国际会议和国家级高新技术及相关贸易、投资融资、人才交流活动将在国际周举行。
Some international organizations, such as UNDP (UN Development Program), UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization), European Union Commission, MOST, MOFTEC, Chinese Science and Technology Association, State Administration of Foreign Experts will organize 18 large-scale international conferences. State-level high-tech activities and concerned trade, investment and financing and personnel exchanges will also be organized by government departments (MOST, MOFTEC, Chinese Science and Technology Association, State Administration of Foreign Experts) and intermediary organizations. - 转储,转出将(储存在计算机内中的数据)未经处理而从一处转入另一处,如从存储器转入打印输出
To transfer(data stored internally in a computer) from one place to another, as from a memory to a printout, without processing. - 中国是大国,其战争是进步的和正义的,其国际地位将益处于多助。
China is a large country, her war is progressive and just, and she will enjoy more and more support internationally. - 约翰.阿姆斯特朗:“互联网2将会更新现有的互联网。
John Armstrong (Dataquest): “Internet 2 will revolutionize(2) the Internet as we know today. - 网际网络和与网际网络有关的产品和企业正在不断繁衍,而大量新的词汇、术语和概念将随着出现。
With the proliferation of Internet and Internet-related products and businesses, we can expect a myriad of new phrases, terminology and concepts. - internet的成功将大大刺激新的pc机需求,现在internet浏览已是各处pc机的标准功能。
The success of the Internet will fuel much of the new PC demand, and Internet browsing is now a standard feature of PCs everywhere.