  • 有的人干脆认为造成出下降的原因是横扫亚洲许多国家的金融危机。
    Some lay the blame for falling exports squarely on financial turmoil sweeping many Asian countries.
  • 那老人把文瑞克抱在怀里摇了一会儿,之后他睁开了眼睛,正视着我,以一种坚定的命令般的气说:“你好好照看这孩子。”
    The old man rocked and cradled Erik in his arms for a moment, and then his eyes opened arid set squarely on mine. He said in a firm commanding voice, "You take care of this baby."
  • 在门拚命猛挤的人群
    A violent squash at the gates
  • 房屋需求会因经济状况、人变动和政策决定而改变(例如清拆旧屋的速度)。
    Housing demand varies according to economic conditions and population fluctuations, as well as policy decisions which may create housing needs (for example, the pace of squatter clearance).
  • 某一种鹰蛾飞行时由于气流通过其部,会产生很大的响声。
    One species of the hawk moth can make a loud squawking noise by blowing air through its tongue.
  • 我们不得不从他里挤出答案。
    We had to squeeze an answer from him.
  • 贾夫纳斯里兰卡北部城市,位于保克海峡沿岸。曾是古泰米尔文化的中心,直到1617年被葡萄牙人征服。人118,215
    A city of extreme northern Sri Lanka on Palk Strait. It was the center of an ancient Tamil culture until the Portuguese conquest of1617. Population,118, 215.
  • 预料未来十年内,人将维持在82万左右。
    Its population is expected to stabilise at around 820000 over the next 10 years.
  • 4、中国政府按照国家现代化建设战略目标的要求,从本国的实际出发,制定并实施了符合国情的人政策,为稳定本国和世界人,促进人类发展和进步,作出了巨大贡献。
    In line with the strategic goal of the nation's modernization drive and proceeding from national conditions, the Chinese Government has formulated and implemented a population policy which conforms to China's reality and has greatly contributed to the stabilization of the national and the world population and to the promotion of human development and progress.
  •  中国作为拥有世界五分之一以上人的国家,深知自己在稳定全球人中所肩负的责任和应该发挥的重要作用。
    China is home to more than one-fifth of the world's population. It thoroughly understands the responsibility it bears in stabilizing world population growth and the essential role it should play.
  •  适时、适度利用国际粮食市场,通过进出贸易调节国内的粮食供求关系,也是稳定粮食市场所必需的。
    Making timely and appropriate use of the international grain market and regulating the relationship between the domestic grain supply and demand through import and export trade are also necessary for stabilizing grain markets.
  • 在稳定低生育水平的前提下,中国人将由低增长逐步过渡到零增长,人总量达到峰值后开始缓慢下降。
    On the premise of stabilizing a low fertility level, China will achieve a gradual transition from a low population growth rate to zero growth, and the total population, after reaching its peak figure, will slowly decrease.
  • 中国将一如既往地继续与世界各国协调行动,通力合作,为贯彻落实《国际人与发展大会行动纲领》,稳定全球人,为人类更加美好的未来作出积极的贡献。
    China, as always, will continue to work in concern with all the nations of the world to carry out the "Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development" and make positive contributions to stabilizing world population and ensuring a happier future for mankind.
  • 中国充分认识解决本国人与发展问题对稳定全球人问题、促进世界和平与发展的重大意义,并结合本国实际贯彻历次国际人会议确定的基本原则和精神。
    China is fully aware that the solution of her own population and development problem is of significance to stabilizing the global population and promoting world peace and development. In the light of its own specific conditions, China would follow the basic principles laid down at all previous international population conferences and actively carry out relevant resolutions.
  • 罗克斯普林斯美国怀俄明州西南部一城市,位于美国犹他州边境以北。在19世纪60年代是贸易站和俄勒冈小道上的马车驿站。人19,050
    A city of southwest Wyoming north of the Utah border. It was a trading post and stagecoach station on the Oregon Trail in the1860's. Population,19, 050.
  • 在拥有世界最多人并具有巨大经济潜力的国家举办奥运会,颇具吸引力并且意义深远。正是这种吸引力和深远意义最后赢得了胜利。
    The attraction and far-reaching significance of staging the Games in a country which has the world's largest population, as well as huge economic potential, won the day.
  • 根据历史资料记载,旧西藏人均寿命只有36岁,人增长长期处于停滞状态。
    Historical records show that in old Tibet, the average life span was 36 years, and the growth of the Tibetan population stagnated for a long time.
  • 同时,西藏人也大幅度增加,彻底改变了旧西藏人增长长期停滞的状况。
    At the same time, the population of Tibet has increased rapidly and the protracted stagnation of population growth in the old days has changed completely.
  • 一种通过建筑物楼层之间的(像楼梯)开楼井。
    an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway).
  • 臭呼吸中发出不新鲜的、难闻的气味
    The condition of having stale or foul-smelling breath.
  • 他们把牲牵回牲棚。
    They led the animals back to their stalls.
  • 嘲笑吃的人未免不近人情。
    It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.
  • 他一紧张往往口吃。
    He stammered most when he was nervous.
  • 她有些口吃。
    She is troubled with stammer.
  • 我们不应该笑他吃。
    We should not make game of his stammer.
  • 吃使他不能成为一个好的演讲者。
    His stammer prohibited him from becoming a good speaker.
  • 孩子们取笑这个男孩子,因为他吃。
    The children teased the boy because of his stammer.
  • 我们不可以去取笑这个有吃毛病的男孩。
    We must not try to play off the boy troubled with a stammer.
  • 他因害怕而吃起来。
    He was stammering with fright.
  • 他的吃越来越厉害了。
    Stammering began to grow on him.
  • 他班上的那些女生过去常常拿他的吃开玩笑。
    The girls in his class used to make sport of his stammering.
  • 车门一阵骚乱,一个男人走进车厢,结结巴巴地道了歉,砰的一声车门关上了,把世界又关到了外面。
    There was some confusion in the doorway. A man getting into the compartment, stammered an apology. Then the door banged shut,and the world was closed out again.