  • 他们挖掘了5尺,便发现了水。
    They dug five meters and then found water.
  • 爵命令仆人把一封信送给国王。
    The duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king.
  • 爵用一根羽毛笔写信。
    The duke wrote a letter with a quill pen.
  • 公将驰之。
    The Duke wanted to pursue.
  • 公将战。
    The Duke was about to fight.
  • 爱德华八世-后来称作温莎爵。
    Edward VIII--later styled Duke of Windsor.
  • “那个老爵这会儿在您女邻居家里吗?”
    'Is the old Duke with your neighbour?'
  • 爵阴谋取代国王的地位。
    The duke plotted to supplant the king.
  • 国王参观了爵的宅第。
    the king will visit the duke's court.
  • 公爵夫人或公爵遗孀
    The wife or widow of a duke.
  • 属于爵的,或适合爵职位的。
    of or belonging to or suitable for a duke.
  • 爵的官职、级别或头衔
    The office, rank, or title of a duke.
  • “她还做过……老爵的情妇。”
    'She was the mistress of the old Duke de.'
  • 如果爵没有孩子,谁继承他的爵位?
    If the duke has no children , who will succeed?
  • 爵把女儿嫁给了国王的儿子。
    The duke matched his daughter with the king's son.
  • 爵及其部属以武力反对国王。
    The Duke and his men arrayed themselves against the King.
  • ‘我有时候和爵一起喝茶,'艾格先生文雅地说。
    `I had tea occasionally with the Duke,' said Mr. Eggers urbanely.
  • 哎呀,坐在那儿的不是约克爵吗?
    I say, isn't that the Duke of York sitting over there?
  • 那管事席卷爵的一些珍藏而逃。
    The butler went off with some of the duke's treasured possessions.
  • 这房子本来的主人是威灵顿爵。
    The original owner of the house was the Duke of Wellington.
  • 她因要见爵而忐忑不安,但后来却表现得很得体。
    She was nervous about meeting the duke, but she acquitted herself well.
  • 侯爵位于爵之下,子爵或男爵之上的贵族地位
    A nobleman ranking below a duke and above an earl or a count.
  • 于是普律当丝对我讲了玛格丽特在巴涅尔认识爵的经过。
    Prudence then related how Marguerite had become acquainted with the Duke at Bagneres.
  • 阁下,大人用作对爵或侯爵年轻的儿子的敬称
    Used as a courtesy title for a younger son of a duke or marquis.
  • “因为有一个嫉妒心很重的老爵监护着她。”
    'Because she's under the protection of an old Duke who is very jealous.'
  • 1066年,发生了最后一次对此岛屿的成功入侵-威廉爵的诺曼底登陆。
    In 1066, the last successful invasion of the isles-Duke William's landing on Normandy happened.
  • 但宋襄说:不可,因为君子不乘别人困难的时候去攻打人家。
    But the Duke said, "No, a gentleman should never attack one who is unprepared."
  • 他名叫约翰,拥有爵的爵位和勇敢的声誉。
    He bears the name of John, the title of duke, and a reputation of courage.
  • 他离开佛罗伦萨去为米兰爵卢德维科·斯福尔扎工作。
    When he left Florence it was to work for the Duke of Milan, Ludvico Sforza.
  • 社会中最高等级的人,通常指有头衔的如勋爵、爵等。
    People of the highest class in society, usually people with title such as lord, duke, etc.
  • 他根据其妻所有的权利要求统治国。
    He was claiming the dukedom in right of his wife.
  • 有很多有贵族衔的人们参加了这次盛大的集会——有勋爵和太太们,爵和爵夫人,更不用说还有威尔士的王子和王妃。
    There were many titled people at the function- lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses, not to mention the Prince and Princess of Wales.