  • 内切酶在dna或rna系列内部催化核键解的任何酶群
    Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of bonds between nucleic acids in the interior of a DNA or an RNA sequence.
  • 聚合酶一种催化脱氧核糖核或核糖核的多聚核苷生成的酶,它利用一段既成的脱氧核糖核或核糖核作为核的模子
    Any of various enzymes that catalyze the formation of polynucleotides of DNA or RNA using an existing strand of DNA or RNA as a template.
  • 酶一种酶,它可催化磷酯的水解作用,并对碳水化合物、核苷和磷脂的吸收、代谢以及骨骼的钙化都十分重要
    Any of numerous enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of esters of phosphoric acid and are important in the absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates, nucleotides, and phospholipids and in the calcification of bone.
  • 这组成分占茶叶中总多酚类物质的80%。它们有几茶素和儿茶素(在5'位上以及如同儿茶素中一样在3'和4'位上羟基化),它们与生成的酯,即儿茶素酯和儿茶素酯,以及它们的差向(表)异构体。
    This group constitutes 80 percent of the total polyphenols in tea. These include catechin and gallocatechin (hydroxyls at positions 5' as well as at 3' and 4' as in catechin), their esters with gallic acid, catechin gallate, and gallocatechin gallate, and their epimers.
  • 儿茶一种晶体物质,c15h14o6,来源于儿茶,用于制革和染色
    A crystalline substance, C15H14O6, derived from catechu and used in tanning and dyeing.
  • 石灰是一种很有价值的用品,可用来填塞木罅、保护木艇,以防海洋微生物蛀蚀,又可用来使容器防漏、中和农田的性土壤,以及供建屋、制盐及其他多种用途,显然在当时占有重要的经济地位。
    Lime was a valuable commodity useful for caulking and protecting wooden boats against marine organisms, water-proofing containers, dressing the acid soils of agricultural fields, building and salt production among other purposes. It clearly played an important role in the economy of the period.
  • 熔化成条状的硝银,以前用作一种腐蚀剂。
    silver nitrate fused into sticks and formerly used as a caustic.
  • 一种用于摄影用感光乳剂的硝盐,也用作医学上的烧灼剂和局部抗感染剂。
    a nitrate used in making photographic emulsions; also used in medicine as a cautery and as a topical anti-infective agent.
  • 蓝线石一种玻璃状的粉,绿,紫或蓝色硼硅铝盐矿物,组成为al8bsi3o19oh,用于火花塞制陶及用作仿天青石
    A glassy pink, green, violet, or blue aluminum borosilicate mineral, Al8BSi3O19OH, used in spark-plug ceramics and as imitation lapis lazuli.
  • 我建议您点厨师的拿手菜:川式辣汤。
    I'd suggest the chef's delight: sour soup sichuan style.
  • 两性的具有和碱的特征的,既能作为又能作为碱进行化学反应的
    Having the characteristics of an acid and a base and capable of reacting chemically either as an acid or a base.
  • 磷蛋白,磷朊一组蛋白质中的任一个,如酪蛋白,化学上含有稳定的磷
    Any of a group of proteins, such as casein, containing chemically bound phosphoric acid.
  • 云母化学上和物理上有联系的铝硅盐矿物群的总称,常见于火成岩和变质岩中,以易裂成柔软的薄片为特征,用于绝缘体及电气设备中
    Any of a group of chemically and physically related aluminum silicate minerals, common in igneous and metamorphic rocks, characteristically splitting into flexible sheets used in insulation and electrical equipment.
  • 硅酸盐晶体化学
    crystal chemistry of silicates
  • 公爵樱桃介于甜与樱桃之间的一种樱桃
    A type of cherry intermediate between a sweet and a sour cherry.
  • 人工种植的果皮和果肉都发黑的樱桃。
    cultivated sour cherry with dark-colored skin and juice.
  • 果肉无色或接近无色的淡红色樱桃。
    pale red sour cherry with colorless or nearly colorless juice.
  • 北美大型野生樱桃树,果实但可食,圆形,黑色。
    large North American wild cherry with round black sour edible fruit.
  • 立德炸药一种主要成分为苦味的炸药
    An explosive consisting chiefly of picric acid.
  • 智利西北部一沙漠,富产硝盐及铜矿。
    a desert in northern Chile rich in nitrate and copper deposits.
  • 智利和秘鲁的硝钠沉积物中含硝盐的岩石或砾石。
    nitrate-bearing rock or gravel of the sodium nitrate deposits of Chile and Peru.
  • 加香料的甜沙司,通常基于烹调酱和红辣椒沙司。
    spicy sweet and sour sauce usually based on catsup or chili sauce.
  • 辣冷汤一种冷汤,由切碎的西红柿、黄瓜、大蒜、胡椒和香料做成
    A chilled soup made with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, and herbs.
  • 我头晕[身子软,没有精神,全身疼,有一点凉]。
    I feel dizzy [groggy, listless, sore all over, a bit chilly].
  • 为制做敷药绷带的基层,专家们把蟹壳研磨成粉末状,又加人一些化学制剂,将基层的聚乙氨基葡糖转换成聚氨基葡糖。
    To make the dressing, the researchers grind crab shells to a fine powder and mix it with chemicals to convert the base material, chitin, into chitosan.
  • 利眠宁甲氨二氮草盐制剂的商标
    A trademark used for preparations of chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride.
  • (含氯离子)形成的任何一种盐。
    any salt of hydrochloric acid (containing the chloride ion).
  • 一种含铅的氯化物和钒盐的矿物,是钒的来源。
    a mineral consisting of chloride and vanadate of lead; a source of vanadium.
  • 一种常见的复合矿物,由钙氟化物磷盐或钙氯化物磷盐组成,可以从中提取磷。
    a common complex mineral consisting of calcium fluoride phosphate or calcium chloride phosphate; a source of phosphorus.
  • 一种玻璃质矿物,由钠铝硅盐和氯化钠组成,呈晶体状,见于火成岩中。
    a vitreous mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate and sodium chloride in crystalline form; occurs in igneous rocks.
  • 由氢氧化钙,氯化物,和次氯盐组成的用来漂白或消毒的白色粉末。
    a white powder comprised of calcium hydroxide, chloride, and hypochlorite and used to bleach and/or disinfect.
  • 一种白色矿物,由硫镁和氯化钾组成,是钾盐的来源,用作肥料。
    a white mineral consisting of magnesium sulphate and potassium chloride; a source of potassium salts; used as a fertilizer.